I'm baaaaaaaaack!


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Apr 17, 2013
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They SHIPPED 4.1 million legacy pieces of crap. Saying over and over that shipped equals sold makes him look like a fool.

The gloating is repulsive. And he's been listed as BB fan of the month on their official Facebook not that long ago.

Hey Missy, you're treading on thin ice. That 9810 I had never failed me. Had the apps I needed. Didn't have all the ones I wanted, but what I needed. The optical trackball. I do miss it. But the screen was too small. I would have gotten a 9860, if it would have actually been available here.

I said that once and was crucified. BlackBerry can not execute cleanly. Apple excels at it. Apple takeover would be fabulous.

Not merge, takeover. Keep both lines separate.

Sent from my Z10 using Tapatalk 2

Nope, they sure can't. But I will look at them again when and if the A10 comes out. Hopefully they do that one better. Of course if someone from Apple read what I posted on another thread, and implements them into the iPhone...

If apple could buy BB and put iOS on BB keyboards- I'd have the perfect phone.

Try typing on a 4.3-4.7" touchscreen phone. I am much faster now then I was on the chicklet keyboards.


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Sep 9, 2011
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The alarm feature /auto power on or whatever it was called. Set the alarm, power off the phone and auto wake was scheduled for like 5 minutes before the alarm went off. Loved it and BBM.
What's something you'll miss about your Blackberry that the iPhone just doesn't have right now?


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Aug 11, 2012
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Nope, they sure can't. But I will look at them again when and if the A10 comes out. Hopefully they do that one better. Of course if someone from Apple read what I posted on another thread, and implements them into the iPhone...

I have a pretty ominous feeling about the A10...I'm thinking it may not be arriving in the timeframe we expect, or as the device we expect. If it does, they are going to have one heck of a time moving those units unless they deliver a knock-out new feature. The price can't exceed the market leaders, and increased specs wouldn't seem to offer much advantage for BB10...get rid of a few stutters maybe, but not much else. The hype surrounding BB10 has died off, they'll never be able to re-fuel that hype machine. Developers have become extremely wary as well. Looking at BB's own developer forums, it looks like a lot of folks are packing up their bags and moving to greener pastures.

I also see the app world shrinking somewhat, as I'm sure I'm not the only developer who has de-listed several apps. I know several folks who have pulled down a pile of free apps simply because the small userbase does not justify the time commitment to fix and improve free apps. I'll of course continue to support and improve my paid apps, but only because I owe it to my customers, not because I think there's any future on the platform.

This is a worst case scenario for BB...apps are one of the top concerns of people avoiding the new platform, and current developers are fleeing, while future developers now see very little incentive to start up with the platform. There's no way we'll see the "big players" come anywhere near this platform with a measly 2.75 million users (probably being generous at 3/4 of shipped = sold).

Blackberry started as a great business device. They precariously stumbled into the consumer market due to the popularity of their devices in the enterprise, and they attempted to add more consumer friendly features. They never really understood the consumer market though, they just kind of fumbled their way through it. Now, with the new BB10 devices, they directly targeted the high-end consumer market...somewhere they've never had any real success. They still don't understand that market, and have also somewhat alienated their business users. They're in a tight bind, and I don't see an easy way out. Another re-boot is out of the question, and while they might be able to focus on a niche business market again, they may have already lost those users for the near future.

I think a sell off is the most likely scenario. Their hardware business is basically worthless, so that leaves their software and networking businesses as the most valuable portions of their company. I don't see Apple benefitting from a BBRY acquisition, nor do I see any benefit to Samsung. I think it will either be one of the smaller players, or someone with heaps of cash to burn, and nowhere to go but up...maybe Microsoft? The saddest thing about a sell off though, is that some of my favourite parts of the Blackberry family (TAT and QNX) will likely be casualties in the whole thing.


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Feb 4, 2013
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I'm keeping the Z10 and the SGIII. I love both devices.

But i can't wait for the iPhone 5s. I might cave and get the 5.

I don't know if I can hold out two and a half months. Or three.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

You can do it! 2 months is just feeeeeeew weeks to go!. woooohoooo :)


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Mar 17, 2012
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I dare you to do it anyway lol. ;) :D

Nah....I won't burn that bridge.

Right now there is a troll on an anti BB10 campaign and he is absolutely toxic. Delusional. Self serving. Arrogant. Illogical. But CB mods will do nothing because he simply brings in hits. Hits equals money.

So I'm out of CB until the mod squad does something about the patients running the asylum.

Sent from my Z10 using Tapatalk 2


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2011
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Nah....I won't burn that bridge.

