anyone else screwed by Sprint


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Jun 23, 2010
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I doubt many people have a problem waiting, but the timeframe is silly. It's like the September 1st deadline for schools in that a child that was born on September 5th has to wait entire whole year to start kindergarten but the kid who was born a week earlier can start now. Stupid! It would have been better if Sprint would have just stated that they no longer honor early upgrades, but no, they opted to focus on people who are within days of their contract expiring. That is what people are ticked about, in my opinion.

Unfortunately, no matter what timeframe we're talking about, or what deadline we set, there will always be those who miss the cutoff by a few days who then feel somehow "cheated". Regardless of the subject, set a date and enforce it. The real issue comes when people starte futzing around and making one-off exceptions to whatever the rule is. Because then, if you are arbitrarily given an exception and I am not, I really feel cheated... but if the date is fixed, one can be upset, but all will be treated equally.


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Jan 27, 2012
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No means

By no means am I a sprint fan guy. However i currently work for them. What people dont understand is as reps in the store we have no control over what sprint will or will not allow us to do. People have been able to call in and pay for a earlie upgrade which in turn is losing the compony money. People have to understand as well that they are already getting the upgrade earlie is most cases. If you got the phone on the 21st of the month we will allow you to upgrade on the 1st. You could always do the upgrade 14 days before the 1st of the previous month. You can be mad at sprint as a compony however you guys should think of it as if you were going to run the company. Would you continue to do something that would cost you money and have you lose profit after already posting a negitive net quarter? Like i said im not a sprint fan guy.i just work for them..Personally i love verizion due to their coverage and LTE in my town.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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By no means am I a sprint fan guy. However i currently work for them. What people dont understand is as reps in the store we have no control over what sprint will or will not allow us to do. People have been able to call in and pay for a earlie upgrade which in turn is losing the compony money. People have to understand as well that they are already getting the upgrade earlie is most cases. If you got the phone on the 21st of the month we will allow you to upgrade on the 1st. You could always do the upgrade 14 days before the 1st of the previous month. You can be mad at sprint as a compony however you guys should think of it as if you were going to run the company. Would you continue to do something that would cost you money and have you lose profit after already posting a negitive net quarter? Like i said im not a sprint fan guy.i just work for them..Personally i love verizion due to their coverage and LTE in my town.

Explain how the company is losing money by allowing customers to upgrade 2 weeks early. The people who are upgrading are upgrading with Sprint and thus remain Sprint customers and are they not subjected to another 2 year contract?

Just Me, D
(Tapatalk - iPhone 4S)


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Jan 27, 2012
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by no means

You may have misunderstood my point of view. the point of my telling was not 2 weeks... i mean sprints earlie upgrade programmed allowed customers to get out of the contract 5-6 months in advance JUST to upgrade.. You pay the 100$ to upgrade and get a 2 year contract. However if sprint does not allow this then they have the customer for 6 month months at a 80$ minimum 80*6=480 + another 2 year contract..Personally $480>$100.


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Jun 23, 2010
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Explain how the company is losing money by allowing customers to upgrade 2 weeks early. The people who are upgrading are upgrading with Sprint and thus remain Sprint customers and are they not subjected to another 2 year contract?

Just Me, D
(Tapatalk - iPhone 4S)

I don't get that point, either... once again, I am forced to call B.S.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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You may have misunderstood my point of view. the point of my telling was not 2 weeks... i mean sprints earlie upgrade programmed allowed customers to get out of the contract 5-6 months in advance JUST to upgrade.. You pay the 100$ to upgrade and get a 2 year contract. However if sprint does not allow this then they have the customer for 6 month months at a 80$ minimum 80*6=480 + another 2 year contract..Personally $480>$100.

