God Never Fails


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Jul 22, 2009
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The GOD of Abraham, Izaak, Jacob. Our GOD is an Awsome GOD. Irene and I were Blessed and able to get home this past year for Christmas. First time since 2007. We were ALBE to attend a Church of our choice and Blessed to FIND a HOME. We made a Commitment over the Holiday's, NOT only to ourselves to get here more often but also to this NEW Family we were led to. I Praise and thank God for the outreaches we have out here on the road. BUT, there's Nothing compaired to a HOME CHURCH in your community. A Family planted in Christ, committed to each other, sharing that precious gift of Salvation to all who seek it. As I stated earlier, we took off a month and were able to catch up on a number of things. We made commitments and re-committed our lives to Jesus. The spirit during one church service led us (the church) to commit to prayer. (Pray without seesing), BRING "EVERYTHING to God in prayer and "EXPECT" GREAT things. For the last several days we have lived in that realm of prayer.

Today is our first day back to work. We are O/O's and dispatch ourselves. But by the "GRACE" of we were able to put together an LTL Paying TRUCK LOAD RATE on 4898 Miles and running a "total" of 2974 Miles. GOD NEVER FAILS.
Friend, Do you know the "LOVE of God today ? Do you Know his Son, Jesus ? He was Nailed to a tree for our sin. "ALL have sinned and FALL SHORT of the Glory of God". God raised Him from the DEAD so we ALL may have life through Him. If you are struggling, Hurting, nowhere to turn, at your "Ropes end", Turn to JESUS my Brother and Sister. Ask Him to forgive your sin, to fill you with His GRACE & Love.



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Oct 7, 2009
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all Christian faithful please answer some questions i have
why are people so quick to thank or blame god when something goes right or wrong?
is it to fill the void of the unexplained?
i gotta tell ya, there's nothing more irritating then watching a sporting event and at the end there are always those athletes who "thank god" for helping him or her succeed/excel.
so let's just negate the fact that they spent countless hours practicing & working towards being that 'premier athlete' they strive to be.
just can't get my head around it.


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Nov 28, 2008
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iGoSlo, Glad everything is going so well for you. It is certainly good to have a "Family" of God to come home to. I know being on the road is tough, but feel free to contact me whenever if you just want someone to talk to. I am on Twitter, iMessenger, and PMessenger.

Be safe and God Bless.:)


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Nov 28, 2008
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all Christian faithful please answer some questions i have
why are people so quick to thank or blame god when something goes right or wrong?
is it to fill the void of the unexplained?
i gotta tell ya, there's nothing more irritating then watching a sporting event and at the end there are always those athletes who "thank god" for helping him or her succeed/excel.
so let's just negate the fact that they spent countless hours practicing & working towards being that 'premier athlete' they strive to be.
just can't get my head around it.


We have to remember that God "cause the rain to fall on the just and the unjust" (Matt. 5:45) To many people forget that God will allow the "testing" of our faith so that we may grow in faith. (James 1:3) Much the way we can find out who our true friends are when things get really bad. They are the ones that help you out even when it cost them something.

As far as Athletes are concerned, this is my take on it. If it were just a matter of hard work there would be many of us playing professional sports.;) At some point you just have to say that certain people are "blessed" with more talent than others. I mean not all of us are as fast as Reggie Bush. It is God given in other words. They just took the talents that God gave them and made the most out of them. IMHO they should certainly thank God for getting paid to play a little boys game!!:rolleyes:


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Jul 22, 2009
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Thank You both beerbaron83 & Brickman and God Bless the Both of you also along with your Family. It's NOT so much the point that we are Blessed beyond understanding... it's the point that when one Believes and Trust's in God's word, is OBEDIENT to His will we SHOULD EXPECT "GREAT" THINGS. That is one of HIS Promises. "If my people, who are Called by My Name, will HUMBLE themselves and Pray. Then I shall hear from my Throne in Heaven... Forgive their sin's and HEAL there land".

Blink, The "NON BELIEVER"... "BLAMES" god... The believer as brickman stated understands that "ALL" things are from God. Both Good and bad... Just as the Rain... Falls on the Believing Farmers crops as well as the Non Believers crops... We(the Believer) give THANKS for "ALL" things... Just as a Lump of COAL is tried and tested by time, pressure and the ages... ONE day it becomes a Prescious stone. We to are tried and tested, NOT as Punishment but as Clensing, polishing, Renewing Evidence of God's LOVE for his children... If you have children you know what I'm talikng about... It's GREAT to see your NOT TOTALLY Turned OFF by the idea of God... There's nothing wrong to question... How else would one understand... The one I fear for are those who automaticly ignore, HATE and deny God's existence without Knowledge. Keep questioning and BE OPEN TO HIS LOVE... Pick up and read the first four Books of the New Testament... If you are sincere in your search for the truth, then it SHALL set you free


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Oct 7, 2009
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so there should be no difference between the people who go to church on a consistent basis and the ones who just simply believe that there is a GOD, right?
i need something to tell these very nice morman boys that come by every so often.


