TiPb iPad 32GB Wi-Fi + 3G give away!!

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Dec 23, 2010
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All I want for Christmas...

Is a new iPad to share with my students. I've seen some great apps that I would love to teach with. The music, books, and videos would be great as well.


Apr 6, 2010
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If I were to win an iPad 32 GB wifi+3G I would be able to finally to use all the applications that have the universal usage. I see screens of twitter apps in full screen and I would love to see that in my hands.

The biggest thing I want to be able to bless my wife with it. I just got married almost two months ago and we have photos from our wedding that she would love to see displayed on the iPad. Since it is our first Christmas together the next best gift I can give her is a beautiful reminder of the one of the best days of our lives.



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Dec 23, 2010
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Twas the Night I won the iPad

Twas the I won the iPad, when all through the house
Not a smartphone was ringing, and not my iphone.
Mu push email was all setup with care,
In hopes that TiPb soon would email me there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of Apple-Gadgets danced in their heads.
And mamma on her MacBook, and I downloading more apps,
Had just settled on AppleTV to bring us to nap.

When out of my inbox a sound of new mail,
I unlocked my iPhone to see what was there.
I quickly tabbed my mail app as quick as a flash,
Open the new mail to see who sent that.

The subject I saw on the email
Gave the lust of joy, that was all I know.
What to my wondering eyes should appear,
But an email from TiPb to inform me what I wanted to see.

With the title bold and in large font,
I knew in a moment it must be TiPb.
More anticipation than any other contests,
I want this iPad so I can finally rest!

I will dressed the iPad in silicon from top to bottom,
To protect it from scratches and dents.
A bundle of Apps to load, no time to nap,

This iPad how it twinkled! Wifi+3G how merry!
The 9.7 inch screen glowed like roses, the back camera small as a cherry!
32GB capacity is perfect for movies and TV shows,
And the back of the device was as white as the snow.

Unlink St. Nick it was slim and thin, a perfect new device,
And my jaw dropped when I saw it, in spite of it all!
A tab on the screen and a turn from the accelerometer,
Soon gave me to know I have won the iPad.

I spoke not a word, but went straight to my work,
And filled my iPad with apps, movies, music and synced them with my mac.
And laying one finger on the screen and another one as I pinch,
Giving a slight tab, up the app launched with bold!

As the iPad finished syncing I quickly exclaim,
"Thank-you TiPb and Happy Christmas to you and your staff , and to all a good-night!"


Jun 22, 2010
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Why not?!

Why not throw my name in the hat for the 32GB iPad. I'd love to have one. I plan to purchase the 2nd Gen model when it comes out, but if I can get one for free, it would go to my 9yr old. He loves games, and learning new things! Nothing extravagant, but just good old practical use!

Future congrats to the winner!!


Dec 23, 2010
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I used to hate Apple. But received an ipod as a gift, starting to like Apple. With an iPad, i'd love them! But tipb.com, you guys are cool :p I read you guys every day.


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Dec 8, 2010
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CR-48 not cutting it...

I actually got one of the CR-48s last week. Been using it... but everytime the commercial comes on for iPads... everytime I read your blog about the awesomeness of the iPad... everytime I wish my iPhone screen was bigger...I find myself wanting that iPad instead!

I would really love this iPad!!!

Lori P.


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Dec 23, 2010
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iPad pick me

I have been an avid iPhone user for some time, and love it to death. The one thing that's really difficult to do with it though is to read comics. You just don't get the same sense of scale on an iPhone. An iPad would make my Christmas dreams come true!! Please pick me!


Feb 2, 2010
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Why I need an iPad from TiPb and Waze (respectfully submitted)

How should I put this? I need an iPad,
I need it, I need it, I need it real bad.
It's not for it's shininess, it's beauty, it's zen,
I need it not for how nice it'll look in my den,
I don't need it for recipes, books, or for games,
And I couldn't care less for it's pc killer claims,
Already have an iPhone, an iPod and a Mac,
With all of those here, there is nothing I lack,
I am pretty lucky, I've a home and a job,
I've a wife, 2 great kids, I'm a working-class yob,
We don't have all that much, but we're all pretty happy,
And Christmas this year will be a tiny bit snappy,
If I can say "Honey! Hey, look what's from Santa!",
And she'll look quite shocked, as if stung by a manta,
She'll say "But baby, we've opened our presents!",
"What's in that box? Hey, what are the contents??"
I will just smile as with wrapping she'll grapple,
And she'll let out a gasp, as she sees that white apple,
She'll coo, and she'll grin, and she'll give me a hug,
As I lean back, and take a sip from my mug,
"It's 32 Gig! And with wifi it comes!"
"And 3G! Holy cow! Oh stars and sugarplums!"
And she'll giggle and laugh and act just like a schoolgirl,
As she opens the box, takes it out for a whirl,
"It's got iBooks on it! Safari! And Mail!"
"It's so fast! (My old iPod was just like a snail)".
"Oh honey, you're the best! I just can't believe it!
"What ever did I do that was so good to receive it?"
And I'll give her a kiss, and say "It wasn't me"
"It was those old elves over at TiPb".
"It was Rene, and Georgia, and Dieter and Chad,"
"And Allyson too, those guys are quite rad"
"Leanna and Jeremy, they too were in on it"
"All of them helped to make our Christmas less unfit"
And we'll hoist up our glasses this bright holiday night
"Thanks to TiPb for making Christmas out of sight!!!"

Happy Holidays!


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Aug 17, 2010
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OK...I'm trying again. I've never won a darn giveaway in my life so my expectations are admittedly very low.

As a kid, I once lost a drawing where there were only 3 entries for 2 different signed Nolan Ryan baseballs. Drawings just don't like me.

A few months ago right here, I was just *SURE* I was gonna win with the Navigon giveaway. Not to be.

As I was mulling my bad luck, Georgia assured me via Twitter that TiPb was gonna (one-day) help me break my Cal Ripken-esque streak of losing drawings.

Here's to hoping that tomorrow is that day! I'd love to be able to tell my wife that I've got a new iPad just for her! The giveaway equivalent of a walk-off HR...in Game 7 of the World Series!


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Jun 24, 2010
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I want an iPad for my new Pad!

I will be moving in to my new place on the 1st of january and would love to have the iPad to celebrate my new Life. Please please please let me have it.
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