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TiPb 32GB iPhone 3G S Give Away - Day Three!

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Jun 18, 2009
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TiPb 32GB iPhone 3G S Give Away to Me!

No snazzy story, I just would love to have one. I currently have v. 1 with no 3G and no GPS and only 4GB. And really can't afford a new one right now. I could definitely use more space as I'm always shuffling around what's on there for lack of space. No other good reason besides that. But here's my entry!


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Jun 18, 2009
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Why I need to upgrade but can't

The camera with upgraded MP and macro is the most motivation at this point. I'm in the middle of a 365 photo project using the iPhone camera exclusively, and the new iPhone 3GS would be an amazing tool and upgrade to my project.

Problem is - my wife is unemployed and I don't make enough money to pay the bills solo - zonks! TiPB... I sure could use a generous gift!
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Jun 18, 2009
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i want to win!!

i actually want the iphone for my husband. he currently has a samsung blackjack, and has trouble with it all the time b/c of his music apps. he really wants an iphone and we just can't afford any of them. i'd love to win this one and surprise him with it!!



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May 6, 2009
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Pay back my iPhone Karma

My wife and I are two poor students, certainly too poor for these nice machines. However, my wife got an iPhone 2G from a friend who upgraded to 3G, saved it till our anniversary, and then gave it to me. (isn't it like THE GIFT OF THE MAGI by O. Henry?)
Anyhow, now it is time for me to pay back my iPhone Karma dues.



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Sep 8, 2008
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iPhone 3Gs Giveaway

The biggest reason for me is VIDEO! I can't tell you how many of my kids' events I have missed because I didn't bring the old "sonycam - 8 lb. monster" :mad:. It is wonderful to have this "spur-of-the-moment" recording ability. :) Thanks Apple!


Dec 26, 2008
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The #1 reason for the upgrade would be the increased performance and my long awaited google maps function, upright direction in google maps!!



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May 23, 2009
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An Iphone 3gs would mean the world to me :) although I already have an I phone 3g, nothing like keeping up with the times :p new techlolgy = happy Geoff :)

Zach Curren

Jun 18, 2009
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iPhone 3GS giveaway.... my reasons

There are many reasons to want to upgrade to the 3GS. My main reason is that I have come to rely on the iPhone as a one stop shop for my personal life as well as my career. I am a firefighter/paramedic and frequently use the iPhone to access our staffing computer, look up protocols, etc. However, the new functions of the 3GS (compass integration to maps) will allow me to better verify my position and directions when I am fighting wild-land fires this summer. This saves me the need for another device (separate GPS) and solves the problems that I had due to the limitations of the 3G. The 3GS would allow me to do all that I need to on one device while I do not have access to any other sort of computing device. Besides, it will be faster for be to get my TiPb updates on the go!


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Jun 18, 2009
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I want an iPhone 3gS because I'm a big fan of cell phones with speed. I've always followed the iPhone with every release and had it once (during this years WWDC I was constantly updating my browser for updates on my VZ phone!) I switched to Verizon and got the LG Dare simply because my employer gets a discount with Verizon. I realize now that I don't have a problem paying the monthly bill on AT&T if that means I can have the sweetest phone on the market. I thought the Dare would be a nice phone to have. I was wrong, with it constantly turning off and on (happens at least 4 times a day.) The internet is no comparison to the iPhone. My girlfriend has an iPod touch and I'm constantly using that to browse the web instead of on my phone. The 2 things I would say the Dare had better than the iPhone was the camera, and GPS with VZNavigator. But, I don't use the camera often so it's no big deal. As for GPS, all I have to say is TomTom. If I wasn't looking for a new place and had a surgery to save up for, I wouldn't mind paying the ETF on Verizon and paying full price to switch to AT&T (I've done it before and planned on doing with the new iPhone.) That being said, I hope you pick me and I will be forever grateful to the place that got me a brand new iPhone 3gs.

Earless Puppy

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May 6, 2009
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The deal breaker is the auto focus camera and the Video.... Oh and being a Fanboy doesn't hurt... Apple fanboy and TiPb fanboy...

