Welcome to iMore! Introduce yourself here!


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Aug 15, 2012
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Hi All

hi everyone! my name is Wed, and i love gadgets, food, and many more. Hopeing to get a lot out of these forums and well as all the latest information and releases.


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Jul 17, 2012
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Hello, iPeeps. I am still relatively new to this forum. Have been a part of many forums in the past, including the AMAZING precentral.net...which has since changed. BOOOOO! Well, I don't think I will ever stop using iDevices. So.. this may be home to me for awhile! LOVE iMore, by the way, recently joined the forums but have been frequenting the site for quite some time. Best iDevice site in my opinion. IMO (that's how the cool kids do it, right?)


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Aug 16, 2012
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Hi there,

My name is Clare, and I'm the community manager for a company called Sky Motion Research Inc. We are a software development company based in Montreal, Canada, that created SkyMotion, a free app for short term, highly accurate, localized precipitation forecasts as well as the technology and platform that powers the app.

This is my first time posting to this forum, and hopefully not my last. I currently have an iPhone 4 and a Mac user for the most part. I'm hoping to learn a lot more about all the different apps out there, as well as start thinking about how much I would indeed like an iPad.

You can find me on twitter at @skymotioninc
If you are interested in the Sky Motion Technology check us out at SkyMotion


Aug 13, 2012
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Hi, Joey here. Love gadgets and what not, but not too sure about Apple products. Hope I can get help from you guys, and also share my expertise. Nice meeting you.


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Aug 17, 2012
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Say hello to all

Hello boys and girls! Im Jolie, new to here, glad to found this great iPhone, iPad, iPod forums, the collections of iPad tips&tricks really attract to me, hope can get many more helpful things. And Im an iOS developer, I'll share my apps in the anouncement section, hope can receive valuable advice from u :)


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Aug 21, 2012
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My name is Alex and I love technology. I have an iPhone 4S, Apple TV 2, and iPad 2. I read several tech sites and I have settled upon iMore.com as being the go-to source for iOS news. I enjoy technology, music.

Chewy Applications

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Aug 21, 2012
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Hello all,

My name is Matthew Grayson. I'm the sole owner / developer at Chewy Applications Limited. I strive to make useful things for iOS. I'm glad to be part of this forum.



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Aug 22, 2012
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Kia Ora, Rob from New Zealand here. Have had TiPB on my RSS feed for a few years now, but with the iPad app released today I've decided to register.

Started my Apple affair with the iPod Mini not sure how many years ago now, then the Photo and every model of Touch since. On my second jailbroken iPad, have the wife and kids kitted out with iPad and Touchs and the well used jail broken AppleTV is in the movie room. Converted myself from BB to a 4S in the last year.

Keep up the good work.


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Aug 22, 2012
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Hi all, my name is Chris. I have the 4s on Verizon and the ipad2. These are my first iDevices. I've used pocket pc, treo, windows, blackberry, droid, and now apple. I am anxious for the new iPhone. I just wish it was gonna be wider as well as taller although I live one handed typing on it. If you have any tips or tricks please let me know!


Active member
Feb 1, 2012
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Hey, I'm Moe. I have been here a while but never posted. I had a Macbook Pro from before, but I was a long time Android aficionado. Since my last one started malfunctioning (Droid RAZR) since day one, I exchanged it for an iPhone 4S and let me tell you it just works with no issues! I also have an iPad 3 in my collection. Hope to be more active in the forums soon.


Aug 22, 2012
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Hello there my name is Sam. My first apple product was/is 3rd Generation click wheel ipod 32gb. Basically i cannot afford apple products at all, however! I save for a very long and now i own the 4th generation ipod. Iphone 4 and planning for the new retina display mac book.

I am project manger by Profession for an engineering firm in bangalore.

Apple facinates me with their innovative products.

Ollie McMillan

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Aug 22, 2012
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My name is Ollie, I'm currently living in the UK and it's safe to say that I'm a bit of a techno buff. iMore is my number one site for go to news on all things Apple, and I enjoy blogging in my spare time as well as film-making, photography and art.

I currently own an iPhone 4, the new iPad, a mid-2009 13 inch MacBook Pro and a 6th-gen iPod Nano. If there is one product I'm looking forward to seeing in the coming months, it would be an Apple HDTV.

Nice to meet everyone!


Aug 22, 2012
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New here also
On iPad 2
Also got iPhone 4
And looking to buy a MacBook soon as it looks like the iMacs are taking a age to get updated
Not to good with this tech stuff so no doubt will have lots of dumb questions soon please go easy on me


New member
Aug 23, 2012
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Hey all! My name is John and I'm currently exploring Android and Apple devices and I love both, so I decided to join the Forum here because it was massively recommended by my friends.
I own an iPhone4S at the moment and want to get an iPad and an iMac (for music making).


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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Hey all! My name is John and I'm currently exploring Android and Apple devices and I love both, so I decided to join the Forum here because it was massively recommended by my friends.
I own an iPhone4S at the moment and want to get an iPad and an iMac (for music making).

Welcome to iMore, John. ;)


Apr 23, 2010
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Hello everyone, figured I'd finally get around to posting some stuff. I've technically been a member for about two years, but I've mostly been a lurker. I've decided that its about time I become a little more active.

If anyones interested, here's a little of my backstory:

I got into mobile tech out of necessity. I'm a Firefighter/Paramedic by trade, and, more importantly, a husband and father of two. Between job and family, I'm constantly on the go. I'm big time ADD, and constant juggling of schedules and such led to me adopting a "peripheral brain", a Palm PDA. As phones and PDA's began to merge, I became a heavy user of the Treo, and thus a heavy poster over at the Treonauts forums. I made lots of friends there, and was even lucky enough to become one of the lead forum admins, not that I'm looking for that here. (I have a few friends from there that help out here in the background, and they've convinced me to come on over.) I became an iPhone user on launch day for the 3G, and I haven't looked back. Now the whole house is Apple. iPhones, iPads, Apple TV's and MacBooks all around. Just over a year ago I decided that I was tired of having good ideas, but not being able to do anything about them, so I decided I'd start learning to code. A friend was nice enough to pass along a pile of gently used Objective-C books, and my latest obsession began. Now, when I'm not working or hanging with the family, I code. Its a labor of love, with very little return, but its fun to see something you create get used (or, sometimes, assaulted) by other people.

So, anyways, thats me in a slightly wordy nutshell. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone here!


Aug 24, 2012
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Howdy everybody!

Hi all, I'm Glenn, I run an ISP in a small town in Oklahoma. For 30 years we were a cable system but we dropped all video services a couple years ago to concentrate on providing internet service. We let Dish and DirecTV have the video side of the business and it has been the smartest thing we've done in years.

I've always been a Mac fan, but still use Windows machines now & then to be able to support our customers should there be a problem with their connection. I have an iPhone 4S (looking forward to the iPhone 5), iPad, iMac at home, and minis for office computers. I love visiting with other Mac fans, hanging out at the Apple store once in a while, all the usual things.