TiPb iPad 32GB Wi-Fi + 3G give away!!

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Dec 23, 2010
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A Helper Needed

iPad has become the most used piece of electronics in our home. It is being shared among kids, mom and dad, and it is turned on most of the day.

A helper is needed to spread the burden :)


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Sep 18, 2009
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iPad giveaway ... hopeful!

Hey guys, first of all I love your site, you keep me up to date on all my iPhone needs. Guys, I'm not looking for any sympathy vote but my wife was recently diagnosed with cancer and will start chemo next week. She really wanted an iPad for Christmas to take to her treatments. Each one last 4 hours and she wanted to have an iPad to document her journey and I'm sure she'd be checking her Facebook and playing solitaire too! :) Anyway, I'd love the opportunity to surprise her with one. Keep up the great work! Merry Christmas.


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Dec 23, 2010
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Winning an iPad would?

Winning an iPad would enhance my daily operation as an Art Teacher. Grading, inputting attendance and lesson planning would no longer be confined to my desk. The first app I would get would be Peak Mtg. HELP!!! :D


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Jul 2, 2008
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And here we are, two years in his term
A lot's been accomplished, says he
"Jobs, jobs" was all his rage
Who knew he was talking about Steve?

Success of a man isn't just measured
By the total amount of his wealth
After it all, we leave here with nothing
And earlier, if lived in poor health

But, we're glad to have Jobs at the helm
Technology's changed its tone
No BSOD, no Control-Alt-Delete
You had me at scrolling, iPhone

Though we're only at iOS 4
The experience seems like heaven
It seems so refined, Redmond's behind
And they still don't have it at 7

But, let's not look back, we have to look forward
There's obviously so much more
Apple's stock will continue to rise
As soon as they let out the roar.

I hope I can win this contest
For an iPad shiny and new
I don't know how it's judged - just hope it's not fudged
But if you win, I'm happy for you!

Happy holidays to all, and good luck on the contest!

Raphael aka BeyondtheTech
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Dec 23, 2010
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why I want and Ipad

I bought my Ipad the first day It came out, and I loved it, but I had to sell because of money issues. the Ipad is Undeniably cool. The iPad looks like a giant iPod and the look supersizes quite nicely!!!!!!
the best invection ever!!!!:D
I miss it so much that hurts some times!!!!! :(


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Dec 23, 2010
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iPad give-away!

I would love to give an iPad to my wife!

Back at the end of September my wife and I lost our home to foreclosure. We tried working with the bank to short-sell it, which they gave us permission to do, but after denying a cash offer, they foreclosed anyway. As we were packing, we decided to separate.

We have been married for 5, almost 6, years and we agreed that the financial troubles had put too much of a strain on our marriage.

However, the moment we parted we realized it was a mistake and that we truly wanted to be together!

We are now in marriage counseling and working hard to repair our relationship. Giving her an iPad would really help my cause!!!

I apologize for the sob-story, but it is true. It's been a tough couple of months. Thank you...


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Dec 23, 2010
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I'll be Luck

I know that I am going to win this iPad because I am always lucky :p
I never won anything before in my life but I don't know why I have the feeling that I am going to win this :p hehe, just kidding!
Thx for TIPB for the gr8 news and support at all times.
And by the way I advise all users having an iphone or blackberry to add the RSS feeds of tipb.com , it through their RSS I am here and I knew about this.


Dec 23, 2010
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To tell you how much I want a shiny new iPad I need to share a sad story.

I bought a 32GB iPad WiFi on the day it came out. It became my best friend. It was a little taboo to take it to work so it sat home all day (I work at a competitor to AT&T). But I quickly picked it up when I got home to catch up on all the new apps and fun I missed all day. My We Rule needed tending.

But with 5 kids (twins born 6 months before the iPad purchase), money became tight. I felt pressure to sell my iPad to help pay for the costs of twins. So I listed it on eBay along with my case and ended up selling it for a slight loss from what I paid, plus eBay killed me on commission charges 19% are you kidding!

So now we sell the iPad at my place of employ and it taunts me everyday that I no longer have my iPad. I miss it all the time.

So this TiPB is why I need to win. It will be a grand homecoming for the iPad to return to me.

Thank you!
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