My Take on the iPhone 13 Pro


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Dec 14, 2018
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I keep saying I won’t upgrade and then end up upgrading. Not from a need, but out of curiosity. There is absolutely nothing wrong with my iPhone 13 Pro and I have no business upgrading from it when the next iPhone is released. Will I hold out? We’ll see. :)

I tried........ and failed. I literally just caved and picked up a 13 Pro. My son has been eyeballing my 12 Pro Max and I relented. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. :laughing:


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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I tried........ and failed. I literally just caved and picked up a 13 Pro. My son has been eyeballing my 12 Pro Max and I relented. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. :laughing:

(Laughing)….I hear ya. Either my youngest son or his mom asks me for my previous iPhone whenever a new one is released because they know there’s a better than 50% chance I’ll get it.


Mar 2, 2016
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I tried........ and failed. I literally just caved and picked up a 13 Pro. My son has been eyeballing my 12 Pro Max and I relented. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. :laughing:

(Laughing)….I hear ya. Either my youngest son or his mom asks me for my previous iPhone whenever a new one is released because they know there’s a better than 50% chance I’ll get it.

Sure.... blame the kids! LMAO! :D


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2013
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My wife had been holding on fast to the home button and thumb print id, partly because that’s what she’s used to, but partly because she’s in health care and spends most of her work day in a mask, and she was concerned that facial recognition wouldn’t work reliably. Her last phone was the second gen SE, which she’d been pretty happy with, right up until she saw a coworker’s 13 Pro. And her battery life was quickly deteriorating to where she needed to charge at least twice a day. So she relented and took the plunge into home-buttonlessness.

New phone got here earlier this week. Aside from difficulties getting the restore to start on her old phone, the restore was far more painless than I remember from the last time. Just a couple of hours to transfer her 150 gb of who knows what, and she was up and running. Biggest upgrade she was looking forward to was the camera, and what an upgrade it is. She took no time at all getting used to the swipes replacing the home button. But she’s also thrilled with the screen size, the quality of the display, how generally snappy it feels doing everything, and battery life she can actually live with. She’s the photographer in the house, so I’m glad she’s finally got a decent camera to work with when she’s not dragging the big ol’ Nikon around. Really nice piece of kit. Now I’m gonna have quite the decision to make when it’s time to replace my 12 Mini. Luckily I’ve got another year to figure that out. :biggrin:

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