Why are Android users so upset by the 5?

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Nov 27, 2011
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To be honest i love the iphone 5 and i think it will be an amazing phone. I know my friends will grab it, and will love it. I know friends of mine will grab the galaxy s3 and will love it as well. The problem is the media and Apple in some cases treats every feature that the iphone has, as something new and awesome that people need to have. For example apple seemed to have solved an issue with the new dock connector by making it connect making it irreversible. I have had so many apple devices and a few android devices to not even had this become an issue. but apple made it an issue and told us how they fixed it? The phone is a very well thought out device in both design and OS but if you look at the specs...yeah android is already there. In terms of screen, antenna, power. I will admit that the iphone will be the fastest phone on the market cause its extremely well optimized. That means alot to power users like me but then again i have never had a problem with a dual core device keeping up with me. As far as battery life is concerned i am going to wait on real world tests before i jump in and say its the best but with my 3gs i had to charge it every night before bed time. As far as the S3 goes i think its a great phone as well. Its hard for me to decide between the two when they are so close in many of the features and such. Both have LTE, both have high res screens, both will run all the apps you need. They both look nice regardless of the material that makes them.

People have to stop thinking that a person who buys one device is an idiot because they choose something you think is inferior. Its just what works for you. Here what works for us is iOS. Over at AC its android. Neither party is better than the other.

How dare you inject logic and reason into an online forum!! :)


Oct 8, 2011
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For me it comes down to the eco system...I prefer Googles for my phones. Its more cross platform, which I need. I have to admit I am one of those Android users who is upset with the i5(Though I do own one). Its just disappointing to me that I'll have to wait at least 2 more years for it to be a choice for me. I need and prefer a big phone, bigger fonts, bigger keyboard. For me the increase to 4" doesn't amount to anything. So its a selfish reason, and I am in the minority. If you have used both os's extensively, then you know as I do that there is almost nothing you can't do with either os. So it comes down for me which OS is more interesting. I had to wait for ICS for Android to get where I needed it to be. now that its there it will take a giant leap of ios for me to switch back. The screen looks like it may never catch up for me.

My GN@4.65 is too small for me, I have zero problem using it one handed. Since almost everything I do is voice controlled. When I am not driving then thats when I just wish my GN converted into my MBA. We have both an N7 and an ipad but I still always use the human sized screen and keyboard of the Air.


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Oct 29, 2009
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For me it comes down to the eco system...I prefer Googles for my phones. Its more cross platform, which I need. I have to admit I am one of those Android users who is upset with the i5(Though I do own one). Its just disappointing to me that I'll have to wait at least 2 more years for it to be a choice for me. I need and prefer a big phone, bigger fonts, bigger keyboard. For me the increase to 4" doesn't amount to anything. So its a selfish reason, and I am in the minority. If you have used both os's extensively, then you know as I do that there is almost nothing you can't do with either os. So it comes down for me which OS is more interesting. I had to wait for ICS for Android to get where I needed it to be. now that its there it will take a giant leap of ios for me to switch back. The screen looks like it may never catch up for me.

My GN@4.65 is too small for me, I have zero problem using it one handed. Since almost everything I do is voice controlled. When I am not driving then thats when I just wish my GN converted into my MBA. We have both an N7 and an ipad but I still always use the human sized screen and keyboard of the Air.

I would say Apple is also pretty cross platform since all Google apps minus Google Now are in the App Store while zero Apple apps are in the Play Store


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Nov 6, 2012
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Funny thread title !!!!

I use and love both Android and iOS,,,, I will never understand this fan'ism for only one platform over another.

Sent from my ipad while talking on my Galaxy Note 2 (not using my ipad mini or my Nexus 10 or my iphone 5,,, at the moment)

Have fun with that one platform "only" b.s.



Well-known member
Oct 10, 2011
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Funny thread title !!!!

I use and love both Android and iOS,,,, I will never understand this fan'ism for only one platform over another.

Sent from my ipad while talking on my Galaxy Note 2 (not using my ipad mini or my Nexus 10 or my iphone 5,,, at the moment)

Have fun with that one platform "only" b.s.


