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Week 1 thread: Win the iOS device of your dreams in the TiPb holiday giveaway!

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Dec 7, 2010
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I like listening/watching you guys on your podcasts and I havent made the jump to the iphone or any ios device from my current android device. If I win this then this would be the push I needed to convert finally :)

Dan Walters

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Dec 8, 2011
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iPhone 4 kick in the junk

Well... I would love to say I want an iPhone 4S for Christmas because of all the cool features, or that I have been a good boy all year so hopefully Santa is looking out for me, but my reasons for wanting a 4S are a bit more complicated. My wife and I are on a family plan, and have been using iPhones since the OG phone. Our upgrades are a few months apart so my wife was able to upgrade before me. She was so happy! A few weeks ago however we were out celebrating her birthday at a bar when she was using her phone to call our boys to say goodnight before they went to bed. Just as she was hanging up a man stormed out of the bar, ran full speed at her, and ripped the phone out of her hands. He took off faster than I had ever seen anyone run. It was surprising and scary to say the least. Oddly enough no one in the bar fessed up to knowing the man. I felt so bad that as soon as my upgrade became available I used it to buy her a new phone. I now sit with old school tech;) I don't mind really. Just happy I was able to save the day. I do however have to wait to years to upgrade from my already slow and out of warranty 3GS. Hoping for a Christmas miracle? Thanks guys!

Tony the Tiger

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Dec 8, 2011
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I have an iPhone 4 and it's an amazing device. Steve Jobs has impressed me with it, and he'll impress me even more if I could get a hold of the new iPhone 4S. Even if he is no longer with us today, he'll make us all proud.


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Dec 8, 2011
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I'd like an iPhone 4s to give to my parents. They have an iPhone 3GS and whenever we call them my 5 and 7 year old kids always keep asking why can't we see their faces. They think all phone calls should be FaceTime calls and don't understand why grandma and grandpa's phone can't do that.


Aug 23, 2011
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I just got a 4S to replace my Palm Pre. The 4S is my first Apple device, and now I see what all the fuss is about. I would love to buy an iPad2 to go with my 4S.


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Mar 4, 2011
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Voice to text is one of the few things that I miss from the android OS. I would love to get to know Siri on the IP4S.

Thanks for having this contest!



Feb 23, 2011
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Pick me!

I would LOVE the 4S because of Siri and the updated camera. With a new baby I use my iPhone to take photos all the time and a better camera will def help!


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Dec 8, 2011
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This past spring my iPad was stolen (and never recovered thanks to a worthless "Find my iPad" app that can just be turned off by the thief). It would be cool to win a new one.


Jul 7, 2010
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My MacBook is aging. I could really use an iPad to help with my primary functions of email and web browsing.

I also could use the mobility while trying to start up my tutoring business.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2010
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I would love to win an iPhone 4s. I recently sold my 3gs and picked up an Android Phone. I would love to go back to Apple. I miss it my iPhone so much. Please consider me TiPB. And good luck to all.


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Dec 8, 2011
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Why do you want an iPhone 4S from TiPb?

Well, let's talk personal objects... I truly consider that all the things you own are statements about you, triggered to other people. This certainly doesen't mean that you should wear and use objects for other people to like you. Here, it's all about what you love having and using every day. Your things should be enchanting your senses and make you feel good every time you see them, touch them or even think about them. Certainly, the most personal and useful object that you can own is your phone.And it must make you feel as mentioned before. Life is short, and you can get sick or something can happen to you any second; I know this from my experience. So you want to live like there's no tomorrow, and not to regret undone things. The phone will even influence your everyday mood, even if you realize it or not....

Why iPhone 4S? Because I can say I had a lot of phones. I do not want to blame any of them. Just that I didn't find a complete soul in any of them. The iPhone 4S, in my oppinion, is the complete package. You allready know the design. It's just gorgeous... the alluminium, the high quality glass and the way they are put together is simply amazing. The display... Is the finest of them all at this moment. It's soul, I mean the iOS 5, is ORIGINAL, gorgeous, easy-to use, fast (thanks to the dual-core A5) and i'm saying it again.. Original. The iOS may be copied in different shapes but it will ever remain what it was back in 2007, and I mean, a class of it's own. Technologically speaking, the architecture of the 4S may be similar to other devices, but it's not the same thing, and you know it. Again, it's original. And now it's complete, with the fixed antenna and the nice humble assistant, Siri. For me, the iPhone 4S is the most advanced soul-device money can buy. Pure passion, directly from our dear and regreted Steve!

All in all, I would love to have this product and I will do what it takes to have it. Thank you for listening, I hope I didn't bore you :)


Dec 13, 2010
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iPad 2

I really really want an IPad 2 to give to my sister and nephew for Xmas. They don't have alot of money so they don't have any computer at all. He loves my iPhone since the day I got it and I know she could use having the Internet at home!! Merry Christmas TiPd


Well-known member
May 21, 2009
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Please pick me - I'm a recent apple convert - loving my ip4 but would love to be able to invest further with a mac of somekind - to see if the hype lives up to reality in my family :)




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Dec 8, 2011
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I wish I had an iPhone 4S or even just a phone with Internet. The one I have to deal with at the moment only has a color screen of the old style...and that's it. No Internet, No camera, No good games, not even MMS. I thinks it is about time I have an upgrade.....
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