Who Is Going To Buy It?


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Do Apple mobile products hold sentimental value for you, Leanna? :) Given my penchant for frequent upgrades, it behooves me to strike while the iron is hot and recover as much $$$ as possible by selling the old to further justify the new ;)

Leanna Lofte

App and photo editor
Sep 7, 2008
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I don't know what it is. I guess maybe it's a little sentimental lol. I guess as someone who got the first iPhone (and will get the first iPad), I think it'll be really neat when 10 years down the road, I have all 10 iPhones that have been released. You never know, they may be worth a lot in the future :p

And I'm spoiled in the fact that I don't need the money to justify the cost of a new one because my birthday lands in June and all 3 iPhones have been birthday gifts from my Dad :)

I am generous though and let friends borrow previous versions. So all I have in my physical possession right now is the 2G and 3GS - a friend is borrowing my 3G. When I was using the 3G, a friend was borrowing the 2G. I'm just so nice :) ...and maybe a little too trusting.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Generosity creates good karma, Leanna. :)

I can now report that FedEx delivered to me, on this very day, my very first, brand-new, shiny, gorgeous.... wireless keyboard for my pre-ordered iPad :) It's exciting to have part of my order... now if I only had my 64GB 3G iPad to pair it with... sigh.


Apr 12, 2010
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showing up on campuses...

I work on a college campus, and the College of Law has several signs up on bulletin boards in the common areas from a well known law book publisher announcing their products will be available on the iPad within the month.

I think the onslaught of product applications is going to be hitting critical mass soon.

I am already seeing students carrying them around, and once text books hit them, it's a done deal.