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Jul 22, 2009
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Blink, It's a little Deeper than that. Simply because one "goes to Church or believes there is a GOD" does NOT GAIN one SALVATION. The evil one believes in GOD. Most atheist will tell you they "Believe" in a higher power other than themselves. "But it's NOT GOD". "Salvation" comes from Believing that Jesus Died for your sins. That HIS Blood was spilled for the Salvation of "ALL" Mankind. That He rose on the third day to BREAK the CHAINS of Death for "ALL" Mankind. So through Him one can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The Gospel of Mark paints a Beautiful picture of Salvation aquired in believing in Jesus. I Challenge you to read it.


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Nov 28, 2008
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so there should be no difference between the people who go to church on a consistent basis and the ones who just simply believe that there is a GOD, right?

Well, let me use another Sports analogy. Since I love College Football I will use that.:D

Say you have two guys that say they are Fans of the same team. One guy gets up early every Saturday morning puts on all of his favorite team Jersey, finds his "Big Foamy Finger", gets his face painted his team colors, and grabs his shakers as he walks out the door to get to the stadium 4 hours early to Tailgate with his other buddies. He will get inside the stadium at least an hour early to do the cheers with the cheerleaders and he is CONSTANTLY looking for the ESPN camera so he can make Sports Center. If his team wins he stays late after the game to keep cheering and to hopefully get an autograph or two of his favorite players. Once he gets home he jumps on Facebook and Twiiter and is "whoopping" it up with other fans and any one else that will listen.
Then you have another guy that likes the same team but he very rarely goes to any of the games. He does even know who the star players are. He may watch a quarter or two on the TV before he goes out and cuts the grass or something else. The only way that he knows if his team won or not is when he gets the Sunday Morning paper and looks in the Sports section.

Now of these two men, who would you consider the "Real" Sports Fan. Just something to think about.

Now as far as the nice Mormon boys, that is a whole 'nother subject. :p:D


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Jul 22, 2009
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ghostface147, O/O's is another term for Owner/Operator. We Own our Truck/Trailer, Therefore O/O's. (Self Employeed).
Brickman, As for the two Sports Enthusiast's you described ! It's JUST THAT. Two Sport's Enthusiast's of DIFFERING DEGREES. It's NOT that one's "MORE" REAL than the other. They're BOTH Sport's Fans. From what you described, one worships the Game and Players while one has prioritized his enthusiam and responsibilities in life.


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Oct 7, 2009
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it boggles my mind that people will sit in a building they call 'church' every sunday to praise something/someone they have never heard nor seen.
yes i know it's a thing called faith.
but i feel god has failed me on several occassions, if i were to believe.
anything positive or good that has happened in my life, i feel, has been by my own hand.
just like the not so good things, my hand and my hand only, not a higher being, not the unexplained.
this is why i have and always will not understand the devotion so many people have to this entity that never will be seen in physical form.
i doubt reading any books of the new or old testaments will change my way of thinking and i know i'm not the only one either.


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Jun 6, 2008
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it boggles my mind that people will sit in a building they call 'church' every sunday to praise something/someone they have never heard nor seen.
yes i know it's a thing called faith.
but i feel god has failed me on several occassions, if i were to believe.
anything positive or good that has happened in my life, i feel, has been by my own hand.
just like the not so good things, my hand and my hand only, not a higher being, not the unexplained.
this is why i have and always will not understand the devotion so many people have to this entity that never will be seen in physical form.
i doubt reading any books of the new or old testaments will change my way of thinking and i know i'm not the only one either.

Blink I know it can be difficult (not impossible) to believe in God. But what if we (our world) was involved in a spiritual battle? Where it's God vs. Satan. And Satans job is to discredit God by disseminating false and inaccurate statements. What if Satan was causing calamities and blaming them on God? So that people would say "How can God do that?" "How can God allow that?" "I can't believe in a God that is like that." What if one of Satans masterful plan was to deceive as many people as he could?

Jeremiah 29:13 says "And you will seek Me and find [Me], when you search for Me with all your heart."

Check out this dramatic video on what Revelation describes happened in heaven. There are 4 parts to the video.

