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TiPb iPad 2 give away!

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2010
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TiPb has been the one and only site about iStuff that I visit daily, and I have done this since I got my first iphone a couple of years ago. It has taught me so much about Apple and their products.
I also really like the forums, the people there are very helpful.
Thanks TiPb!

Machine gunport

Well-known member
Dec 8, 2010
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I love the fact that TIPB is right on top of everything ios, and if I have any questions I know I can find the answer on these here forums. Also you guys have the best contests :)


Active member
Jan 17, 2011
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Do I want to win the iPad 2 giveaway? Absolutely! But in all sincerity, there's a lot to love at TIPB: the informative and entertaining podcasts that I listen to via Bluetooth headphones at work, the incredible community of users regularly helping each other out, and the uniquely digestive editorials from the TIPB staff. Keep up the good work!


Dec 8, 2010
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I love the accessory reviews, the updates on applications, and most importantly, how to best apple and keep my phone jailbroken on the most up-to-date OS!


New member
Mar 4, 2011
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I've never been to this site. I won an iPad1 off the radio. My friend showed me this site, I signed up to win iPad2. If I win it I'll give my iPad1 away to whoever posts below me.


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Aug 10, 2010
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TIPB is awesome

I love TiPb because of the coverage of the Live events Apple has keeps me informed. I also love seeing the reviews and the other videos in regards to products and other devices. Hope I can get an iPad 2 as I would love it.


Dec 7, 2010
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iWant and iPad 2!!

I love how you guys at TiPb are always honest and always give thorough reviews on the best of the best of accessories for the iOS devices! You all have very different views and its interesting to see how each of you think and how you guys back up your views on things differently. Keep up the great work guys!!


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Mar 4, 2011
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What I love

As you are aware there are hundreds of million websites on the internet today. Out of those hundreds of million websites, I came across TiPb.

I have been a "lurker" for a long time now and I decided to register to let my feelings out and just say thank you.

Below is what I love about TiPb

  • Superb content
  • Awesome, detailed user guides
  • Great community of users
  • Informative information
  • Great how-to section for users like myself

I really love the fact that I can go to a website and learn about quality technology and clear out the commercialized iPad/iPhone/Apple websites.

Having a site like yours in my daily feed everyday is something which makes me:

  • Smarter
  • Informed
  • Eager to learn more about the changing technology world we live in

Thank you for your time. Nice work and keep up the great work.
You have grabbed my attention since way back when and continue to do so.

Daily reader,
Timothy Allard


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2011
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Man, we are so lucky with these contests of yours! I joined TiPB on the day the Verizon iPhone was announced, and this site has been amazing! There are always great, unbiased articles to read, tips to help us with our iDevices, and a great set of forums that let us meet and socialize with other users. The atmosphere on this site is great, and it's truly the one website I check daily.

And if it weren't for TiPB, I wouldn't have learned how to put a ring tone on my iPhone (oh, the horror!)


New member
Mar 4, 2011
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**crosses fingers and Prays** Dear Lord please help me

I must say that I visit Tipb. I have a custom Google homepage (I think it's called "iGoogle" :rolleyes: ) which has an tipb news feed. Anyhow, I am a TiPb fan. Not sure entirely when I stumbled across them, but I read them religiously until I started using RSS, then I just read the RSS feed and jump over if an article is especially interesting. My interests are Macs and mobile phones, and TiPb obviously covers Mac and mobile phone news the best because no one else seems to bring together the info they do. So, its like they win by default. TiPb is usually humourous and professional.

TiPb is in my RSS feeds, and there might be a half dozen headlines a week that cause me to click on over to their site for the full article.

For Mac-specific news I rely on TiPb to filter 'the wheat from the chaff'. I will occasionally click a read link to another site. Other forums just struck me as redundant. I like the way Tipb is laid out.


Dec 24, 2010
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my favorite thing about tipb is the forums and the how to videos.I come back because it's the quickest most reliable news source on the Internet in relating to iPad, iPhone, and other apple products.
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