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TiPb 32GB iPhone 3G S Give Away - Day Three!

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May 7, 2009
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We rescued a teacup Chihuahua about 4 years ago from our neighbors who rescued her from a breeder farm but left her outside all the time even during a hurricane because she wasn?t house trained and had some medical problems. She is missing patches of fur, has a chunk missing from her ear, has hip problems from having puppies so young and her knee joints bend the opposite direction they are supposed to. One leg is so bad, she doesn?t use it much anymore. My freakin hormonal emotional teenage daughters ((whom I love with every oz of my being and are driving me FREAKIN CRAZYYYY fighting) (those few words should be enough to win me an iphone right there out of pity!!)) lost my baby! One daughter took her outside so she could antagonize the other daughter and they both came back in the house screaming at each other and left the 3 legged doggie outside. They both called me on my way home work crying because she was missing. We looked for her for a couple of hours and no luck. If I didn?t have such a dedicated and wonderful neighbor, one more hour and she would have been toast. It was 8* out and my neighbor found her 2 blocks away hiding under trees by a fence line only because she had a purple sweater on to help keep her warm. An iphone sure would have been nice to show her pic on while I was banging on every door in the neighborhood! It would also be wonderful to be able to record the teens arguing so they can see what boneheads they look like when they are fighting over who used who?s mascara! Every parent needs to have the latest gadget to be able to stay one step ahead of the children! Even though it is summer now, they are STILL DRIVING ME CRAZZZYYY!!! :eek: Pretty please pick me!!! I currently have a jack II with ATT and would love an iphone!:D


May 10, 2009
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for my hubby...

Well, I've had the iPhone 3G since April, and both my husband and I LOVE it. He doesn't even have a cell phone yet, but we'll be getting one soon. I really, really, REALLY would love to get him an iPhone, largely for the locator option. He commutes to work by bike, and I can't tell you the number of times I've wished I could know where he was. I know... hokey, but it would be a huge peace of mind for me!


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Jun 3, 2008
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The #1 reason I want to upgrade has got to be speed! I'm a sucker for speed, this phone is faster than the version I currently have, therefore I want to upgrade!


Jan 30, 2009
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Number One Reason to Upgrade

My number one reason for upgrading is to push the envelope of the camera/video capabilities of the new phone. I have recently taken up photography as a hobby and have an interest in what is generally regarded as the shortcomings of various cameras. Light leaking, pixelation, whatever it is, I believe there is art there and would really like to master the iPhone as art aspect.


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Jun 18, 2009
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I'm an independent developer and I'd like to be able to target and test for the 3GS but I don't have the cash for another phone. Winning this would certainly help!


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Jun 13, 2008
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I want to upgrade my iPhone so I don't have to feel guilty about buying my wife the old 3G when I buy myself the new 3G S.

Oh, and my wifi chip is burned out in my 2G.


Jun 18, 2009
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Make a 5 year old very happy

I paid full price for an iPhone 2G, so I could not justify paying to upgrade to 3G just a few of months later when the price dropped. Now, a "mere" 8 GB is becoming more and more cramped as better aps come out, and I use the phone more.

Finally, my 5 year old daughter loves my phone. If I win the 3G S, I will turn the 2G into a iPod Touch for my wife and daughter.


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Sep 19, 2005
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Storage capacity! I love that the hard drive is solid state, but I outgrew it in less than two months of use and have been dying for a storage upgrade ever since! I have a 1st gen 8 GB and didn't feel the urge to upgrade when the 3G 16GB was released, but I'm definitely feeling the urge now! Everything else is icing on the cake!


Aug 12, 2008
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I use the Maps function on my 3G all the time! With it, at my manly best, I ask for even fewer directions than I would otherwise. BUT, even as awesome as Maps is, it's hard to tell which direction I'm facing to use the map. The magnetometer changes all that. I will become a navigational GOD!

I want the speed too, btw.


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Jun 18, 2009
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A couple of months after the very first iphone came out I joined a self defense class at the university I attended. In the class they were having a raffle for a first generation iphone. I entered the raffle and miraculously my name was called!! I have totally converted to everything apple since then and absolutely love my iphone. Wouldn't it be great if I could win the upgrade again? yes! But I mostly would want the new Iphone 3GS so I can give my younger sister my old iphone as a graduation present. She would absolutely love it!!


May 6, 2009
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I want to upgrade to the new iPhone because well my iPhone is only half working.
I got my iPhone in September 2007. Saved like crazy.
Right now there's dock corrosion, I can only charge my phone with my car charger. For some reason it won't charge with the wall charger or USB to computer. My computer won't even detect my iPhone :( and it's not just the cable. My old school iPod works fine with the same cable. So since my iPhone can't be detected by my computer I have 2.x software.. I haven't even been able to enjoy 3.0 like some of you people. I'm actually sitting in my car just so I can charge my phone and type this because my Verizon DSL just got cut.. Haven't got to pay for it yet. My 2G iPhone sound doesn't work either. I hate that I have to sit in my car just to charge my iPhone so I hope I win :( please. K thanks for reading guys.. How's 3.0?


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Jun 18, 2009
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Need some good news

This would be my first iPhone. I've wanted one since the beginning, but haven't been able to justify the purchase. I've always believed that an iPhone should replace both the phone and an MP3 player. My 30GB iPod was working just fine and why bother with an iPhone with less capacity than the iPod? So last fall, I upgraded my phone to a great little slider not knowing that I'd need a qwerty keyboard soon.

First, the internet policy at work changed and we could no longer access the web on work computers. Twitter is painful when using a keypad. Then, I dropped my iPod. Though it still plays music, the video function is a bit lacking. Finally there was a storm that came through last night and fried my computer before I could get it turned off. I could really use some good news about now and an iPhone certificate would put a smile on my face.

Also, Pocket God looks like a lot of fun.

Thanks for the oportunity!


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Jun 18, 2009
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First of all thank you for reading my ple :D
The long and short of my situation is that i am only 16 years old, therefore money is very tight for me as i have a part time job and just started college. I have joined a photography course and the new 3 Mega-Pixel camera on the 3GS with auto focus, white balance and exposure, would be a lovely feature to have while out without my SLR. Also i am very keen of blogging (danmancity.wordpress.com) and the internet speed boost and generally faster processor would greatly improve my workflow on iBlogger, twitterrific and all the other 102 apps i have on my 3G.
thanks for considering me :D


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Jun 18, 2009
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#1 reason for wanting an iPhone is so I can develop an app and make $1million (said with his pinky by my mouth).

Plus, I don't currently have any Apple products; I use a lot of Microsoft products (i.e. Zune) and maybe this would convert me.


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Jun 18, 2009
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#1 Reason: I'm tired of waiting for RIM to properly thread sms messages.. Yes I know OS 5.0 will support it, but my device dosn't support 5.0.


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Jun 18, 2009
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I would like a iPhone because it is fun, unlike my current phone (The LG VX10000, a crappy knockoff). It will also make sitting through boring classes more enjoyable.


Jun 9, 2009
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#1 reason I want an iPhone 3G is for that "S"! The boost in RAM and CPU speed is amazing! I was really hoping they would add that this time around. I have the 3G and it is great but it does crash every so often. I am always running out of RAM, so with the 3G I dont see that happening anytime soon.


Jun 18, 2009
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I?m without a doubt a hardcore Apple enthusiast. I love all the products and services. The iPhone 3G is the greatest smartphone on the planet and the best device for that matter. I own a 16GB white 3G and the only thing better than that would be a 32GB white iPhone 3G :D ! I?m a complete tech nerd and would go absolutely bonkers if I had a 3G. Thanks guys!

- Doug
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