Completely agree, I love both platforms.

I use to think that android people hated the iphone because of the smug people that used it, but android is about the same now too. I cannot stand blind fanboyism, I see the perks and benefits of both, and the cons of both as well. My wife hates the iphone, she likes to customize her stuff(really just the colors of a few things of hers, I swear the iphone would be easier for her or I should say me, lol). I have always been a very pro android person, still am and probably always be.

At the same time I think the iphone is a great phone, very easy to use and works great. The battery life is truly amazing on the iphone 5, 3rd best battery life I have used on an LTE phone, only behind the Droid Razr HD Maxx and Note II, which have huge batteries so it is seriously great. I have limited experiencing with wp7 and now wp8, but they seemed alright but the marketplace was and is still a little behind for me to jump in full time on a device.

If anyone is upset with the iphone 5 I can only think that they wanted NFC in it to push it further. While I think it would have been nice for Apple to put NFC in the phone, it just wasn't logical to expect them to do so, they will wait for it to mature more if they ever do do it. Luckily I dont care since I haven't used it on an Android device other than to test it out, but more features are always better.

No one should be mad one way or the other though, honestly.

I am happy with my iphone 5 for now, but I know I will switch to another android device soon, but I'll keep the iphone 5 as well, why not have the best of the both worlds?


Dec 15, 2012
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I think it's a case of preference and whichever works best for you. I started my smartphone journey with the blackberry - which i hated. I am currently on my second android phone in 2 years, and I still hate my phone. I am not satisfied with android phones... period. I will be getting the iphone 5 pretty soon... when I can upgrade.... and I hope it works out best for me. I don't understand this fanaticism that people have for their androids or iphones, I say stick with whatever works best for you.


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Dec 15, 2012
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lol on iOS forums people complain about "Android fanboys", on Android forums people complain about "Apple fanboys". On iOS news articles, you get Android trolls; on Android news articles, you get Apple trolls. There's just as many of one as the other :p. Group mentality is pretty fascinating :p.

One great thing about iOS is that it's not open-source--there are only a few current devices at a time, so for hardware developers Apple is an easy choice. I would kill to have any of the great iPhone cases/inventions on Kickstarter lol. The iExpander, for example, looks (/ed?) amazing--microSD slot, built-in 30-pin, extra battery, etc; but I think they're having trouble getting Apple to allow that one..


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Jun 24, 2011
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I've use the S3 and I've used every iPhone since the 3GS. The absolute biggest flaw of the S3 was reception. I couldn't even make a call in my own house. It was horrendous.
Same thing happened to my roommate who owns an SGS3. We finally had to exchange it with a refurbished one so she can make and get calls. The new one seems to be working fine.


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Jul 3, 2010
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From all the Android friends I have - many couldn't give 2 sh!ts about the iPhone... Hence why they went android. To be honest - I'm getting sick in my iPhone 5 p!ss poor wifi performance. I regret to this very day selling my 4S.


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Oct 29, 2012
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I'm an Android user and the only thing that bothers me about Apple devices (specifically their iDevices) are how tech reviewers always call it "the best smartphone/tablet/whatever in the world." Every time I hear that, it pisses me off. Why? Because as many people have said, that's subjective. An iPhone isn't the best phone for me, or anyone who is heavily invested in a particular ecosystem (be it Google or Microsoft or whatever). Nothing about the phone itself makes me mad or jealous. Certain things I want or like about iPhone? Yes, but I'm sure you guys would like toggles for WiFi, Bluetooth, and other things (unless iDevices have that. A quick Google search came up with nothing). I don't understand why people hate the device, it's really good for some people. But I also don't understand how a tech reviewer (who is supposed to give some sort of an unbiased review) can all it "the best phone to ever grace the face of this planet" as if it's the best device for everyone. Even biased sites like Android central have never called a phone "the best device ever" (closest is when they called the S3 the "best Android Device ever" but that isnt as bad).