Right now there is a troll on an anti BB10 campaign and he is absolutely toxic. Delusional. Self serving. Arrogant. Illogical. But CB mods will do nothing because he simply brings in hits. Hits equals money.

So I'm out of CB until the mod squad does something about the patients running the asylum.

Sent from my Z10 using Tapatalk 2

Not sure if your on AT&T or not but the i5 is only 100 bucks online only. Offer ends today.


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Mar 17, 2012
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You can do it! 2 months is just feeeeeeew weeks to go!. woooohoooo :)

I know!!!!!!! Assuming the final iOS beta goes to production early September then the phone should be around that time mid to late September, according to a chart I saw. That is CLOSE.

Sent from my Z10 using Tapatalk 2


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Aug 11, 2012
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I know!!!!!!! Assuming the final iOS beta goes to production early September then the phone should be around that time mid to late September, according to a chart I saw. That is CLOSE.

Sent from my Z10 using Tapatalk 2

Did you ever end up installing iOS 7 on your 4S? I think I'm going to crack and install it on my ipad. Don't really want to lose Cydia though.


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Mar 17, 2012
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Did you ever end up installing iOS 7 on your 4S? I think I'm going to crack and install it on my ipad. Don't really want to lose Cydia though.

No I haven't got a Mac. I was a bit wary of that tool I've got to download. I'm afraid I'll wreck my device.

Sent from my Z10 using Tapatalk 2


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2011
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Nah....I won't burn that bridge.

Right now there is a troll on an anti BB10 campaign and he is absolutely toxic. Delusional. Self serving. Arrogant. Illogical. But CB mods will do nothing because he simply brings in hits. Hits equals money.

So I'm out of CB until the mod squad does something about the patients running the asylum.

Knowing how the CB forums are unfortunately I don't see that changing anytime soon....
Last edited:


Trusted Member
Jun 24, 2012
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I rewatched the BB10 keynote again and after another viewing I still would never buy a blackberry based on that presentation. Just compare Thorsten and Vivek's deliverance versus Steve Jobs and even Tim Cook there's a world of difference. Just compare the amount of energy exuded by the audience when the Z10 and Q10 arose from the floor, it was laughable now compare to the reveal of the OG iPhone when Steve announce the introduction of three revolutionary products, the crowd went nuts when he said a widescreen iPod with touch controls but when he said the next product would be a phone the room erupted with cheers but the BB10 keynote might as well have been a funeral with the amount of energy and excitement in that room.

When Apple presents a product you can tell its something they're passionate about and they talk audience as if they're talking to 4000 of there closest friends. I didn't feel any of that from Thorsten's presentation he was just going through the motions plus all the lame jokes and attempts at being funny with the whole vacation bit.

Sent from the collector home world.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Sep 27, 2012
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Nah....I won't burn that bridge.

Right now there is a troll on an anti BB10 campaign and he is absolutely toxic. Delusional. Self serving. Arrogant. Illogical. But CB mods will do nothing because he simply brings in hits. Hits equals money.

So I'm out of CB until the mod squad does something about the patients running the asylum.

Sent from my Z10 using Tapatalk 2

. . . BD ? . . .


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2011
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Nah....I won't burn that bridge.

Right now there is a troll on an anti BB10 campaign and he is absolutely toxic. Delusional. Self serving. Arrogant. Illogical. But CB mods will do nothing because he simply brings in hits. Hits equals money.

So I'm out of CB until the mod squad does something about the patients running the asylum.

Sent from my Z10 using Tapatalk 2

Interesting. Who do you think that is?

Chris Kerrigan

Well-known member
May 14, 2013
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I researched the BB10 keynote again and after another viewing I still would never buy a blackberry based on that presentation. Just compare Thorsten and Vivek's deliverance versus Steve Jobs and even Tim Cook there's a world of difference. Just compare the amount of energy exuded by the audience when the Z10 and Q10 arose from the floor, it was laughable now compare to the reveal of the OG iPhone when Steve announce the introduction of three revolutionary products, the crowd went nuts when he said a widescreen iPod with touch controls but when he said the next product would be a phone the room erupted with cheers but the BB10 keynote might as well have been a funeral with the amount of energy and excitement in that room.

When Apple presents a product you can tell its something they're passionate about and they talk audience as if they're talking to 4000 of there closest friends. I didn't feel any of that from Thorsten's presentation he was just going through the motions plus all the lame jokes and attempts at being funny with the whole vacation bit.

Sent from the collector home world.

Whether you love or hate Apple, I think it's hard to argue that *any* company comes close to the style and energy that Apple puts into their keynotes.

And no, Steve Ballmer running around like a drowned rat in his own sweat doesn't count.

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