And I'm not a 13 year old kid, I should win..... Thank you Rene


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Jun 18, 2009
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It feels as if I've been searching a lifetime for my holy grail. To easily and efficiently,

(not spending five minutes using my chunky fingers to smash keys the size of a pinhead to type-in a web address, and having a shot of espresso to stay awake while the mobile web browser loads the site, then, if lucky enough to not be presented with randomly scrambled pixels on the matchbook-sized display, locate the jeweler's grade magnifying glass to actually view the site)

anywhere and anytime, access my information. All of it. Yes, I purchased the first available Kyocera smartphone, marking the beginning of a vicious 10 year cycle of irrational exuberance for the next great phone, and the shattered dreams (and anti-depressants) when faced with the reality of fatal flaws.

Then I purchased the iPhone 3G. Coupled with, most notably, the google apps mobile suite and (recently) the iLastPass beta app (not yet in the app store), the phone has been a game-changer for my mobile "cloud computing" experience, both for business and leisurely pursuits. Yes, while not yet realized, the holy grail is within our sights.

The major drawback I have with the 3G is battery life - notwithstanding the monopolistic AT&T lock-in with their pathetic network coverage, etcal . While mobile, I'm constantly navigating and updating network and screen settings to conserve power, and frequently switching-out battery extenders. With 3G and/orWiFi enabled, this still doesn't get me through a heavy day of mobile usage without having to plug-in. This is my great need for the 3G S.

Yet, if for nothing other than principle and rectitude, I absolutely refuse to shell-out the $600 for the 3G S (I am one year into a two year contract and not yet upgrade eligible)... well, the truth is that I would have eagerly shelled-out the fins on the first day ofpre -order - were it not for my certainty that any attempt to rationalize this expenditure will be thwarted by my partner - she happens to be an attorney with a high-degree of skepticism, at least as it relates to me and my wanderlust for everything tech.

Though I do sneak a cool gadget under the radar from time to-time (my partner is fundamentally and to her core not interested in technology - and therefore very unobservant when visiting me in the home office), I'm certain that making the argument to her for the 3G S, no matter how clever or conniving, will be met with the typical bewilderment and disapproving frown, if not outright scorn. Well, if she only had an iPhone instead of that clunky, so yesterday Blackberry, maybe she would be more sympathetic to my plight (?)

Well, there you have it. If I don't win, I hope some other poor sap in my predicament does.


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Jan 31, 2006
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Awesome. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

I want to upgrade my iPhone for MORE SPEED. The iPhone 3g is great don't get me wrong, but the 3GS is 2-3x faster and I want the speed. Running winterboard is sooo cool, but it SLOWS everything down. More speed please.

Oh, and my wife will get my 3g so that will score me some points with her, which is always good. ;)


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May 11, 2009
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my very first iPhone...

Am I holding off on a purchase of my very first iPhone due to cost? Maybe. but I DO need an excuse to leave Verizon. So, I would appreaciate any help you can offer.


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Jun 18, 2009
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1 day short

I got my "new" 3G one day prior to the cut off day when I could have returned it in exchange for the newer 3GS. One lousy stinking day. UGG.

If I had known the dates I would have waited a few days to get my new phone.

I would love the 3GS and my wife, who is now addicted to my IPHONE would love to have my old phone.

Please let me win.



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Jun 18, 2009
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I want it so badly!!!!

Ok the first thing you have to know is that i'm a french student and when Apple announced the IPhone in 2007 and then they told me that i have to wait until september i thinked "No way" so i import mine right from the US and i was one of the first in Europe to have but some f*****g mad men stolen it and i've been to the emergency service because those guys broke my arm since that i've bought the 3G when he went out last summer but my girlfriend want it so badly that my accepted to change my iphone versus her blackberry storm but the sreen is really really uncool!!!! So i think i might deserve this iphone 3gs furthermore i contact one guy in my familly whos accept to transfer it to France.

So please TiPb,
PIMP my call!!!!
(I want to make this Joke for a while now lol:p)


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Jun 18, 2009
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Why I want an Iphone 3Gs

I just want the "s" part. I upgraded to OS 3.0 yesterday, and I already experience a noticeable amount of lag (especially flicking over to the searchlight function.
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