YouTube - Conflictul Cosmic (Cosmic Conflict )-part 1/4 - Traducere in limba Romina

YouTube - Conflictul Cosmic (Cosmic Conflict )-part 2/4 - Traducere in limba Romina

YouTube - Conflictul Cosmic (Cosmic Conflict )-part 3/4 - Traducere in limba Romina

YouTube - Conflictul Cosmic (Cosmic Conflict )-part 4/4 - Traducere in limba Romina
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Jul 22, 2009
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Blink, From your comments on this subject, I'm concluding you more or less have written off the possibility of God's presence in your life. I'm "Assuming" you've come to this conclusion by your "Judgement" of those that attend "church" and worship "something/someone whom you say they have "Never seen nor Heard". "That" was an issue even while The Son of God (Jesus) was preaching the Word of Redemption through Him. Yes "FAITH" has an important role in ANY "religion". Look @ the "Radical Muslom". "Murder as MANY Infidels and Jews as you can with your Suicide and receive 70 virgins in heaven". That "so-called Religion" preaches DEATH and DESTRUCTION. Believing for your "Reward" through faith.

Christianity teaches "Redemption from SIN and Death, through the shed BLOOD of Christ and His Ressurection from the Dead. Compassion (Love) for your Neighbor, Healing of the sick, Abundent Life through Christ. Salvation and the Promise that the Believer will spend ETERNITY in the Presence of GOD.

As for "God" allowing "BAD" things to happen in one's life, I've found when I try to "CONTROL" my destiny, "BAD" things happen. When "God" was NOT part of my life, I was a drunkard covered in Filth on a pathway of DESTRUCTION. I was Shrek living in a PIT of SIN with NO Direction, NO desire, No Life, No better than the lowest form of exixtence.
AH !! Something MARVELOUS HAPPENED. Someone took the "TIME" to introduce me to the "HEALING" POWER of the Lord. Through my "FAITH" in the WORD of GOD I became a NEW CREATURE in Christ Jesus. It's Through HIM that I LIVE today. It's through HIM I can SHARE His LOVE, HIS DESIRE for "ALL" men to search and RECEIVE HIS GRACE.

As for your comment that "a Physical form has Never been seen nor it will NEVER be seen". There are literally thousands of documents that prove the life of Jesus of Nazereth, "The SON of GOD". As for today, look aroud us, "THE GLORY of GOD" is all around if one's open to seeking it. For "NOT" hearing, My GOD speaks to me Daily as I speak to Him through Prayer and the study of His Word. As hermdog wrote,

"Jeremiah 29:13 says "And you will seek Me AND find [Me], when you search for Me with all your heart."

Blink, God has, at one TIME in your LIFE TOUCHED your Heart, Touched your soul. Be open to His voice when He calls. Search Deeply your heart and He will REVEAL His Touch and Renew your soul.


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Jul 4, 2009
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Blink I know it can be difficult (not impossible) to believe in God. But what if we (our world) was involved in a spiritual battle? Where it's God vs. Satan. And Satans job is to discredit God by disseminating false and inaccurate statements. What if Satan was causing calamities and blaming them on God? So that people would say "How can God do that?" "How can God allow that?" "I can't believe in a God that is like that." What if one of Satans masterful plan was to deceive as many people as he could?

Jeremiah 29:13 says "And you will seek Me and find [Me], when you search for Me with all your heart."

Check out this dramatic video on what Revelation describes happened in heaven. There are 4 parts to the video.

YouTube - Conflictul Cosmic (Cosmic Conflict )-part 1/4 - Traducere in limba Romina

YouTube - Conflictul Cosmic (Cosmic Conflict )-part 2/4 - Traducere in limba Romina

YouTube - Conflictul Cosmic (Cosmic Conflict )-part 3/4 - Traducere in limba Romina

YouTube - Conflictul Cosmic (Cosmic Conflict )-part 4/4 - Traducere in limba Romina

Why is always the Christians that are pushing GOD on everyone. I have never seen another religion do this. Not trying to pick a fight but why is so important that I think the same as you. You never know you could be right you could be wrong, in the history of the world many horrible things have been done in the name of God. #imjustsaying


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Jul 22, 2009
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Welcome iquinn. As far as I can tell No one has yet "Pushed" GOD on anyone on this thread. So far it has been quite civilized and respectful. Simply sharing personal experiences, questions and answers. I'm not sure of your age, but it's my guess your still quite youthful. Have you actually studied the Religions of the world? There are a number of Religions actively "Pushing" themselves on others today. One in the forefront of this type of "oppression" openly states "The Nations of the world and their people will convert or we will Destroy ("KILL") them." There are certain Governments today that suppress their citizens and force their own Beliefs on the public. Some have jail cells FULL of citizens that don't or won't convert to the "National Religion".

