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Number 1 iPhone problem, SMS pop up


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Jan 20, 2011
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Wow, don't let some forum member with their panties in a bunch run you off. Nothing in your postings was anything for anyone to get upset over and you most certainly weren't the one being a dick in this thread.

I totally agree. Darth-Gamer seems to be the ****** here... Sorry but you were totally in the wrong to slander the guy because he didn't like a feature. I also do not like this about the device, there should be no reason that a text should show up on the screen in a locked/unlocked state to let someone know that I got a message or read the message. It's called privacy and when someone is checking out your device (as some of my friends have) there should be no reason they have to see any messages that pop up.

With that being said, I learned how to turn that feature off, and looks like I'll jailbreak and get the bitesms.
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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2011
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Wow, don't let some forum member with their panties in a bunch run you off. Nothing in your postings was anything for anyone to get upset over and you most certainly weren't the one being a dick in this thread.

Thanks, I appreciate you saying so. I decided not to let an insecure nerd dictate where I get my information so I'll be sticking around. There are some people here with valuable information so I'll stick around for the info and post questions when I need to. I at least got some insight as to which people offer good advice and who posts just to hear their own voice, so to speak. I may jailbreak and use bitesms, that's good advice.

I came from the Droid, and still have a Blackberry (yuck) as my work phone, so the whole notification thing seemed like a no brainer to me. On both of those, and on every dumb phone I've ever owned, when you get a text, it makes it's noise, and it shows you a text icon. It doesn't just splash your message up on the screen, or give you a pop up telling you that you have a message. So having not owned an iPhone before, the notification system they used seemed alien to me. After the dust cleared in this thread, I did learn a few things that helped though. Turning off the text preview is close to a 100% solution. That would take care of sensitive information being shown to the whole world. Jailbreak and bite would solve the whole problem. I'm still weighing that as an option.

Thanks to those of you with valid advice and input.


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Sep 7, 2010
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The main issue is how notifications are handled on iOS. Apple seems to be wanting to change them and thats good. Because bow friendly is a purple popup?


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2011
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Thanks, I appreciate you saying so. I decided not to let an insecure nerd dictate where I get my information so I'll be sticking around. There are some people here with valuable information so I'll stick around for the info and post questions when I need to. I at least got some insight as to which people offer good advice and who posts just to hear their own voice, so to speak. I may jailbreak and use bitesms, that's good advice.

I came from the Droid, and still have a Blackberry (yuck) as my work phone, so the whole notification thing seemed like a no brainer to me. On both of those, and on every dumb phone I've ever owned, when you get a text, it makes it's noise, and it shows you a text icon. It doesn't just splash your message up on the screen, or give you a pop up telling you that you have a message. So having not owned an iPhone before, the notification system they used seemed alien to me. After the dust cleared in this thread, I did learn a few things that helped though. Turning off the text preview is close to a 100% solution. That would take care of sensitive information being shown to the whole world. Jailbreak and bite would solve the whole problem. I'm still weighing that as an option.

Thanks to those of you with valid advice and input.

Wow dude, you are a piece of work. Oh yeah man, I'm so insecure that some folks on the Interwebs will not like me. Oh no, will they post nasty comments? *gasp* Will they send me bad PMs *shudder* :'(

dcsr23 said:
Darth-Gamer seems to be the ****** here... Sorry but you were totally in the wrong to slander the guy because he didn't like a feature.

