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Who Is Going To Buy It?


Well-known member
Mar 8, 2008
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My plan is to buy it! But I am gonna get the low end version as I know next year there will be an even better one. My friends are calling me an Apple  sucker! Well, they're right!


Dec 19, 2009
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I think it'll be great for the older generation for ease of browsing the web, doing e-mail and other stuff like that. But they're (Apple) are not pitching it at them, are they?


New member
Feb 14, 2010
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I am going to pick three up as soon as they're available. All of them are most likely going to be the 16 GB WiFi version.

My iPhone is 16 GB too and my whole iTunes is tailor cut to fit perfectly. So I shouldn't be having any space problems.

The other two will be for my father and mother. My father just because he likes to sit in the living room and browse the internet and use Skype to chat with me (we live a 1.000 km apart).

For my mother it would be perfect too, as she does not have the patience to work with normal computers.

Now with the iPad I know she's going to use it again, since she was already fond of the iPhone and how easy it was to use. She only thought it to be too small a screen, since she has bad eyesight and with the iPhone OS you can zoom in as much as you want to. Fits the bill perfectly, I'd say.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2009
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I'm getting one, I'm a sucker for new products. I already have a iPhone, so I'll just get getting the 64 GB WiFi version and calling it good.


Well-known member
Jul 21, 2009
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I'll buy one sooner or later... Needs to see the outcome/comments of the other users first..

You know what I started saving once the rumors first started I figured if it materialized I'd have my money ready, and if it didn't I'd get a 3Gs this year. Then when they announced it I was set to go, then I was on the fence becasue I wondered if I should wait for the 2nd gen. Then I figured right now 3G are still holding their value so I'm going to buy the 1st gen as soon as I can and when the 2nd gen comes out I'm sure it will still have a good resale value so I'll just sell and upgrade plus the price point makes it a sure thing anyway.


Feb 23, 2010
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I think it's an awesome idea/concept, one which is arguably long overdue. I have a jailbroken iPhone 3G and a Dell XPS laptop. Love 'em both, but each has its limitations. I mainly use lappy for surfing Web, e-mail, IM, and viewing/managing photos & video. Use the iPhone as my main telephone, and for quick e-mail mgmt, surfing, and light texting, taking pics/video and gaming.

Part of the surfing is trading stocks/options and blogging on stocks/finance and, as one would expect, the Dell blows away iPhone in this regard. The quicker browsing speed, bigger screen, larger/full keyboard, and ability to view multiple windows on 1 screen is far superior to having to constantly swipe back & forth and resize on the iPhone.
I also hate composing or replying to e-mails on the iPhone; I love the multitap touchscreen in general, but the typing on a very small glass screen is a bit difficult for me.
Both are battery hogs, and while relatively lightweight/compact, the Dell is just cumbersome enough to make it a pain in the butt to haul around when I'm mobile. I do occasionally tether, but that's also a hassle and runs the risk of data overages with AT&T. I've considered getting a netbook, but don't want/need another flip-open device when I'm out & about, nor do I want to pay the extra $50-60/mo. in 3G data fees (am already paying for home cable Net service, plus the Iphone data fee).

So, for me, the Ipad seems like it just might be the ideal "bridge" device. I'm not going to rush out & buy one the moment it's available, as I'd like to see any initial bugs worked out and the price to come down.
But honestly, if it's half of what it's hyped up to be, and I eventually got one and fell in love with it, I'd consider ditching the Iphone and getting a Blackberry (or similar physical-keyboard smartphone) to use as my main phone and for mobile e-mail mgmt, texting, and light surfing. And, if the Ipad will offer MS Office & printing capability, and the ability to connect a CD/DVD drive & physical keyboard, I'd probably abandon the Dell as well !


Mar 1, 2010
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The idea of the Ipad is ok but to me it just seems like a bigger Iphone and to be honest, I expected more from the new Apple product. The Ipod and Iphone revolutionized its market but with the Ipad I highly doubt that the Ipad has this potential.


Mar 2, 2010
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I am a teacher, and cant wait to see what they release for education.... the possibilities are exciting.... so YES, as soon as I can scrounge up the dough I will be purchasing one.


New member
Mar 3, 2010
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It depends on everyone needs and wants. Nowadays especially the youngsters, they prefer to have the latest devices or gadgets. That's why most people will buy iPad although they have iPod or iPhone.

Mr. Jay

Mar 2, 2010
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I'm really on the fence about getting one, honestly I might for the 2nd gen version of it before making the plunge. I am also waiting on the 4g Iphone which is gonna have 2 cameras for vid conference calls (fingers crossed).


Mar 5, 2010
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i have just heard about the apple's 4g iphone. Apple really provide all the best things to the customers and i think it is never ending.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
At first I was leaning toward the 32GB WiFi only model. But alas, the alure of the 64GB 3G model is too great... like an insatiable black hole, I'm being sucked in and my credit card along with me. I think I'll be sure to install a good budget app on my shiny new iPad ;)

Leanna Lofte

App and photo editor
Sep 7, 2008
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I wasn't going to buy one because I felt guilty spending the money with a baby on the way, but hubby told me yesterday to just get one :D I missed the cutoff date to have one reserved in the store, so I'll be getting up bright and early to get in line! I'll be getting the base model solely because it's the cheapest. I never re-sell my iPhones when I get a new one, and I won't be selling my iPad when I get the 2nd generation either.