Week 4 thread: Win the iOS device of your dreams in the TiPb holiday giveaway!

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Dec 9, 2011
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It would be nice to win an Apple TV so I could stream Netflicks since my Xbox can't figure out how to connect to the internet. (It would also be cool to pick up a new iPhone to be the remote)


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Dec 2, 2011
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Really want to ditch my Moto Droid 1 but after paying for Christmas for the family.....funds for me to get a shiny new 4S are non existent.


Dec 4, 2011
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Hello there :)

Hi. I hope I get to win the iOS device of my dreams!!!!! it would make for the awesomest gift i've ever received. Bye. and to whoever is reading this I LOVE YOU! have a good day, Louie


Nov 4, 2011
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I would like to win because I would give it to my sister. She sold her phone to finish buying Christmas for my family and I have heard no stop about the iPhone 4S. She you be so excitied to get one!!


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Sep 27, 2011
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I would absolutely love to be the winner of this gift card. I would definitely use it towards a new Mac Book since mine has been starting to get a bit old and slow and need some extra storage space for my photography startup business. :) Good Luck everyone.


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Dec 28, 2011
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Would wait for 2012 offerings...!

I would be beyond thrilled to win an iOS device, but I would definitely sit on my winnings until the next gen devices come out (even though I'd be "squirmin' like a toad!") Also, I'm sure my head would be exploding (in a good way), as I decide whether it'll be the iPhone 5 or iPad 3. Oh, I'd be a very happy gal, indeed. Thanks for the opportunity, Tipb...! :)
Feb 1, 2011
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why i want to win

i really want to win because i want to use buy an ipad of my own (my parents have bought everyone else in my family one but me) and also use it to communicate with them since they live halfway around the world. The ipad would also be a useful tool for college because it reduces the amount of stuff i would have to carry around and have a more compact way to function in school.


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Jan 29, 2011
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I would use Apple TV's to help share with my parents pictures and videos of my son growing up. For them as they age it gets harder and harder to see on a smaller screen so I would be able to play it on the TV.I would be able to do this for my parents and grandparents so they can all see the special moments.


Dec 7, 2010
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Winning an iPad 2 would be great for me because it's easier to take it anywhere with me and I can pretty much do almost any task just like a laptop. Crossing my fingers!


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Dec 17, 2011
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It's not that I want an Apple TV, it's that I NEED an Apple TV -- to survive. You see, I am Darth Vader and I'm vacationing at Disney World with Grand Moff Tarkin and his wife Dorothy. I accidentally fell in the water at the It's a Small World ride while trying to remove an Earth pebble from my boot. Let me tell you, I was so angry that I prepared the Death Star to vaporize most of Florida, but decided against it because we're going to the Bahamas on Friday and couldn't risk destroying it as well due to the close proximity.

I, unfortunately, did not purchase travel insurance and would be out all the money I spent of the Bahamas leg of our journey, and with the economy being the way it is, I did not consider that wise. That is one lesson Obi-Wan was wrong about. He taught me, "Be frugal with your travel money young padawan, you should never buy travel insurance. Instead, purchase a travel wallet that hangs from your neck and has a fancy zipper." That advice still frustrates me!

Anyway, with regards to requiring an Apple TV. My chest plate electronics have failed due to the water breeching the circuitry. Grand Moff Tarkin's wife had in her possession a Palm Centro and the paramedics with the help of a Disney Imagineer, were able to quickly and efficiently wire the device into my life support system and keep things running until such time that I can get back to the Death Star for complete repairs. Here is the problem: it totally throws off the brooding, evil look I'm going for. The Palm Centro that is now in my chest plate is pink. Oh, you would not believe the crap I've gotten for that. I've had to strangle so many people while on vacation and I did NOT want to do that. I just wanted a quiet, strangle-free vacation, but nooo, people just had to get lippy with me. The Apple TV would match the rest of my armor perfectly, and I have an important speech to give while in the Bahamas to a group of bounty hunters. I feel they would not be totally concentrating on my talk if they could not get past my pink chest plate. Those bounty hunters act like a bunch of 12 year olds.

There is another benefit: having access to my complete iTunes media collection while on vacation would be fantastic as I was hoping to catch up on season 3 of Glee.

Thank you for your consideration and may the Force be with you.
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Jan 19, 2011
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I would love to win so I could buy an iPhone for my fiancee as a late xmas gift, she is stuck with a stupid blackberry and hates it.
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