Christianity is built on the "ROCK of Ages". The SON of GOD. That by HIS BLOOD mankind is forgiven of sin. "ALL have sinned and FALL SHORT of the Glory of God". That by GOD RAISING HIM from the Dead the sting of death no longer has DOMINION over mankind.

Having "Faith" in God is a personal Relationship between one and the Lord. Christians can only share their experiences and their Faith with the unbeliever. I can not "Force" another to accept my GOD. It's called free will. I have though been "Called" to share God's Grace through His Son with those who would listen. I (Christians) have been called to Pray for the nonbeliever that they may believe in Christ, ask for forgiveness and become children of the Living GOD.

iquinn, Give this some thought. Go back to the days of sitting in math class. You look over the shoulder of your buddy during that exam. You notice He has a different answer to question 10 than you. You go back and preform the equations again, this time your answer is completey different than your original. You pause and think for a moment. You decide to keep your last answer. Papers turned in, a week later returned. Your answer to number 10 is marked "WRONG". You quickly ask your buddy about his question 10 answer. His is "Correct". Now, who's the one that Lost something. You or your buddy? I'm NOT CONDONING cheating, I'm trying to make a point. You and your buddy studied together, he shared with you how Algebra can be made simple, yet you had a free will. You did it your way.

"Jeremiah 29:13 says "And you will seek Me AND find [Me], when you search for Me with all your heart."

Leanna Lofte

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Sep 7, 2008
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I was going to stay away from this thread, but I feel compelled to say something.

I think a big reason why many people don't understand how Christians can believe in a God they have never seen or heard, is because they have never experienced God.

I have felt God, and it is a feeling that is impossible to deny. I have also seen miracles, not just little "luck" miracles, but a woman who's had cerebral palsy her entire life move her hand for the first time type of miracles.

As far as bad things being done in God's name, this is completely correct, and God doesn't approve of these things. Just because someone is claiming to do something because God told him to doesn't mean it's true.

I also don't agree that Christianity is the only religion that "pushes" themselves on other. First of all, being a Christian isn't about religion or having a set of rules, it's about having a relationship with Christ. Some people "witness" their faith in different ways. Yes, there are those who come off as "pushy", but really, these are the people that just so excited about this awesome thing that they have and want to tell everyone in the world about it. No different than when your friend discovers a new beer and is like "OMG! You *have* to try this!". Then there's those who are more low key about it. That's how I am. I would never deny being a Christian but I don't tell everyone I know either. In my experience most people immediately put up this wall around you and treat you different once they find out you're "one of those Christians". I prefer to (try) to live by example. Eventually I will be asked why I'm nice, or don't get drunk, or don't cuss, or why I easily forgive. Now I get to tell my story because my friend is interested, not because I forced them to listen.

Now I am no where near being a perfect Christian. Especially lately. I never read my Bible anymore, don't pray nearly enough, and have lived in Denver for over a year and still don't have a Church to call home.

Thank you everyone for keeping this thread civil and such.


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Jul 4, 2009
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Welcome iquinn. As far as I can tell No one has yet "Pushed" GOD on anyone on this thread. So far it has been quite civilized and respectful. Simply sharing personal experiences, questions and answers. I'm not sure of your age, but it's my guess your still quite youthful. Have you actually studied the Religions of the world? There are a number of Religions actively "Pushing" themselves on others today. One in the forefront of this type of "oppression" openly states "The Nations of the world and their people will convert or we will Destroy ("KILL") them." There are certain Governments today that suppress their citizens and force their own Beliefs on the public. Some have jail cells FULL of citizens that don't or won't convert to the "National Religion".

Christianity is built on the "ROCK of Ages". The SON of GOD. That by HIS BLOOD mankind is forgiven of sin. "ALL have sinned and FALL SHORT of the Glory of God". That by GOD RAISING HIM from the Dead the sting of death no longer has DOMINION over mankind.

Having "Faith" in God is a personal Relationship between one and the Lord. Christians can only share their experiences and their Faith with the unbeliever. I can not "Force" another to accept my GOD. It's called free will. I have though been "Called" to share God's Grace through His Son with those who would listen. I (Christians) have been called to Pray for the nonbeliever that they may believe in Christ, ask for forgiveness and become children of the Living GOD.

iquinn, Give this some thought. Go back to the days of sitting in math class. You look over the shoulder of your buddy during that exam. You notice He has a different answer to question 10 than you. You go back and preform the equations again, this time your answer is completey different than your original. You pause and think for a moment. You decide to keep your last answer. Papers turned in, a week later returned. Your answer to number 10 is marked "WRONG". You quickly ask your buddy about his question 10 answer. His is "Correct". Now, who's the one that Lost something. You or your buddy? I'm NOT CONDONING cheating, I'm trying to make a point. You and your buddy studied together, he shared with you how Algebra can be made simple, yet you had a free will. You did it your way.

