Help! iPod on 3Gs keeps crashing


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2010
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I'm running 4.3.3 and don't want to upgrade the software because there's not an untethered jailbreak out (that I know of). I tried restoring my phone using 4.3.3 but apple won't let me. Please help....I need to be able to use my iPod. Any advice.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2011
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I'm running 4.3.3 and don't want to upgrade the software because there's not an untethered jailbreak out (that I know of). I tried restoring my phone using 4.3.3 but apple won't let me. Please help....I need to be able to use my iPod. Any advice.

Well if it's crashing maybe a Cydia app is causing it ?

The reason you can't restore is cuz apple stopped signing that software version
You can download tiny umbrella save your shsh blobs this is what apple signs then u will be able to restore

Another thing to try im not sure if
It will work but make a custom ipsw of 4.3.3 with snowbreeze use redsnow put phone into dfu mode and open iTunes and select shift restore this will restore with a already JB software version.. Just a thought not sure if the custom Ipsw checks with apple also
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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2010
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Thank you. I know this may sound dumb to you (I'm computer savvy but not that much) but where would I download Tiny Umbrella?


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
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Just google it. FYI if you haven't set up cydia to save your shsh ("Make My Life Easier") then TU won't help now that 4.3.3 isn't being signed.


Sep 7, 2010
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Just google it. FYI if you haven't set up cydia to save your shsh ("Make My Life Easier") then TU won't help now that 4.3.3 isn't being signed.


When you jailbreak your iPhone on a specific firmware version you want to keep, it is also imperative to save your shsh, for situations exactly like your own, where a restore is necessary but an older firmware is needed to be retained for jailbreaking/unlocking purposes.

You're probably just going to have to restore under the new firmware and wait out another clean JB/unlock...or deal with the iPod issue.
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Sep 2, 2011
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I am having the same issue....ipod was working fine yesterday, i installed a few cydia ipod not working. I am using a jailbroken Iphone 3GS running IOS 4.3.3. I uninstalled all the cydia apps that i installed but nothing works...the worse thing is, i was having the exact problem 4 weeks ago while running 4.2.1 and this is what prompted me to upgrade to 4.3.3. I cannot believe that i will have to 'deal with it'. I NEED the ipod on my iphone.


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Sep 2, 2011
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I figured it out. I disabled the "anyringlib" mobile substrate through sbsettings and suddenly the ipod started working as normal. I installed callbar about the same time this started happening, and there seems to be a conflict issue between anyring and callbar that may be causing this. Anyway, I tried reinstalling anyring and it screwed the ipod up again. So I uninstalled it and I am back up and running. So if this or something similar happens to you, try disabling anyringlib and seeing if that helps. Im an idiot for not trying to boot in safe mode before to see if it was a mobile substrate conflict. Anyway thank you for anyone who took the time to read through this, even though nobody replied.

the above worked for me...if not anyring, then maybe you can try disabling other mobile substrates and see if one of these is causing a conflict.


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Sep 10, 2011
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Let's say you've just bought the all-new Apple iPhone 3GS. Your iPhone is sleek, stunning and absolutely gorgeous than all the other phones you have had so far. Yes, you can flaunt it everywhere you go - at work, at home and at public places. You can brag about it to everyone you know. But, is your iPhone the wonder-phone it is claimed to be? Have you enhanced it with hi-tech accessories to double its functions and make it truly mobile?iPhone 5 Release Date