AT&T coverage in Denver


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Sep 4, 2011
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My wife and I are planning on leaving Los Angeles next year and moving to Denver, but we're considering jumping from AT&T to Verizon within the next few weeks when the new iPhone comes out (assuming it's released on both networks simultaneously). Anyone here live in Denver and can give any insight on how the overall reception is in the Denver area? We're thinking we'll probably end up living south of the city in the Highlands Ranch/Littleton/Centennial area, but didn't know if those were notoriously bad areas for either AT&T or Verizon, and I'd also heard that Consumer Reports rated AT&T's Denver coverage the worst of all cities. The Denver Post also mentioned something about a dead zone for AT&T in downtown Denver, and I saw that people have complained that anytime there's a game at Invesco or Mile High, the surrounding areas lose service because of the flood of AT&T phones.

AT&T's service here in Los Angeles is bad enough to warrant us switching now, but I didn't want to sign a two-year contract only with Verizon only to find out a year into it that I should've stayed with AT&T.


TiPb Forum Staff
Sep 12, 2010
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its good your doing some research before you move but remember that regardless of what network your on when that game crowd moves in no matter what your signal quality is going to drop.


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Sep 4, 2011
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its good your doing some research before you move but remember that regardless of what network your on when that game crowd moves in no matter what your signal quality is going to drop.

A couple of threads I saw claimed that Verizon users did not experience the same drop in network quality.


TiPb Forum Staff
Sep 12, 2010
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I'm not from denver so I can't talk about what happens specifically there but until last year I did live in Florida and work at Disney and its a similar situation where once all those people get together signal quality is gone. this happened when I had my 3GS on AT&T and my HTC on verizon, as well as my now fiances sprint phone (don't worry I bought her an iPhone for Xmas).

another thing to consider is that Denver is a NFL city so Verizon does have 4g lte towers up. so While the iPhone may not have 4g capabilities (and its not looking to good for the next iPhone model either) you can trade to a verizon android equivalent.

Leanna Lofte

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Sep 7, 2008
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I'm from Denver!

I somewhat regularly go to Littleton and have great reception on AT&T. I was in Centennial today and also had great reception. Beautiful part to move to, by the way.

I seem to have the worst luck with reception in Englewood... where I unfortunately lived for 2 years, then the last two years I've lived on the border of Englewood and Denver, and still in a bad spot. Everywhere except where I choose to live, seems to be good though, lol (literally, it was a bubble around my apartment and now around my house).

Last time I was at Coors field (a couple years ago), it was a major fail. Same thing with the arena that the Avalanche play in. I have not been to Invesco. Other areas of downtown seem to be fine though.

I briefly had a Verizon iPhone, and there were a few areas where it was faster. In general though, I'd say they were about the same, or at least had an equal amount of bad areas.

Hope that helps! I still recommend posting to the forums, as there may be others who live here and have a Verizon iPhone.


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Sep 4, 2011
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Hi Leanna ? thanks for the additional info.

When you say that performance on both carriers was about the same and that they had an equal amount of bad areas, are you referring to voice, data or both? We both use our iPhones for voice calls (when we can ? I feel your pain about the bad reception around your place, there's a six-block chunk around our apartment that is an AT&T dead zone) as well as data.

Leanna Lofte

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Sep 7, 2008
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Mostly data, unfortunately. I rarely use my phone as an actual phone, so I didn't get that much voice comparison between the two. But talking strictly bars, they were close to equal.

If AT&T had bad coverage, Verizon had good coverage, and vice versa.

In that apartment, though, I tried out a Droid and got a dropped call on Verizon - so they aren't immune to them!

Honestly, I think both carriers are a fine choice. If it wasn't for simultaneous voice and data, I might switch. I actually used that feature when driving downtown last night. I put my hubby on speaker phone while I checked the map to see where he was and told him which direction for him to start walking for me to pick him up.
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