Number 1 iPhone problem, SMS pop up


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Jan 26, 2011
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It seems to me that if you say ANYTHING negative about the iPhone, some folks are just going to resist it. Yes, my scenarios are far fetched. I think at the end of my post, I even said they were far fetched. The point isn't that I thought the scenarios could or would happen. The point was, that was something *I* don't like about the iPhone. Not that I hate the iPhone or want to return it. We're on a forum about the iPhone where people come to share ideas and input. I'm not trying to find reasons to dislike the phone. I like the phone, look at some of my other posts. I think I actually say the words "I like the phone" in several of them.

Nitpicking? Maybe. But no more so than the rest of the forum nitpicks over what case is the best, or to jailbreak or not to, or which wallpaper looks coolest. I thought this community was about discussing the iPhone and exchanging ideas in hope of constantly improving the experience. Turns out I was wrong. I guess I should only post to say "OMG!!!1 The iPhone is is best thing to ever happen in my life. Evar!!1

I posted one minor thing I dislike about the phone. Not that the phone sucks and I'll be returning it. I guess I shouldn't have posted something so negative and meaningless. I'll stop now so everyone can get back to something important like the one millionth "uboxing" video.
Hey, I'll just say it: If your going to be a dick about it then you deserve the responses you get.

If you'll notice, not everyone is posting just positive things about the phone, including myself, and that is great, BUT it seems that a lot of people are looking for things that are minor and calling them the #1 problems they have with the phone.

If you are having actual issues with fundamental features not working (i.e. you can't get e-mail because it won't sync or you can't facetime) then by all means we want to hear about it! However, if you want to make up scenarios about some possible way that one small feature might possibly be a bad thing then you are going to get these responses.
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Jan 13, 2011
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Hey, I'll just say it: If your going to be a dick about it then you deserve the responses you get.

If you'll notice, not everyone is posting just positive things about the phone, including myself, and that is great, BUT it seems that a lot of people are looking for things that are minor and calling them the #1 problems they have with the phone.

If you are having actual issues with fundamental features not working (i.e. you can't get e-mail because it won't sync or you can't facetime) then by all means we want to hear about it! However, if you want to make up scenarios about some possible way that one small feature might possibly be a bad thing then you are going to get these responses.

Couldn't of said it better myself.
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Feb 10, 2011
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Hey, I'll just say it: If your going to be a dick about it then you deserve the responses you get.

I guess I'm not sure how I was a dick. There a function of the phone that I don't like. It's not imaginary, it's not perceived, and it's not far fetch. You're obviously a bit insecure, that's on you. I am having a problem with a fundamental feature. And I posted it here looking to discuss it and share ideas about it. It may be nothing to you, that's fine, for you and how YOU use the phone. But if it's an issue for me (even a minor one) then I don't see how I'm a dick by discussing it. And I'm not real sure why you feel the need to call names just because you don't have any concerns about the same issues that concern me. The problem I specified is a minor one, but it's something I'm not crazy about. It's MY #1 problem. And so far, it's really the only thing I dislike about the phone.

You don't care about it? Fine. Find another thread to involve yourself with. It's obviously not just an issue with me. Further searching would point out that others have mentioned it. And there is even rumors of Apple hiring a guy specifically experienced with engineering alert systems.

The scenarios I laid out were purposely a little far fetched, to add a little humor into my post. And I said so in the post. You disagree fine. Say so. Or skip the thread. But don't be so insecure that you feel the need to tell me my problem isn't worthy of discussion, or that I'm a dick for merely mentioning it. I didn't rant, I didn't say the phone was garbage that I wanted to return it. I like the phone and the only issue I have with it is a minor one. I'm just sorry I thought this was the place to discuss it.


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Jan 11, 2011
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If you are at work shouldn't you be working and not playing on your phone??
and actually you can turn it off go into settings> messages> and turn show preview off and all it does is show the persons name who sent the message and that you have a text message.

I guess I shouldn't have posted something so negative and meaningless. I'll stop now so everyone can get back to something important like the one millionth "uboxing" video.

I am glad that you asked this question. Even though shipwresler125 scolded you he did give an answer. I learned something from the post. Thanks.


