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Who's sticking with Apple Music?


Jul 10, 2015
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I have tried Spotify, Google Music and Apple Music.

Here are my reasons for the choice I made in the end.


- Works great

- Has a EQ on IOS

- But I can?t upload my own music.

Google Music

- Works great

- Has no EQ in IOS.

- I can upload my own music without any problems.

- Song limit: 50.000

Apple Music

- Has bugs that must be corrected in iTunes and that take quite some time

- Has EQ in IOS

- I can upload my own music but I must correct covers and use a trick to prevent that live songs will be swapped for studio tracks.
Since I joined iTunes Match matching has improved a lot!

- Song limit: 100.000! I have been seriously collecting music since 1974 and my collection is huge!

- I can use Siri and I can use Apple Music on my Apple TV4.

Despite all the bugs I have chosen to use Apple Music. I hope Apple Music will see improvements in the near future.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2015
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Staying with apple music always since is into the music app and since with the music app my phone lasts a lot then is a good pro for me to have apple music.


iPhone 7, iPad Pro & Apple Watch Champion
Sep 26, 2012
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I'm sticking with Apple Music. I was using Spotify but AM is just easier since my kids and I all have iPhones and iPods and family subscription is cheaper than Spotify. Even better now bc hubby can use it from his android phone. It has been working well.


Apple Watch Champion
Jan 10, 2013
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My original plan was to stick with Apple Music, but I found myself listening to the same music that's already stored on my iPhone (1,400+ songs), so why pay the extra $10 monthly.
Maybe some day I will open back up the monthly subscription, but for now I'm good with my own music.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2011
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Spotify was my first streaming service I paid for until Apple Music was introduced, since then, after the 3 month trail, I've been paying for Apple Music and am loving their service better than Spotify


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Mar 19, 2016
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I just switched to my first iPhone, the 6s Plus, from only owning Android or Windows Phone. I had Microsoft's Groove Music subscription, loved it, but since I'm on iOS now, I canceled Groove to do the 3 month trial. I love Apple Music, I like the connect feature, and how it works. I'll be sticking with it for sure! I was gonna keep Groove, but I wanted to support Apple so I switched!


New member
Mar 26, 2016
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I'm wondering who's staying and why or why not? I'm debating going back to it once my Google music sub is nearing it's end since I didn't want to pay for 2 subs at the same time.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I may go to apple music but I'm not sure if its better than spotify or not


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Oct 5, 2014
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I am canceling Apple Music when my trial ends on May 7th. I gave it many chances but it is just a buggy mess. I don't know how it runs on Mac's and iOS devices but on Windows and Android the poster stepchild for Apple it is terrible.

On Windows you have to use that horrible iTunes software. It takes forever to launch. It freezes all the time but the audio continues. The worse is that it hogs ram bad. It will start out using about 300 MB of ram off the bat then it can grow to over a gig of ram which is why it starts to freeze. No web player unlike every other streaming service out there.

Android app is terrible and I gave it so many chances. Sometimes launching it and right away I get "Unfortunately Apple Music has stopped". Go into my account and sometimes again "Unfortunately Apple Music has stopped". If I go into a album or playlist that does not exists anymore you bet "Unfortunately Apple Music has stopped". Then on Android sometimes the music will just randomly pause during tracks. No reason for that. Also it hogs battery bad. One album and drain the battery about 4% on my Nexus 6 but Play Music the same album maybe 1% to 2%. With the screen off BTW. With it on it is 1% every couple of minutes.

Well after fighting back and forth even cancelling Play Music a bunch of time because was not sure and even calling Google up to get a refund just to get a free month when I signed up again I am staying with Play Music. Too bad as Apple Music AAC sounds great but it is not worth the bugs.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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My Music subscription has served me well to this point, and therefore, I will continue to be a subscriber...:)


Well-known member
Mar 8, 2016
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Have NOT tried the subscription I have issues with! I think that should b free the amount of money folks throws at Apple all over the world it should b a courtesy for owing a Apple device! I used iheart and YouTube for the time being...only time I get a chance to listen to music is during my 20 minute commute and once in a while via YouTube during work!

Rob Phillips

iPhone X & Apple TV Champion, Moderator
May 1, 2012
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Have NOT tried the subscription I have issues with! I think that should b free the amount of money folks throws at Apple all over the world it should b a courtesy for owing a Apple device! I used iheart and YouTube for the time being...only time I get a chance to listen to music is during my 20 minute commute and once in a while via YouTube during work!

While free Apple Music would be awesome, it's just not feasible. Artists are paid royalties when their songs are streamed, and the services are paying big bucks to exclusive streaming rights. For example, Drake's new album released exclusively on Apple Music. Beyonce's is exclusive to Tidal (not surprising considering it's owned by her husband). This isn't cheap but it's important to be competitive.

If Apple had to foot the bill, Apple Music would end up a forgotten project, cluttered with advertisements and B-level artists. I'm more than happy to pay.

One more note: Paid services create revenue streams for companies like Apple, allowing them to continue to innovate and expand their ecosystems.


Well-known member
Mar 8, 2016
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While free Apple Music would be awesome, it's just not feasible. Artists are paid royalties when their songs are streamed, and the services are paying big bucks to exclusive streaming rights. For example, Drake's new album released exclusively on Apple Music. Beyonce's is exclusive to Tidal (not surprising considering it's owned by her husband). This isn't cheap but it's important to be competitive.

If Apple had to foot the bill, Apple Music would end up a forgotten project, cluttered with advertisements and B-level artists. I'm more than happy to pay.

One more note: Paid services create revenue streams for companies like Apple, allowing them to continue to innovate and expand their ecosystems.

Ok all well and Good there r tons of streaming svcs that r free don't see issues y iTunes and artists can't work together they just greedy! And poor sob like us work and throw hard earn money down the proverbial tunes...with technology comes greed and stupidity! Imho


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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Have NOT tried the subscription I have issues with! I think that should b free
I understand, however, companies are in business to provide products and services at a profit. It's the same with individuals selling personal items via a yard sale.
the amount of money folks throws at Apple all over the world it should b a courtesy for owing a Apple device!
Those folks are, on their own accord, buying Apple products and services. Some are doing it because the products and services fit their needs whereas others are doing just because. Apple, is not forcing anyone to purchase anything from them.
I used iheart and YouTube for the time being...only time I get a chance to listen to music is during my 20 minute commute and once in a while via YouTube during work!
A subscription service would not be beneficial to you under the circumstances, in my opinion. I still have two more kids still in school, and their at the age where music is their life, so to speak, so having a subscription meets my needs - at least for the time being....:)


New member
Apr 3, 2014
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I will always stick with  Music now. I always hated Spotify and would spend around ?50 a month on iTunes. Now at ?15 for a family plan I save loads of money. I wish they had the student deal before I left university.