Let's say that I purchased an iPhone valued at $600 via Sprint at a contract rate of $200 on January 1, 2012. With the purchase, let's say I have a 450 minute calling plan and a mandatory $30 data plan because the iPhone is a smartphone. Now, 18 months later (June 1, 2013), I decide I want to upgrade to a newer iPhone. According to you, I could pay a $100 upgrade fee and sign a new 2 year contract as well as buy the newer phone at contract rate - say $200. This practice cost Sprint money, right? The mandatory data fee itself is $540 over the 18 month period and when you add the $100 upgrade fee, Sprint is $40 ahead and that does not include the $50+ monthly fee for the voice plan over that same 18 month period. On top of that, I'm now contracted to Sprint for another 2 years. I'm sorry but, Sprint is not losing money by my estimation. They may, however, be receiving less profits than projected.

Just Me, D
(Tapatalk - iPhone 4S)
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Jan 27, 2012
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Reviewing your point

regarding your last post thats not entirely true. The plan for 450 min with text and data due to you having a smart phone your plan is $79.99 + tax.. rough $90 with gov fees and taxes. Over a course of 2 years you will pay 90*24=$2,160..Now figure sprint allows you to upgrade at your 18 month for $100..90*18=$1620+100=$1720..Either way you see it you will be resigning your contract for a new phone. So your looking at a loss of minimum $440 per customer and if we figure at lowest sprints 40 million customers roughly 9 million less then last counted. Thats a loss of 17,600,000,000 per 2 years. Now these numbers are just as a reference if 40 million customers did it as well as 40 million customers not having family plans or buissness or things like that so the numbers may be off a little bit.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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regarding your last post thats not entirely true. The plan for 450 min with text and data due to you having a smart phone your plan is $79.99 + tax.. rough $90 with gov fees and taxes. Over a course of 2 years you will pay 90*24=$2,160..Now figure sprint allows you to upgrade at your 18 month for $100..90*18=$1620+100=$1720..Either way you see it you will be resigning your contract for a new phone. So your looking at a loss of minimum $440 per customer and if we figure at lowest sprints 40 million customers roughly 9 million less then last counted. Thats a loss of 17,600,000,000 per 2 years. Now these numbers are just as a reference if 40 million customers did it as well as 40 million customers not having family plans or buissness or things like that so the numbers may be off a little bit.

At full price, let's say that a 16GB iPhone is $600. I buy it from Sprint for $199 an agree to a 2-yr contract with Sprint. The difference in price between me paying outright & a contract rate is $401. At a monthly rate of $79.99 (I'm purposely leaving out the government fees & taxes that customers pay for Sprint), it take approximately 5 months for Sprint to recoup the $401 that it waived in lieu of a 2 year contract. Right? The remaining 19 months are all profit for Sprint. Now don't get me wrong. I understand what you're saying. The problem I'm having is with the phrase "losing money". Losing money and failing to reach a projected monetary goal are not the same, at least from the perspective of the customer, and I argue that it is the latter. Anyway, thank you very much for replying. I enjoy conversations like this. ;). Take care and enjoy the rest of your day.

Just Me, D
(Tapatalk - iPhone 4S)
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Jan 27, 2012
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I agree as well. I dont personally care what they do as a company...I just want them to keep my job going :).They pay their sales reps VERY well with commission in a high market...Again.. I loved the convo..Hope to have another one.
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Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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A lot of people will suggest you get a protective covering for it and maybe a car adapter. I keep my iPhone case-less and I don't have any accessories for it.

Just Me, D
(Tapatalk - iPhone 4S)


Active member
May 8, 2012
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dam going to get our phones tomorrow since its past our time now. kinda of funny this thread is still going glad to see people on my side. but one question what accessories do you get when you buy the 4s.


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Sep 21, 2009
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If the OP lived so far away and it was going to be such a pain to go out there to soothe upgrade and he knew he was going to be 6 days early, why didn't he call first to make sure that they were going to upgrade him? Would have saved him some time, frustration, and gas.

I never expect the carriers to give me anything other than what I paid for and what they are contractually obligated to do. If they extend courtesies to me then it's a bonus. I will consider those courtesies when it comes time to renew my contract.

Sent from my iPhone 4S using Tapatalk

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