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Jan 26, 2011
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I guess I'm not sure how I was a dick. There a function of the phone that I don't like. It's not imaginary, it's not perceived, and it's not far fetch. You're obviously a bit insecure, that's on you. I am having a problem with a fundamental feature. And I posted it here looking to discuss it and share ideas about it. It may be nothing to you, that's fine, for you and how YOU use the phone. But if it's an issue for me (even a minor one) then I don't see how I'm a dick by discussing it. And I'm not real sure why you feel the need to call names just because you don't have any concerns about the same issues that concern me. The problem I specified is a minor one, but it's something I'm not crazy about. It's MY #1 problem. And so far, it's really the only thing I dislike about the phone.

You don't care about it? Fine. Find another thread to involve yourself with. It's obviously not just an issue with me. Further searching would point out that others have mentioned it. And there is even rumors of Apple hiring a guy specifically experienced with engineering alert systems.

The scenarios I laid out were purposely a little far fetched, to add a little humor into my post. And I said so in the post. You disagree fine. Say so. Or skip the thread. But don't be so insecure that you feel the need to tell me my problem isn't worthy of discussion, or that I'm a dick for merely mentioning it. I didn't rant, I didn't say the phone was garbage that I wanted to return it. I like the phone and the only issue I have with it is a minor one. I'm just sorry I thought this was the place to discuss it.
Now look at your first post. Did you say: "This is just something minor, but I wish they would have looked into it", or did you say:

You said:
It is a HUGE oversight IMO that Apple hasn't addressed this and allowed you to turn it off.

And then after that you were making a jab about my unboxing video. If you didn't do that, THAT is one way you could not be a dick...


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Feb 10, 2011
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I said huge oversight, "In My Opinion". Last I checked, I'm entitled to my opinion. The problem is minor. The fact that it's remained this long is the huge oversight.

And I didn't jab at your unboxing video. There's that insecurity I was talking about. I didn't even know you made one. (Until now. I checked it out. Riveting. 15 minutes of removing a phone from a box. You should be in Hollywood. I almost made it through 2 minutes.) I was jabbing at them in general. There are hundreds of videos on Youtube of people removing a phone from a box. I was just using that as an example of the other more useful subjects we could be talking about. It was sarcasm. Humor. Not aimed at you. (I actually did take a jab at you in this post. But I decided not to go to your level, so I deleted it.)

I get it. You need to be the big man around here. You've made 600ish posts since last month. You need us all to know what kind of watch you wear and what kind of knife you used to open the box. It's cool man. You can be the big dog here, I just wanted some info about my new phone. I'm not a threat to your reign. Once I get the phone figured out, it will stay in my pocket and do it's thing and I won't need to bother people with questions about it.

You win. I'm gone. There are lots of other iPhone resources out there. I'll seek answers there if I need any.

Before I go, let me point out, several other folks have mentioned this problem. There are rumors that Apple is addressing the problem. It's not some non-issue that I chose to pick a fight about. It's a real issue that others seem to also want resolved. I made the mistake of choosing this forum to discuss it. And for that, I was called names and had my character questioned. I'm sorry if I was a dick.


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Jan 26, 2011
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I said huge oversight, "In My Opinion". Last I checked, I'm entitled to my opinion. The problem is minor. The fact that it's remained this long is the huge oversight.

And I didn't jab at your unboxing video. There's that insecurity I was talking about. I didn't even know you made one. (Until now. I checked it out. Riveting. 15 minutes of removing a phone from a box. You should be in Hollywood. I almost made it through 2 minutes.) I was jabbing at them in general. There are hundreds of videos on Youtube of people removing a phone from a box. I was just using that as an example of the other more useful subjects we could be talking about. It was sarcasm. Humor. Not aimed at you. (I actually did take a jab at you in this post. But I decided not to go to your level, so I deleted it.)

I get it. You need to be the big man around here. You've made 600ish posts since last month. You need us all to know what kind of watch you wear and what kind of knife you used to open the box. It's cool man. You can be the big dog here, I just wanted some info about my new phone. I'm not a threat to your reign. Once I get the phone figured out, it will stay in my pocket and do it's thing and I won't need to bother people with questions about it.