Now before you get ahead of yourself on the the wrong track, take a moment to look back. Did I slander him because he didn't like a feature:

me said:
I'm sorry, but those things you listed are a bit absurd. I can come up with a bunch of far fetched scenarios too about any phone. Say I place a Droid X next to a vial of Nitroglycerin that reacts to light and the mail notification LED comes on! Boom! We all die! I honestly think people are trying to find reasons to dislike this phone, and nitpicking.
Oh, LOOK how bad I cut him down! I totally wasn't just mentioning that his reasoning was absurd, but no, he decides to turn around an and be an *** and say:

nj said:
It seems to me that if you say ANYTHING negative about the iPhone, some folks are just going to resist it. Yes, my scenarios are far fetched. I think at the end of my post, I even said they were far fetched. The point isn't that I thought the scenarios could or would happen. The point was, that was something *I* don't like about the iPhone. Not that I hate the iPhone or want to return it. We're on a forum about the iPhone where people come to share ideas and input. I'm not trying to find reasons to dislike the phone. I like the phone, look at some of my other posts. I think I actually say the words "I like the phone" in several of them.

Nitpicking? Maybe. But no more so than the rest of the forum nitpicks over what case is the best, or to jailbreak or not to, or which wallpaper looks coolest. I thought this community was about discussing the iPhone and exchanging ideas in hope of constantly improving the experience. Turns out I was wrong. I guess I should only post to say "OMG!!!1 The iPhone is is best thing to ever happen in my life. Evar!!1

I posted one minor thing I dislike about the phone. Not that the phone sucks and I'll be returning it. I guess I shouldn't have posted something so negative and meaningless. I'll stop now so everyone can get back to something important like the one millionth "uboxing" video.

And after that he is wondering why he is getting these responses!

Now, to solve this problem we could simply move on and be done with it, or I suppose you could continue to say that I am insecure and nerdy when quite frankly, YOU are the one that keeps trying to cut people down an an Internet forum. :)


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2011
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Wow dude, you are a piece of work. Oh yeah man, I'm so insecure that some folks on the Interwebs will not like me. Oh no, will they post nasty comments? *gasp* Will they send me bad PMs *shudder* :'(

Yes, you are. That much is pretty obvious, seriously. I'm not saying it to insult you or make you more angry. You come off as very insecure. It's why you need to have the brand of watch you wear in your avatar. Why your unboxing video starts with a nice long close up of your awesome watch. It's why you needed to show how cool your knife flips open in your video and why you made a point of mentioning what brand it is, in a video about a phone. Not enough proof? Go look at the titles of threads you've started on this forum. Or the fact that you have 600ish posts in a forum you've belonged to for over a month about a product you've actually had for less than a week. Not trying to insult you. But you're an insecure dude. That's just how it is. You can keep up this back and fourth or you can examine that and wonder why.

And for the record, since he hinted at it, let me just be clear, I have not sent this guy any PM's, nasty or otherwise.

Now before you get ahead of yourself on the the wrong track, take a moment to look back. Did I slander him because he didn't like a feature:

Yes, you did. You said it was a non-issue, far fetched, and that I was just looking for a reason to return my phone.

Oh, LOOK how bad I cut him down! I totally wasn't just mentioning that his reasoning was absurd, but no, he decides to turn around an and be an *** and say:

I wasn't an ***. I responded to what you said, and reaffirmed my reasoning for not liking the feature. It's right there in my post that you quoted. Just a response from me, no attack.

And after that he is wondering why he is getting these responses!

You seem pretty good at going back and re-reading the thread and quoting it. Have you not noticed who stooped to name calling? And when? I made another attempt at humor by poking fun at unboxing videos, and you got all insecure again and called me a dick. Which I'm pretty sure is against forum rules no?

Now, to solve this problem we could simply move on and be done with it,

We had moved on and were back on the original topic until you came back and started requoting everything. I invite you to start at the beginning and go back through the thread. I posted a problem, tried to do it in a light, humorous way. Rather than address the problem, you and your ilk focused on the humor and were only concerned about why it was a problem for me, or how I do my job. But, I simply responded with my reasoning. YOU escalated the thread by calling me a dick, for no real good reason. I didn't jab at your video. And I certainly didn't call you any names.

or I suppose you could continue to say that I am insecure and nerdy when quite frankly, YOU are the one that keeps trying to cut people down an an Internet forum. :)

