Going to pull the trigger on an iPad2, do I go Black or White?


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Aug 23, 2011
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The choice in color isn't only a preference. each one offers key benefits and both can be just as stunning. i myself own the white iPad 2 because the white bezel does not show ANY finger prints and unless you really let your screen get dirty when the screen is on you really cant see the finger prints on there so theres no annoying finger prints to deal with on the white. but they are right is saying the iPad screen looks a bit more seamless. and as to the white getting dirty, no. its glass. only some plastics and rubber and leather get that yellow discoloring.
i personally myself got the white because of the finger print benefit and also its an apple device, they started the apple culture on their stunning white devices. the original iPod was white and the iconic apple headphones are white. what other tablet is a white glass and aluminum? none. Represent!

tapatalk on iPad 2 running ios5


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2010
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I have a white one and my buddy has the black and I got white to match my iPhone BUT he says he'd wished he'd gotten white cuz of the fingerprint factor around the edge ... But it comes down to preference


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2011
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Just bought my iPad 2 yesterday and although the white version looks slick, i think the black version looks sexier (IMO) ;-)