Verizon iPhone give-away! Enter now to win!

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Jan 11, 2011
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Verizon iPhone!

I love TiPb so much because of giveaways like this one for a Verizon iPhone 4(Actually a gift card to get one)!



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Jan 11, 2011
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Great promotion to have new visitor to your site!! First timer here on Tipb. Would love to know more about the site.

My story:

I actually switched to Verizon two months ago just to wait for the iphone to be available here. can't stand the ATT reception. I have used iphone for 2 years and now am settled with the DroidX which I hate so much.

Can't reset my mobile behavior to use an non-iphone!! For those die-hard iphone fans, you will understand how much pain I am in right now.

So please would love to have the free iphone!!!

michael styles

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Jan 11, 2011
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Count Me In! I have been all the SPE(Michael Styles) websites especially TiPb, Crackberry, & Android Central......but I dunno what I'd do without all the great info TiPb gives out for Apple I knew it would only be a matter of time I'd become a member & iPhone owner. So Plz Pick Me hahahaha
Jan 11, 2011
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I have been waiting to get the iPhone for Verizon for sooooo long. I even spent $200 on a blackberry bold when my old phone broke so I could save my upgrade for the iphone, not knowing when or if it was ever going to Verizon but I had hope. Now that it's going to be available, you could say I am a very happy camper :) I love Tipb and I visit this website multiple times a day, many times hoping there would be another rumor about the Verizon iPhone. I used to also read the blog entries about iPhone apps and such, and I became envious of iPhone users because I felt my Blackberry was insufficient, which it is (IMO) compared to the iPhone. Love you Tipb!<3


Sep 8, 2010
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Verizon iPhone 4 give away

A verizon iPhone would be awesome gift. I Kobe tipb because I can get all my iPhone info there. Keep up the good work!!


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Jan 11, 2011
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Oh Ye, Me Tipb(Sonnet In A Minor)

Oh ye, at TIPB
How Thy Blog Make My Man Chest Moist
This Haiku not quite right
Yet this Blog Is The Right Choice

I lay awake at night Only To Refresh
The lovely pages like sages
Mine Own Chest Hair Like John Tesh
Lovely like Angry Bird Stages

O this is the blog that my heart desire
Nor Emerald Sapphires Can Match My Lust
O' ye TiPB
The other blogs like Droids.....rust

So think of Me O' Ye Tipb
When thy view of the Horizon Zones
O Sweet Blog O' Mine; My Thighs Shiver
If You Pass Along That Verizon Iphone

Big Daddy Vladdy



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Jun 18, 2009
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TiPb is great. For me it is the one place I check for news on Apple mobile devices and the coverage is great.

I would love to win a Verizon iPhone 4. Either way, I am getting one.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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I'd love an iPhone, but Verizon isn't allowing early upgrades. Right now I have a (really lousy) dumb phone. I love TiPb for the iPad coverage...I'd love to follow you all for your iphone info as well!


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Jul 16, 2009
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Please, it would be totally amazing to win a Verizon iPhone! My contract on at&t just ended and I was thinking about switching! I have been reluctant to pick an iphone up on att but on Verizon it will be so much more reliable.

Plus, TiPB is totally the best place to learn everything I ever need to know about iphones, ipod, and ipads ;). Thank you!


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Jan 11, 2011
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Dear TIPB,
Everyday, I will be sitting in class, just checking up on you and your brotherly blogs (crackberry, etc.) hoping for exciting news. You guys are always the first to give me the full story and it's wonderful. I have an iPod Touch and am DYING to get an iPhone 4 for Verizon! Now, that the dream has come true, you guys can give me the opportunity. Unfortunately, two factors prevent me from getting the iPhone. First off, my upgrade date is not for a while, which is a bummer. Also, its a tough purchase for me to make now because of the economy.
I LOVE TIPB because you guys are like a family to me, except you're not, which is the funny thing! You all keep me up to date of apps that I should and shouldn't buy, you guys also tell me what new gadgets are coming out, and you always convince me to buy them. I wish one day I could be part of your team! ONE DAY!! :)
The fact that you guys give us readers the opportunity to give away a gift certificate to buy an iPhone is an unbelievable experience! The fact that you can afford to do that just shows how much you care about your readers. If you can do this for me, I would appreciate it very much, and I don't even know how I would start to pay you back! Maybe I can be your tipster. ;)
I hope that me writing this will stick with you up to the end of the contest. I cannot stop saying it in my head, but it would be an amazing experience if you guys can give me the chance to have an iPhone.
My school is currently going into the technology world, and sooner or later, we will have to buy our own device to get internet, email, etc. and it has to be portable so it can go to school and home. If you guys can help push forward my education to a whole new level, you would be impacting the rest of my life. Please, don't push for a person that had an AT&T iPhone and just wants to switch, or anyone that already has a BlackBerry and just wants to switch because the iPhone is extremely cool. Choose me: the student who needs it, cannot afford it, and you're giving me the opportunity of a lifetime! Please, even if I don't win, it would mean a lot if you responded to me at my email address of I would love to have a one on one conversation with you one day!

Thank you, and TIPB is the best (and so are you readers!)
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