You win. I'm gone. There are lots of other iPhone resources out there. I'll seek answers there if I need any.

Before I go, let me point out, several other folks have mentioned this problem. There are rumors that Apple is addressing the problem. It's not some non-issue that I chose to pick a fight about. It's a real issue that others seem to also want resolved. I made the mistake of choosing this forum to discuss it. And for that, I was called names and had my character questioned. I'm sorry if I was a dick.

Good. I'm sure people will greatly miss your attitude. :)

Sosai X

Jan 22, 2011
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Ok now that THAT is over....

The fact remains that the native SMS notifications ARE woefully inadequate to anyone coming from a Blackberry or Android product, which are far more customizable and much less obtrusive than that of the iPhone. I'm hopeful that Apple will address this oversight in future products.

Having said that, the iPhone is far more fluid than anything else. I just wish Apple would find a way to integrate some of the little things that mean a lot to many users, like more customization and options.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2011
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Ok now that THAT is over....

The fact remains that the native SMS notifications ARE woefully inadequate to anyone coming from a Blackberry or Android product, which are far more customizable and much less obtrusive than that of the iPhone. I'm hopeful that Apple will address this oversight in future products.

Having said that, the iPhone is far more fluid than anything else. I just wish Apple would find a way to integrate some of the little things that mean a lot to many users, like more customization and options.

One thing I would like to see is some sort of LED like I hear that either the Blackberry or Droid has. That would be great. :D


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Feb 2, 2011
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All fights aside, I agree. I'm sure it's something that could be an easy fix so I'm bummed I don't have the option. I love my iPhone so dont tell me to give it back...but a blinking LED and BBM would be nice too!


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Dec 6, 2010
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Honestly, jailbreak, get Bitesms and then the problem is solved. Bitesms alone makes it worth jailbreaking.


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Feb 2, 2011
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What if you have had a blackberry fir the last 5 years and know absolutely nothing about jailbreaking? And links to forums where everyone discusses the wonders of doing it but not how. :eek:)


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Apr 28, 2009
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No need for a link to another forum. There's plenty of instruction on jailbreaking right here on TiPb including step by step tutorials. Hop over to the jailbreak forum. Read the sticky threads first - that's why they're sticky. Then read the threads extolling the benefits of jailbreaking.

As Matrix said, I jailbreak mostly to use BiteSMS. I also use LockInfo, and that's my jailbreak world - takes care of my notifications. But seriously, hop over there and you'll be glad you did.
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Feb 2, 2011
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Hahahha I read a couple of sticky there any way I can get you to just come here and jailbreak it for me?

Pimp Lucious

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Jul 19, 2009
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I said huge oversight, "In My Opinion". Last I checked, I'm entitled to my opinion. The problem is minor. The fact that it's remained this long is the huge oversight.

And I didn't jab at your unboxing video. There's that insecurity I was talking about. I didn't even know you made one. (Until now. I checked it out. Riveting. 15 minutes of removing a phone from a box. You should be in Hollywood. I almost made it through 2 minutes.) I was jabbing at them in general. There are hundreds of videos on Youtube of people removing a phone from a box. I was just using that as an example of the other more useful subjects we could be talking about. It was sarcasm. Humor. Not aimed at you. (I actually did take a jab at you in this post. But I decided not to go to your level, so I deleted it.)

I get it. You need to be the big man around here. You've made 600ish posts since last month. You need us all to know what kind of watch you wear and what kind of knife you used to open the box. It's cool man. You can be the big dog here, I just wanted some info about my new phone. I'm not a threat to your reign. Once I get the phone figured out, it will stay in my pocket and do it's thing and I won't need to bother people with questions about it.

You win. I'm gone. There are lots of other iPhone resources out there. I'll seek answers there if I need any.

Before I go, let me point out, several other folks have mentioned this problem. There are rumors that Apple is addressing the problem. It's not some non-issue that I chose to pick a fight about. It's a real issue that others seem to also want resolved. I made the mistake of choosing this forum to discuss it. And for that, I was called names and had my character questioned. I'm sorry if I was a dick.

Wow, don't let some forum member with their panties in a bunch run you off. Nothing in your postings was anything for anyone to get upset over and you most certainly weren't the one being a dick in this thread.
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