"Jeremiah 29:13 says "And you will seek Me AND find [Me], when you search for Me with all your heart."

For the record, I am 31 and I am Jewish. Like I said not trying to start a fight, just asking a question. I am also not sure it is fair to use a group of extremists as an example of Islam. I have many Muslim friends and we have had many great discussions and debates about religion. The only time I have ever felt attacked for my views is when trying to explain them to a conservative christian. Now I am not saying that is the case here but I did notice that you did rush to judgment in response to my post.


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Nov 28, 2008
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The only time I have ever felt attacked for my views is when trying to explain them to a conservative christian.

Well iquinn, my feeling is that when you "felt attacked" it was by some "over zealous" and "unloving" christians. Remember we are all human and make mistakes. Just as it may be unfair to lump all of Islam into the "extremists" group, I also feel that it is unfair to lump all Christians into the group that you described.

I am sure that you have had some good discussions with your Islamic friends. Do you feel that same discussion would have been received differently in other parts of the world? Say in the middle of Tehran?

I think iGoSlo was responding to your statement that you had never seen another religion "push" GOD on any one. I know that the Koran speaks of spreading Islam to the entire World, and even the Hebrew nation in the Old Testament allowed for "Proselytes". So to single out Christianity as "pushing" God is a bit unfair and not entirely accurate.

Actually, the Jew, the Christian, and the Muslim worship the same God. :eek: Jehovah, The I Am, Allah are all the One and only Living God held by all three groups, but that is about as close as the three groups get.:rolleyes:

It sounds as though you may have had some bad discussions with some Christians in the past. I can assure you that any time you wish to discuss "religion" and/or the Bible with me, I would be eager to do so as a "friend". I really enjoy discuss Bible things. Civilly of course. It is always good to hear differing views on Bible topics. That way we all can learn from each other and come to an better understanding of God's will for us.


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Jul 22, 2009
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iquinn, I appreciate your honesty. I don't understand why you need to be so defensive in your posts though. Your first post was defensive of your views along with this 2nd. Again, I have reread ALL posts on this thread to date and not one is didrespectful to anyone or their views.
Praise God for your Jewish Ancestry. For YOU TRUELY are Part of GOD'S "CHOSEN". In that respect, are you walking and living the Jewish Faith? If so then why have you judged others?
As for the "Fairness" of using an "Extremist Group" as an example of Islam, that SAME Mentality of "Grouping" is done everyday. You yourself "Grouped" "ALL" Christians as "Pushing" thier beliefs on others.
If "Mainstreet" Islam is against these "Extremist" why are they NOT speaking out against it with more forcefullness? As far as I know NOT one "TRUE" Islamic Leader has condemned or offered the world or victims of the "Extremism" a hand of friendship, a word of apology for such actions. Yet they are quick to state to the world..."These people are "Extemist" Don't Lump "ALL" Muslims with them.
As for your "feeling" attacked by "Conservative Christians", I was not there to partake in such conversation,but find it HARD to believe a "Conservative Christian" would "Attack" a Jew. The Jewish Faith and Christianity are Bonded. The Cornerstone of Christianity is Built upon a "Jew". Jesus, The SON of GOD, The Messiah, The FINAL BLOOD offering for sin. He "Jesus" IS the Completion of the Old Testament "Law".
By His (Jesus) Death and Resurrection, man through "FAITH" in Christ can now live FREE of SIN and DEATH. We can look forward to the day of passing without fear of the "Unknown". For we Know through "Faith" Jesus Rose from the dead, We too shall also Rise from Death to be seated with Him at the Right hand of the Father.

Leanna, Thank you for your visit and sharing to this thread. Your Personal story is quite touching. God has truely "Blessed" you in your walk. Don't be so quick to judge yourself. We "ALL" FALL short of the Glory of God. But we have a "REDEEMER". That Cross NEVER moves. We are able to return on bended Knee and ask for forgiveness of our shortcomings. Ask God to take you back to that First day, when you met His Grace. He is "FAITHFUL". He will renew your Spirit. He WILL guide you to that "Family" we call "Church". Since your "announcrment" I would Guess His name has resounded from your lips more than once.

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