Will you skip the Iphone 3GS and wait for the Iphone rev4?

Will you skip the Iphone 3GS and wait for the Iphone rev4?

  • I will not skip iPhone 3GS...I want it now!

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • I'm waiting for iPhone Rev 4.0!

    Votes: 46 73.0%

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Mar 17, 2006
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I will not be upgrading... finally considering a jailbreak.

WWDC was a disappointment for me on the part of both Apple and AT&T; albeit, more AT&T.

For Apples part, I am upset that voice control will not be a part of the standard 3.0 upgrade (if I am wrong here, I happily eat my words and please let me know). Voice control is a feature that is critical for safety when driving, and I have long wanted this to be available. (BTW, if anyone knows a GOOD app, please let me know as well, thanks.)

As for the iPhone 3Gs, its a very small upgrade, and for someone like myself that has little interest in video, much less editing; the compass feature is not worth the cost of upgrading.

Which leads me to AT&T. I love AT&Ts signal strength in my area, far better than Sprint, and Verizon. However, AT&T is very expensive, and the carrier owes so much to Apple. So many like me would not have even given AT&T a glance had it not been for the iPhone.

Here we are 2 years later, and AT&T seems to be limited the full potential of the phone & Apple, and forcing someone like me to seriously, for the first time, to jailbreak their phone.

Maybe I am purist, but I have avoided jailbreaking in the hopes that AT&T and Apple would officially bring basic services the phone, while offering others that would keep the iPhone on the cutting edge.

So WWDC was, while informative and interesting, not jaw dropping, and frustrating as AT&T continues to drag their feet. I was embarrassed to be a part of the flagship iPhone user base, and our international friends will be enjoying basic MMS & tethering before we ill in the US.

Are you kidding me????? Good for Apple for getting their digs in at WWDC.

However, no upgrade for me this time around, I will save my money in hopes of a tablet... and, jailbreak????


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Apr 9, 2009
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Considering I just picked up my iPhone in February, the odds of me getting a new model were very slim unless it completely and utterly blew me away. Obviously it didn't.

That being said, if my iPhone broke tomorrow, I would pick up a new 3g at the $99 price tag. The 3gs doesn't offer me much I don't already have through jailbreaking, and the few things it does offer are items I don't care about. Paying $100 for features that are of no importance to me is silly.

Heck, considering that I don't care about any of the 3.0 features I might keep my device at 2.2.1 for a while yet.


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Oct 1, 2008
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I want one

but then again I am still rocking the 1st gen the 3g wasnt very compelling with the battery life and gps. They fixed everything i wanted them too and my iPhone can never be fast enough so for me it is a no brainer. Just gotta get the mula.


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Jun 9, 2009
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Interesting perspective from the Washington Post:

Let's say Apple goes to Verizon. Do you think it will be any cheaper? Verizon fees are pretty expensive and I doubt they will lower the price. If the iPhone was on Verizon and AT&T right now, for the same monthly fee, I'd go with Verizon because of their network. No need to lower the price.

Then there is the issue of making a CDMA iPhone. CDMA is a dead technology. Now if Verizon had its LTE network up, then I could see Apple moving- you can develop the LTE phone and sell it across multiple carriers. But that isn't happening anytime soon. I'm switching to AT&T for the 3GS and in two years, I'll switch over to Verizon, if it happens.

And blocking tethering, the sling app, anything data intensive makes sense. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there is no network in the world currently that can support millions of users streaming youtube, TV, tethering, browsing the web, video chat at the same time. If you were to transplant all the iPhone users on Verizon, T-mo, etc. it would slow down too.

The prices and monthly fees seems to be properly priced- if you can't afford it, don't get an iPhone. Nobody is forcing the consumer to purchase an iPhone. So don't buy an iPhone and then whine about the costs. The demand is strong enough that people are still signing up, even in this economy. Just because AT&T won't give you an extra $10/month doesn't mean they suck. And if you can't live without the extra $10, you have no business having an iPhone. You have no business even being on these forums. Hell, you shouldn't even be on the internet now- you should be getting a job. With a 15% discount on AT&T.

And don't whine about the lack of subsidized pricing either. You entered the contract with AT&T willingly and now you want to break the terms? It's the same thing if AT&T were to one day say, "we're doubling the texting plan prices, sorry we want more and are breaking the terms of the contract."

If you don't like AT&T, don't get an iPhone. Don't get one and pay all that money to be unhappy. AT&T has bent over backwards for Apple- they've given Apple an incredible amount of freedom and they've also upgraded their networks just for the iPhone. Just because you get a few dropped calls, don't get 1Mbps, and MMS and tethering is delayed doesn't mean AT&T sucks. Guess what? I get dropped calls on my Verizon phone, I miss calls and get voicemail messages instead... big deal. Don't act like a diva and get dramatic because of some minor hiccups in the network.

If AT&T were to just let the floodgates loose on any data-intensive applications, the network would come to a crawl. They are upgrading their network, but it takes time. They spent $9 billion on their networks for you know what- the iPhone. It's much easier to develop another iPhone than it is to develop an entire cell phone network. AT&T is not holding the iPhone back, the limitations of cellular network technology is holding the iPhone back.

The bottom line is if you don't like AT&T, leave or don't sign up. Don't pay and whine, that does no good. Complain by leaving or not signing up, that's the only way AT&T will listen.

What happens to the quality of AT&T's network if the $99 iPhone 3G is a big hit in winning over new customers?

Marginal change at best. The 3GS will affect the network more.

I don't think consumers are that stupid that they say a $99 iPhone deal saves you money over the $200 Palm Pre, etc. It's still $100/month. And it's not like when you go to buy it, you aren't told about the monthly fees upfront.

If you're going to spend $100/month, might as well get the better camera, free video, compass, voice recording, 2x speed, 2x memory, better battery life for $100 more.

I'm getting the 3GS.


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Apr 23, 2009
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got my 3g in feb so I'm good for now. Don't really feel the need to shell out money for an ETF and then more for the actual phone. Video camera and everything is nice and all, but wouldn't use it near enough. Happy with my 3g! 


Apr 24, 2009
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I got my 3G about 3 months ago.. So I will wait and see if next year they will give us background and/or a new OS with a (new) style phone. I will get the new 3.0 upgrade though that will keep me satisfied for now...