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Who's sticking with Apple Music?


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Jul 19, 2013
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My original plan was to stick with Apple Music, but I found myself listening to the same music that's already stored on my iPhone (1,400+ songs), so why pay the extra $10 monthly.
Maybe some day I will open back up the monthly subscription, but for now I'm good with my own music.

This is a big reason why I don't use a subscription service.

I discover music on YouTube and by watching movies, competitions, and out and about in the real world. I don't spend much time mucking around a streaming service for that reason, because the libraries are super bloated and the search tends to be weak in many cases.

Apple Music's search is one of the weakest in the bunch.

Since I tend to buy music that catches my ear almost instantly, I have a decently sized library of music that I really like listening to. I don't get much value out of Apple Music, since it's easier to listen to what I have then deal with training it to known what I like.

I don't tend to listen to much popular music, either, and Apple doesn't have really good playlists or stations for things like New Age and Classical. Much of what it has is very stereotypical and not great for discovery, anyways (and there are too many different interpretations of such music to really get much use out of pre-curated material - you have to search to really find the good stuff... and Apple does search terribly).


Well-known member
Jul 21, 2014
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I've been paying for Apple Music and am loving their service

Maybe this sounds OK to Americans, but when addressing a more international audience you might want to avoid saying that you "are loving" something. This sounds much more "physical" than simply saying you "love" it.


Dec 3, 2012
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Maybe this sounds OK to Americans, but when addressing a more international audience you might want to avoid saying that you "are loving" something. This sounds much more "physical" than simply saying you "love" it.

"Loving it" or " love it" IMO either is fine. Please stay on topic.


Well-known member
Jul 21, 2014
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"Loving it" or " love it" IMO either is fine. Please stay on topic.

I have to disagree. "I am loving it" does sound bad (those MacDonalds adverts were really not a good idea in Europe). It is rarely wise to combine the present continuous tense with the word "love", unless you are sure of what you are trying to say.

Anyway, to be getting back on topic, I am not sticking with Apple Music, as:
1. Android is only having beta support (so I can't be relying on it on my phone).
2. Linux is having no support (so I can't be using it on all my PCs).
3. No playlist import from Spotify. (I am using Spotify for several years and I am having many playlists.)
4. I am not seeing any advantages over Spotify that would be making me move over to Apple music.

Once those points are addressed, I might be giving it another go.
Last edited:


New member
Feb 8, 2014
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We've been a family plan subscriber since day one and we have been happy with Apple Music since then. We've never had any major issues and really enjoyed the look, feel and functionality that was provided by Apple Music. That said, I've now been on the public beta for iOS 10 since it launched and I have to say that the new Apple Music app is complete garbage! I do not know if we will end up staying with it after it launches if they don't make some serious changes. The new app design is atrocious. Bring back the album art color matching feature!!! Man did that look so nice. This new stark white and pinkish red color scheme is not pleasant to look at. And they need to bring back the previous artist landing page for our library. Before we could go to an artist in our library, see a nice photo of the artist, the. The albums in our library, and with a click of a tab see ALL of that artists music and connect content all from the same spot in our library. Now? Well, now we have to go to the SEARCH section if we want to see if an artist has any new content. How does THAT make this a better experience? Not good Apple. You messed things up. Sure there are some tweaks that could have been made to the previous Apple Music, but this complete overhaul was unnecessary and a huge step back IMO.


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2014
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Have NOT tried the subscription I have issues with! I think that should b free the amount of money folks throws at Apple all over the world it should b a courtesy for owing a Apple device! I used iheart and YouTube for the time being...only time I get a chance to listen to music is during my 20 minute commute and once in a while via YouTube during work!

Lol why should it be free? Music is another form of art and art is something you pay for.... I used to buy cds because I don't feel the desire to use "other" things.


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Sep 24, 2014
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I understand, however, companies are in business to provide products and services at a profit. It's the same with individuals selling personal items via a yard sale. Those folks are, on their own accord, buying Apple products and services. Some are doing it because the products and services fit their needs whereas others are doing just because. Apple, is not forcing anyone to purchase anything from them. A subscription service would not be beneficial to you under the circumstances, in my opinion. I still have two more kids still in school, and their at the age where music is their life, so to speak, so having a subscription meets my needs - at least for the time being....:)

I for one am no apple slave but I just happen to like their products... Apple music is on both Android and iOS so I can easily switch devices.

Music I love listening to and if I'm not working or in classes I am listening to music. Music for me can be an escape and it works well for me.


Feb 6, 2012
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I'm out on the first flight available. I'm only using it now because of how it ties with iOS and considering I can't remove the application it only makes sense. But I plan on either going back Tidal or Spotify.

The one thing that may keep me tied is the fact that I'm on the family plan with my wife, son and I let my parents join in. So they are all tied to it and don't do well with change.


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2014
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I'm out on the first flight available. I'm only using it now because of how it ties with iOS and considering I can't remove the application it only makes sense. But I plan on either going back Tidal or Spotify.

The one thing that may keep me tied is the fact that I'm on the family plan with my wife, son and I let my parents join in. So they are all tied to it and don't do well with change.

Honestly I love how integrated Apple music is with siri, Car play and etc and is a major selling point for me. If my issues with Google Music keeps up I might very well switch.


Feb 20, 2014
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I'm a subscriber since day one and can't imagine use an other service.

I have tried other services as well, but they just didn't feel right for me.
Spotify with their dark UI, the many bugs Google Music had at the moment made me itch.


Apple Watch and AirPod Champion, Ambassador
Nov 2, 2009
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We love Apple Music. I have the family plan and we all have our own playlists and songs. Using my iTunes gift card balance to pay for it I also get a 20% discount. I buy the cards in bulk when they go on sale.


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Dec 3, 2015
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I'm leaving Apple Music for good once my subscription expires this month. I don't like the way Apple Music changes the album art on all my non-tunes music. Music files that I've ripped in my preferred format, added my own cover art, and synced from my Mac to iPhone should be left alone by Apple Music. Sadly, that's just the way Apple Music works, and you take it or leave it. So I'm leaving it. I have switched back to Spotify and I'm not missing Apple Music at all.