I'm not trying to cut anyone down. I'm responding to attacks on my character made because I don't like the text alert function of a phone. YOU are the one who decided to bring this to name calling. I had an issue, I discussed my issue. In repeated attempts by a few member to minimize my issue, I simply restated my issue. YOU then called me a name. I don't know how people in your real life react to that, but where I'm from you don't just walk up to strangers and call them names because you disagree with them about their cell phones text notification system. I'm not sure how you expected me to react to being called a dick. Re-read the thread dude. You brought this to insults. Not me.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2011
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Yes, you are. That much is pretty obvious, seriously. I'm not saying it to insult you or make you more angry. You come off as very insecure. It's why you need to have the brand of watch you wear in your avatar. Why your unboxing video starts with a nice long close up of your awesome watch. It's why you needed to show how cool your knife flips open in your video and why you made a point of mentioning what brand it is, in a video about a phone. Not enough proof? Go look at the titles of threads you've started on this forum. Or the fact that you have 600ish posts in a forum you've belonged to for over a month about a product you've actually had for less than a week. Not trying to insult you. But you're an insecure dude. That's just how it is. You can keep up this back and fourth or you can examine that and wonder why.

And for the record, since he hinted at it, let me just be clear, I have not sent this guy any PM's, nasty or otherwise.

Yes, you did. You said it was a non-issue, far fetched, and that I was just looking for a reason to return my phone.

I wasn't an ***. I responded to what you said, and reaffirmed my reasoning for not liking the feature. It's right there in my post that you quoted. Just a response from me, no attack.

You seem pretty good at going back and re-reading the thread and quoting it. Have you not noticed who stooped to name calling? And when? I made another attempt at humor by poking fun at unboxing videos, and you got all insecure again and called me a dick. Which I'm pretty sure is against forum rules no?

We had moved on and were back on the original topic until you came back and started requoting everything. I invite you to start at the beginning and go back through the thread. I posted a problem, tried to do it in a light, humorous way. Rather than address the problem, you and your ilk focused on the humor and were only concerned about why it was a problem for me, or how I do my job. But, I simply responded with my reasoning. YOU escalated the thread by calling me a dick, for no real good reason. I didn't jab at your video. And I certainly didn't call you any names.

I'm not trying to cut anyone down. I'm responding to attacks on my character made because I don't like the text alert function of a phone. YOU are the one who decided to bring this to name calling. I had an issue, I discussed my issue. In repeated attempts by a few member to minimize my issue, I simply restated my issue. YOU then called me a name. I don't know how people in your real life react to that, but where I'm from you don't just walk up to strangers and call them names because you disagree with them about their cell phones text notification system. I'm not sure how you expected me to react to being called a dick. Re-read the thread dude. You brought this to insults. Not me.

You must be confusing "insecurity" with "hobbies". My Youtube channel is about my hobbies, be it Zippos, watches, knives, guns, etc. I suppose I am insecure about all of them right? Get real man. Sorry, but I don't need to impress Internet folks.

And is is obvious that you were the one that started this whole conundrum, because after I said that people were nitpicking, you said "OH GOD FORBID ANYONE SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT THE PRECIOUS IPHONE!"

So instead of worrying about my 600 posts (which is actually not that much considering the pre-ordering hype), your visions of how secure I am, or your obvious ESP because you clearly know me and my life, why don't we do the adult thing and talk about the MINOR (not a major oversight) issue of text message notifications. Here, I'll start:

I would like, in the iPhone 5, if there was a tiny LED that alerted you of new messages like some other smartphones.


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2011
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I totally agree. Darth-Gamer seems to be the ****** here... Sorry but you were totally in the wrong to slander the guy because he didn't like a feature. I also do not like this about the device, there should be no reason that a text should show up on the screen in a locked/unlocked state to let someone know that I got a message or read the message. It's called privacy and when someone is checking out your device (as some of my friends have) there should be no reason they have to see any messages that pop up.

