Verizon iPhone give-away! Enter now to win!

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Feb 8, 2011
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Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

I started dating my first Blackberry about 5 years ago. And things were great in the beginning. We used to hang out all the time. We went through changes and upgrades together, like I said things were great. And then the honeymoon period ended. She started just locking me out (it was like she just didn't want to communicate with me anymore). She would even get to the point of shutting down by about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. I browsed the internet for solutions for our relationship and found a really good support website There were many other guys who were going through the exact same thing I was. The support really helped.

And then, I met my best friend's iPhone. Now, I know it is wrong to lust after my best friend's iPhone, but I just couldn't help it. She's smart, beautiful, always willing to interact, and never shuts him out. I just couldn't help but think, "Why can't she have a sister close by?" (my best friend lives in a little place called AT&T and I live in a place called Verizon)

My friend told me about a website where other iPhone lovers congregate to talk about how great their relationship is. That's when I started following tipb. I did it secretly, never registering, because I didn't want Blackberry to find out. AND THEN...... the glorious day happened. I read that AT&T iPhone was getting a new sister and she was coming to live in Verizon!!!

I knew that this was a sign from God and that we were meant to be together. So, I had a talk with Blackberry (it wasn't pretty). I told her that she needed to move out, but there would be old fashioned guys out there who might still be interested and one day she might find love again.

So now I'm ready to move on and up.

And that is why I would love to have a new Verizon iPhone.


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Feb 8, 2011
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Would love to win a Verizon I phone. Att does not work good here at the park I work for. And the amount I get paid does not help in getting one anytime soon. I can say this site has helped me learn alot about the iphone and ipad. Thanks for all the work you do.


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Feb 8, 2011
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TiPb is my first option for reading up on developing Apple news. I love this website because you provide immediate, accurate information on what's "hot" in the world of Apple.


Aug 17, 2010
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Awesome content

You guys are always on top of all things related to apple and their products, that's why I can't stop reading your blog! Keep up the excellent work.


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Jan 27, 2011
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I'm not trying to beat a DEAD HORSE, cuz that's just inhumane, really. But I'm just gonna say it again, TiPB you guys and gals are the first and best site for iPhone intel. You're still the first stop for me every day, and thanks to you, I JB my AT&T iPhone 3Gs minutes after I discovered it was available for windows download. I owe it all to you guys, Thanks Rene, Georgia (HAWT!!), sorry couldn't resist. And no I'm not forgetting the rest of the CREW! You guys rock! Now IF I could just get outta my AT&T iPhone and jump on Verizon, that'd be the BEES KNEES! (I dunno where I come up with this stuff, I wish I could stop...can u say NERD?!)

Again Thanx guys for everything, keep up the good work!


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Aug 17, 2010
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TiPb is where its at!

I heart TiPb bc they always post the most relevant iphone news, tips, and tricks before anyone. They are usually hours -- and most times days -- ahead of the other iphone forums. thanks again


Feb 7, 2011
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I am new to apple products and have an iPhone on order. TiPb has been and will be an incredible resource for that purchase. I look forward to learning and contributing to the community. Bye bye BB.


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Jan 30, 2011
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I learned of TIPB while trying to find information about the Verizon Iphone prior to the announcement of it's release. The information i obtained from tipb was right on and very valuable. Since then I have followed along as the Verizon Iphone was announced, then pre-sale, And now as it becomes available in the stores. I have been waiting and hoping that Verizon would receive the iphone for 2 years now. I have wanted one since it came out. I got an Ipod Touch last year and that made me want the Iphone even more. But i was not going to go to ATT as Verizon has been top notch in my area. So finally it is here and i have been saving some extra cash to purchase it. I can't wait to actually be able to use my own, and git rid of the LG flip phone that I have had for 3 years now. I didn't want to get a new phone and use my upgrade. I knew if i did then the iphone would be released right after I used the upgrade.

So in closing, PICK ME!!!


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Feb 8, 2011
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I love tipb for being smart

I love tipb for knowing what us readers want to know.

Tipb always finds something to bring to us every day non stop. Yes some days they have more then others but they never stop giving us information. Some people may not care for all of it but it could still mean a lot to someone else. I have been a reader for over 2 years now and I can't stop reading and check what tipb has to say today. Keep up the good work guys sorry it took so long for me to register to be apart of the action.


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Dec 23, 2010
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I need the Verizon iPhone 4 to use in my YouTube review and comparison to AT&T's version! I love Tipb also known as Best Tips in smartphone tech and beyond!


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Feb 8, 2011
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I love TiPb for getting me the newest iPhone info! I was referred by a friend, and what a great referral.

And the icing on the cake is the chance to get a new iphone! I'm already on the best network, and finally a chance to use the iPhone designed for it! Thanks TiPb!


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Feb 8, 2011
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wow finally hearing about the iphone coming to verizon is amazing.. and tipb giving it for free makes it even better.. hope to get on the band wagon soon.. love the forum tipb.


Jan 11, 2011
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I read a few times a day every day and you all bring me the content that I want to see. Keep up the good work. The main reason I'm posting is that I'm stuck under contract and stuck under android right now. I'm ready to be done with it plain and simple and this looks to be my best bet so I'd love to get my hands on a nice new Verizon iPhone since I've been waiting impatiently from 2007 until now.


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Feb 8, 2011
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Verizon iPhone Giveaway

Who wouldn't love Tipb?!? I am not trying to purposefully sound like I am sucking up, but I very much enjoy tipb on a daily basis. I would not consider myself a tipb fanboy as I do check up on other sites such as gizmodo, engadget, macrumors 9to5Mac, etc. However I can honestly say I tend to start off my firefox tabs with tipb as I right click "Open in New Tab" as I check my daily tech websites. Tibp tends to be reliable, it grabs my attention, and it offers diverse topics from other competitive products or websites to all the jailbreaking goodness. I am a long time follower (good ole days of and have no reason to stop now. I just love it! Keep it up guys.

Sidenote: I have been waiting for a Verizon iPhone since day one. I am really excited about switching whether or not I win the contest.
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