Switch to iPhone: For better industrial design


Nov 15, 2013
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"Paint the back of the fence", has been referenced time and again, "because you'll know."
It's a quote from the late Steve Jobs' father intended to help instill pride in craft. Jony Ive, Apple's senior vice president of design, has spoken numerous times about the importance and inevitability of great design as well, about the care and consideration it takes, and how people notice it even when they don't notice themselves noticing it.
Recently there was a brouhaha about a Qualcomm sticker junking up the Samsung Galaxy S6 on Verizon. You don't see a sticker like that on the iPhone 6 or any other iPhone, of course, because Apple cares more about the look of their product than the licensing fees or other considerations refusing it entails. Same with Intel Inside stickers on the Mac.

But when I looked at the picture of Samsung's product, it wasn't the sticker that bothered me so much. That, I assume, can be peeled off. It was something else I saw that bothered me, and something I can now never un-see.

Full story from the iMore Blog...


Apr 1, 2015
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android os have so many problem , that you prob have to go to android forum once every 2 days to ask a question and seek help ,
and when you head to the carrier , it takes 2 weeks to find out what happen to your phone , and you cannot see the technician face to face ,

android , google is awesome , but they really have too much problem in the os

iphone at this moment don't have this problem ,

i been a iPhone user since 2009