Mario Fasolo

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Nov 25, 2012
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Yeah, I really don't understand fanboys of either. I'm a two-year Android user and I was all stoked on the iPhone 5 until it was announced and just nothing really jumped out at me, I was going to purchase it because I think it completely beats the S3, but then the Droid DNA got announced, and I just feel like a 5-inch screen is better for me because I love looking at art and stuff on my phone and the bigger, the better.

The only thing I envy about the iP5 is the perfect camera, and the general form factor, but I just hate how they force the pale blue iOS. I'm all about sleek looks and aesthetics, and I just don't feel like the colors are that amazing on the eye, kind of intrusive sometimes and I want the awesome Retina display to show me interesting widgets and live wallpapers and stuff!

I've been debating between the Droid DNA and iP5 for the past month lol, it's gonna be a hard decision but I think the even sharper screen and widgets/toggles/lock screen shortcuts will prove to sway me in the direction of the DNA! But yeah, I consider every factor and understand exactly why people prefer either phone!


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Dec 3, 2012
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From all the Android friends I have - many couldn't give 2 sh!ts about the iPhone... Hence why they went android. To be honest - I'm getting sick in my iPhone 5 p!ss poor wifi performance. I regret to this very day selling my 4S.

Makes sense!!! I don't get it!! It seems as though Android phones cost more the iPhone. There isn't much storage on them as the iPhone w the same price points. I am still on 4. I barely use my phone for voice, mostly data and I am mostly on my iPad these days.

Sent from my Wi-Fi Black 64GB iPad with Retina Display using Tapatalk HD


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Jun 24, 2011
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I think battery life should be the most important factor in a phone. I want a phone that lasts 24 hours between charges. The only Android phone that I know of that fits the bill is the Razor MAXX. What good are widgets and toggles and live screens if they eat into the battery life and make the phone die before the day is over? What is the point of having them and not using them so you can make the battery last for a day?

When LTE was introduced it was such a battery hog that those who had it were turning it off to preserve the battery life. Again, what good was LTE if you had to turn it off. Now look what Apple did: it introduced LTE into a phone that has a 1440 mah battery and still has the same battery life as an iPhone 4. That in and of itself is innovative. That is efficient use of a limited energy source. The chip and the hardware that Apple used are so efficient and the software is so well optimized to the hardware that Apple was able to use the same size battery with LTE, a larger screen and a faster phone.

Just imagine how much longer battery life would have been had Apple kept the iPhone 5's thickness the same as the iPhone 4 and used a higher capacity battery. That would have been a truly amazing phone.

Sent from my iPhone 7


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Jul 3, 2010
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Yeah, I really don't understand fanboys of either. I'm a two-year Android user and I was all stoked on the iPhone 5 until it was announced and just nothing really jumped out at me, I was going to purchase it because I think it completely beats the S3, but then the Droid DNA got announced, and I just feel like a 5-inch screen is better for me because I love looking at art and stuff on my phone and the bigger, the better.

The only thing I envy about the iP5 is the perfect camera, and the general form factor, but I just hate how they force the pale blue iOS. I'm all about sleek looks and aesthetics, and I just don't feel like the colors are that amazing on the eye, kind of intrusive sometimes and I want the awesome Retina display to show me interesting widgets and live wallpapers and stuff!

I've been debating between the Droid DNA and iP5 for the past month lol, it's gonna be a hard decision but I think the even sharper screen and widgets/toggles/lock screen shortcuts will prove to sway me in the direction of the DNA! But yeah, I consider every factor and understand exactly why people prefer either phone!

If you value battery life you might want to check out the Droid DNA forums on Android Central.


Jun 14, 2011
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Makes sense!!! I don't get it!! It seems as though Android phones cost more the iPhone. There isn't much storage on them as the iPhone w the same price points. I am still on 4. I barely use my phone for voice, mostly data and I am mostly on my iPad these days.

Sent from my Wi-Fi Black 64GB iPad with Retina Display using Tapatalk HD

Do your research:

16gb iPhone-- $199
16gb DNA-- $199
16gb S3-- $199
16gb Razr HD-- $199

32gb iPhone-- $299
32gb Razr Maxx HD-- $299
32gb S3-- $249

There goes your theory!
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