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GIVE AWAY: White iPhone 4

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Feb 24, 2011
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In the early 2000s, I was an employee of a small firm that did consulting and network/inventory management training for a very large global fiberoptic network company. I won't name names but the company crashed at around the same time as Enron/Tyco and went through a Chapter 11 restructuring (it's still around).

This company had POPs and NOCs, and cable stations (terminal stations at the ends of undersea fiberoptic cables) all over the world. We were contracted by the company to go to these various worldwide installations and do things. They flew us business class from the American midwest to wherever we went.

One of the trips I was sent to was a scheduled 7-day project in Amsterdam. I had a continuing plane ticket from Amsterdam to Paris on the 8th day, to meet up with teammates so we could do our next project in Paris. I was also pre-booked, and paid up, for 7 nights at the nicest Marriott hotel in Amsterdam (right on the Leidseplein), and given a per-diem in cash.

We finished our work in 3 days, out of the alloted 7. So I had 4 paid days, entirely on the large fiberoptic network company nickel, to do as I pleased in Amsterdam. Of all cities...... While I did have the cash per-diem, I was also able to expense various items to the company as well.

You all know about the hash ba...err, cafe scene. Check.
Fantastic bars? Check.
Room service, at the Marriott? Check.
Visits to all the fantastic museums such as the Van Gogh? Check.
Nosering for my wife, from the Van Gogh museum gift shop? Check.

All submitted as expense items with receipts, and all paid, on top of the per-diem for basic breakfasts/lunches etc. The hash bar...err...cafe receipts just showed the name of the "cafe" without the line items, thank god, but I doubt even *if* the items were detailed out there would have been a problem.

I didn't have the balls to do anything in the Red Light District except walk through it, so unfortunately no Dutch hookers (and blow) were expensed.

No wonder they filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection about 15 months after this particular trip.


Oct 2, 2010
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I've seen packs of gum and a new flat screen TV for a person's "home" office put on an expense report. I really want to win this one but I'm sure this device will go to someone very deserving of it so congrats to the winner in advance :)


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Jun 2, 2011
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This is a story of a manager from an Asian country who worked in an international company headquartered in NY. On one business trip to HQ, he's got holdup in taxi and he had to give the driver all the cash he had. He asked the driver if he could write him a receipt. The driver did! and the manager put it on his trip expense report!!!


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Jun 2, 2011
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family law court

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Jun 7, 2010
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crazy expenditure

i think my most craziest expanses would be toilet paper.. because during that weekend we had a mummy party... and i forgot what was the toilet paper for in my report.. lol


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Jun 2, 2011
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shoes ordered online and then finding out tax cost just about the same as the shoe price :| had to pay for customs duties, customs tax, shipping and the shoes. the wonders of living in SE Asia.


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Jun 2, 2011
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Craziest Expense

The craziest expense I put on an expense report was when I was working for one of the "larger" banks in the country. I purchased a Super Nintendo with Super Mario All-Stars off of Ebay and reported it as "Office Supplies." Greatest idea ever.

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Jun 1, 2011
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business or pleasure?

I used to be an expense report auditor for a very large corporation. I once audited an expense report that contained a $100+ charge for a home DNA/PATERNITY TEST. Had this report not come up for random audit the employee probably would have gotten away with it. The employee who expensed the paternity test apparently felt justified to put the cost of the dna test on his expense report, because the 'incident in question' happened to occur while he was on a business trip. He ordered the testing kit online and even had it delivered to the company address. He was willing to reimburse the company 'in cash', because he didn't want his significant other (aka: wife) to be troubled by the situation. I'm thinking she was probably beyond 'troubled' when he came home unemployed and possibly responsible for a new baby that she knew nothing about!!! I saw some crazy things while auditing expense reports, but this is the one I will never forget...


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Jun 2, 2011
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Driving the bookkeeper crazy

Flying cargo throughout Africa often required creative thinking as well as expensing. I once filed a report which included a line for "Airport exit fees," a payment to get the local officials to stamp my passport. My chief pilot was more direct describing his various "fees" as he traveled. His expense report read, "Tips, bribes, and other assorted graft payments."


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Dec 15, 2010
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Craziest Expenses???

I would say my CAR! It really took all of my money... :(
Then my Phone is going afterward! Within two years, I bought 9 phones! Super super CRAZY! :eek:


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Jun 2, 2011
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I saw an ex-employee expense a hotel that was used for a job interview. Best part is, it was an accident that he just had to run with.
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