Week 3 thread: Win the iOS device of your dreams in the TiPb holiday giveaway!

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Jan 29, 2009
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I would love an iPod touch just so I can get my iPhone back from my seven year old. She has even made a folder that says "morgan only" and told me I'm not allowed in there.


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Dec 18, 2011
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Why I want the gift card

I'm part of a student non-profit organization that is dedicated to revolutionizing Education. We travel around the country and present at conferences, universities, and local schools.. but we mainly focus on the iPad and its potential to reform education altogether.

Right now, I'm sporting an iPad 2 and I use a vga connector to project my keynote. If I won this contest, which I would be advertising to everyone at every presentation, I would use the gift card to purchase as many Apple TVs as possible for our non-prof. Apple TVs make presentations a lot more convenient, and that would prove invaluable to all of us.

If you're curious about our organization, please visit our web page & twitter! Home, @ischooladvocate

And thank you!


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Dec 20, 2011
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Make my Christmas

I'm never used apple products before, in fact I avoided them because I believed they were to ?high class? for me, I though they were products only for white middle/upper class families. I currently have a windows phone and pc and what got me to change my mind and want to buy Apple products was, of course, school. I?m attending the University of Texas at Austin and am studying Biomedical Engineering and its a difficult major. I've been searching for products that would help ease the load or make it easier for me to handle school and studying. It was this past semester I saw the ease of use and the productivity Apple products can provide after. I spent days studying for finals with a friend who owes an Apple TV, MacBook Pro, Ipad 2, Iphone, and Ipod Classic. The whole environment just worked for us. Anyways what keeps me from buying them now is still price and for Christmas I would like for you guys to help me out. If I had to choose any of the products it would be the Ipad. I feel it would be a tremendous jumpstart to entering the Apple ecosystem and with the large array of apps it has would I would find it useful for college. I'd like to also be an example that even a member of a lower class family can have Apple products.
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Jun 12, 2011
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id love to get an iphone. i have been a big blackberry fan for a long time but i want to try something new. i never bash iphone because i know what they can do but never thought i would get used to the touchscreen. thanks to my itouch i have become pretty accustomed to it.

please rene this would be awesome!!!


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Dec 5, 2011
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pick me to win the IOS of my dreams

I currently own a iPod Touch I enjoy it to play music, play games and to text over wifi using other apps or imessages,it is a great product. But if I won the $600 gift card I would not get another iPod Touch but maybe a iPhone (any iPhone 4s or lower) so i can do more then just text over wifi I would really enjoy to make calls to the people I care about.


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Dec 9, 2011
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Every weekend - my iPhone 3G is slower

Great opportunity - I would like to win new iPhone 4 or 4S. I love this design, I love pure white color or dark elegant black and I would like to change my iPhone 3G which is slower and slower every day I'm using it.

Of course, I love my iPhone, the best of mobile phones from 2008, but now it is a slow machine. For example, using Twitter (I mean new 4.0 update) is very beautiful. But sometimes I run start it on my device and it crashes itself. So I try to run again and sometimes everthing ok but sometimes crashes again.

So I wish iPhone 4 or 4S - best phone ever!:)


Nov 16, 2011
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pick me!

Winning this would mean that I have stepped into the world of iOS and will be in heavenly bliss forever. I never really new what I was missing. I have bought into the Apple culture and will remain a follower...forever! pick me!


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Oct 17, 2011
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If given the opportunity, winning this contest would affirm my stake in Apple products. Coming from the Android and Blackberry world, I now see the allure that Apple and its iOS platform provides its users... simplicity!!! Should I win... I'd like to accompany my iPhone with either the current iPad or upcoming iPad as Apple has revolutionized the tablet market. Android may come close, but its Apple's iOS that is leading the way... Thank you TiPb for the opportunity.


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Mar 4, 2011
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iOS Device of my dreams :)

Well to be honest I would truly love an iPod touch for christmas :), I am an international university student so needless to say I don't actually know many people and my music keeps me company wether it be working out, walking to classes, for recreation, music is definately a part of my life as music and business is my intended major. I have an iPhone but unfortunately being away from my apartment and outlets to charge from 8 or 9am until 6pm or later my iPhone is almost always dead or dying before I reach home which is a huge inconvenience since I need to use it for many other things, notes, alarms, email, apps for chatting with family, calls etc also my university is almost entirely digital so again not being able to check the my student intranet etc is really a bummer ( the battery life extenders are to big and clunky especially for jeans lol). I could use a regular little mp3 player but then i can't use apps like spotify, or cloud syncing my music etc so an iPod touch would be awesome :)

Thanks for reading I know its long :)

Merry christmas guys:)

Daniel Ratcliffe

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Dec 20, 2011
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As a budding developer, I would love to be able to get an iPod Touch. It would allow me a platform in which to physically test the app actually works as intended (as everybody knows, emulators aren't enough!). By having this platform in which to develop, I can then continue to develop (for example I will shortly be starting development on an application for a radio station I am part of).

Unfortunately, Mum won't allow me to shell out more cash on devices in order to test the apps, however with a gift voucher, I may well be able to convince her to let me buy a device. Failing that, I'll put it towards a new MacBook Pro as my MacBook is falling to pieces!
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