How to change Apple ID on iTunes library?


iMore Question

At the moment I have a very large iTunes library with playlists, iTunes Match and Apple Music. My partner has her own iTunes account. We both have apple IDs with our iTunes libraries tied to them.

Our Apple Music is a family membership.

We both have iPads, and iPhones and we have an iMac.

What I want to do is this. I want to create a new Apple ID for us jointly, say I want that Apple ID to be used for our iTunes music so we can access the library on all our devices. However, I want my library, playlist, match info and Apple Music details to carry over.

If possible I would have an email address associated with that account which we both have access to for organisations contacting us about our daughter.

Then I would want to keep our individual iCloud accounts for our emails, calendars, tasks, notes etc etc.

Is this possible?

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