With that being said, I learned how to turn that feature off, and looks like I'll jailbreak and get the bitesms.

Bitesms is great! You will love it, well atleast I do.


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2009
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biteSMS has an option to "Show nothing" when a message is received in Lockscreen or Unlocked mode. very nice, as i despise the annoying popups as well

go here for more features biteSMS has to offer: biteSMS - Great Extra Features

it baffles my mind as to why it is so difficult for some people to accept the FACT that the current iPhone notification system sucks


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2011
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biteSMS has an option to "Show nothing" when a message is received in Lockscreen or Unlocked mode. very nice, as i despise the annoying popups as well

go here for more features biteSMS has to offer: biteSMS - Great Extra Features

it baffles my mind as to why it is so difficult for some people to accept the FACT that the current iPhone notification system sucks

I've installed bitesms and it's working great. Funny how popular bitesms is considering how minor of a problem the stock notification is. ;-)


New member
Feb 8, 2011
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While all you guys say that these scenerios are far fetched how about this one...

You with your girlfriend and and ex girlfriend or female friend sends you a text that pops right up?

Little more realistic? Yes it is

How about this- Your GF sends you a dirty text and it pops up while someone else has the phone?

Trust me, that can happen as well

I agree with the OP. Thats is one of the things that I do not like about the phone


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2011
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Nitsuj...I'm assuming since you have bitesms your phone is jailbroken. Were you a beginner before you did this or did you have experience? Honestly this text thing bugs me enough to jailbreak the phone but other than an iPod this is my first apple product so I don't want to kill it by jailbreaking it. I know it's reversible but I don't know anyone personally who has done it so if something goes wrong I'm on my own. Was it easy? Did you have problems? Even downloading and installing bitesms?


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Feb 2, 2011
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And yes, I've read the forums and seen the instructions. It's the random problems people have that are holding me back.


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2011
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You can turn off the part where the contents of the sms message pop up without jailbreaking. It'll still show you received a text, but it won't show what it says. Go settings --> Messages --> Show Preview (turn it off!)



Well-known member
Feb 2, 2011
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It still shows who sent it. I don't need people seeing who is texting me! Blackberry was nice and simple..a little buzz, a blinking LED, and a little star next to the text icon.


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2011
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Nitsuj...I'm assuming since you have bitesms your phone is jailbroken. Were you a beginner before you did this or did you have experience? Honestly this text thing bugs me enough to jailbreak the phone but other than an iPod this is my first apple product so I don't want to kill it by jailbreaking it. I know it's reversible but I don't know anyone personally who has done it so if something goes wrong I'm on my own. Was it easy? Did you have problems? Even downloading and installing bitesms?

Yes, I was a beginner. Honestly, I don't know what the big deal is with jailbreaking. Not to insult anyone, but I just don't get the threads where people have problems or think they've bricked their phones. It literally took my 3 minutes to jailbreak it. I read up on it a bit and watched a few videos. But even if I hadn't, the greenpoison software walks you right through it. Hold this button for x seconds, both buttons together for x seconds and so on. It even has a little countdown timer on the screen as you do it. They leave nothing to chance. And this isn't coming from a tech guy. I'm not a programmer, or software engineer or IT guy. I'm just a regular blue collar gear head.

Maybe I was lucky, but I just don't see any way it could be easier to jailbreak. It was way harder to root a Droid or Nook Color. Downloading bitesms was easy as well. Cydia is sort of like the Appstore, a little more primitive UI perhaps. Go to Cydia, search for bitesms and click it.

I'm no expert, but I see no way you can hurt the device as long as you go in to it with a clue what to expect. Go to youtube and search for "tysiphonehelp" he does a tutorial video, which is the one I followed.

It may not be the answer for everyone, but for me, it was worth it to jailbreak. Bitesms, a cool theme and having live weather on my lockscreen have fixed a few things about the iPhone that had me missing the Droid a bit.

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