Voice mail transcribe


Trusted Member
Sep 20, 2014
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I've been using my note for the last couple months but loaded iOS 10 on my 6s plus. Is voice mail transcribe working right now? If so is this a feature that can be disabled by carriers? I've always paid for the visual voicemail on android and I'm excited for this on iPhone was just looking for some info on it. Thanks.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2014
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I've been using my note for the last couple months but loaded iOS 10 on my 6s plus. Is voice mail transcribe working right now? If so is this a feature that can be disabled by carriers? I've always paid for the visual voicemail on android and I'm excited for this on iPhone was just looking for some info on it. Thanks.

It may be a carrier dependent feature like Visual Voicemail is now on the iPhone. It may be a feature that is added to the VVM server on the carrier end. I haven't heard much about the inner workings of it yet.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2014
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I understand that Visual Voice Mail is at it's heart a bastardised IMAP4 implementation, meaning that your voicemail is basically a audio file that exists in a mailbox. Given Apple's strong stance on security, specifically differential, it is not beyond belief that your phone would download the message, process it locally (possibly using Siri online services, like normal voice commands), meaning it wouldn't be "another" opportunity for your telco to charge you.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2014
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I understand that Visual Voice Mail is at it's heart a bastardised IMAP4 implementation, meaning that your voicemail is basically a audio file that exists in a mailbox. Given Apple's strong stance on security, specifically differential, it is not beyond belief that your phone would download the message, process it locally (possibly using Siri online services, like normal voice commands), meaning it wouldn't be "another" opportunity for your telco to charge you.

Sounds possible.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2011
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This I would like to see! for me to add the Voicemail to Text from my carrier is $5 a month and I refuse to pay that. so now this would do the same and be free. Carriers that charge for this will not be happy! lol