Why are Android users so upset by the 5?

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Jul 7, 2008
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I wield both an Android (Galaxy Note 2) and iOS device (iPhone 5). It would take a whole other thread and post to go over what I like/dislike about each but I'll just say, I love both devices. Not gonna choose one over the other. And as already stated, there are rabid fanboys on both Apple and Google's camps. I've gotten it from both sides. ;)


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Oct 6, 2011
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I'm no real Android fan but I was doing some price comparisons last night. I took the Samsung Galaxy S3 mini, because it has a 4" screen similar to the iPhone 5, rather than the S3 which is much bigger. It was possible to order a brand new sim free S3 mini plus a branded 64GB sd card from Amazon UK for ?330. At Amazon a sim free 64GB iPhone 5 costs ?715 or ?699 from Apple.
If even the mighty Amazon are unable to get a penny discount out of Apple for an iPhone, what hope is there for the ordinary consumer?
Also, is the iPhone 5 really worth paying more than double the price of a Galaxy S3 mini for?

To answer your question. YES!


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Feb 20, 2009
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After much debate with GS3 users, I decided to give it a test run. After all, with so many Android users passionately telling me the GS3 puts the iPhone to shame, I thought I should try it out. Had to be good, right?

Wrong. I returned the GS3 after a week and went back to my iPhone. I think the GS3 is a decent device and I probably would think it were pretty good if I hadn't experienced iPhone before. Anyone who tells you Android devices are superior to iPhone either have never owned an iPhone or are in extreme denial. I wanted to love the GS3. I went into it planning on keeping the device, but just couldn't do it. The GS3 may be second best, but it's definitely a distant second to the iPhone. Some of my major complaints are below.

--Screen - I don't care that the GS3 has a large screen, it's a joke compared to iPhone 5. The i5 screen is a real beauty.
--Glitchy - The navigation, scrolling and apps are glitchy on Android. I couldn't handle the flickering. iPhone is just too smooth.
--Apps - The apps look and perform better on iPhone. Period. There are also way more to choose from.
--Camera - iPhone 5 camera takes much better pics than the GS3.
--Battery - The big deal breaker for me was battery. With MINIMAL usage, the GS3 was dead at the end of each day. I found myself turning off as many things as possible (even things I wanted on and had on with my iPhone) just to make it through the work day. And not only did the battery drain super fast, it took forever to charge. The iPhone charges fast, especially the 5 with that lightning port.

That being said, I did prefer the physical look and feel of the GS3 over iPhone. The iPhone internals in the GS3 physical package would be my dream device. However, it's obviously more about what's inside the phone than how it looks for me :)


Sep 7, 2010
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I wouldn't say Android users are upset by the iPhone 5 itself; I'd say it's more the Apple fanboys. In the same way Apple fanboys are disgusted by Android fanboys (such as in this thread). Both types of fanboys are passionate! It's a type of "war" that will always be. In bygone days we probably argued about Ford vs. Chevy, John Deere vs. Allis Chalmers, NYC vs. LA, or Pan Am vs. Northwest Orient.

This is cliche, but both OS's have their strong points. I make a living in IT. I choose Android because I enjoy customizing, tweaking, the openness of the system, and flashing custom ROMs. But along with that I know that I am subject to more glitches. If a user would rather use a phone the way the manufacturer intended, go for iPhone. It virtually always works with few glitches.

There is no question that the hatred towards Apple products comes in at a MUCH higher frequency than what comes out of the Apple camp. Sure there are "fanboys" on both sides of the fence, like you said, that is the nature of competitive products...but Android fans seem to have the need to TELL more people how much better their stuff is, and while the same can be heard from the Apple side of the fence, it's no where near as common or loud...the people with iPhone's that i know enjoy their phones, enjoy talking to others that have iPhones about them...and many of the Android phone owners i know make it a common practice to let me and others know how much they love their phone MORE than the iPhone. I still beg the question...who cares? lol.

I still don't get the defined "line" of customizability and "openness" when it comes to Android vs. iPhone, with a jailbreak i can make my iPhone look just like a GSIII. There is plenty of openness with the iPhone and a world of customizable options with a jailbreak. I guess i still don't get people's ultimate choice based on this, considering the actual customizing ability of the Apple product vs. what many people ASSUME is closed off to such.


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Feb 20, 2009
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Couldn't agree with you more Sean. Part of the reason I decided to give the GS3 a test run was because of the constant iPhone bashing from Android users and all the claims of how Android can "do SO much more than iPhone." What a joke. While Android users are spending all of their time declaring how their devices are better, iPhone users are just enjoying their iPhones. I understand why Android users are that way though...they're either trying to convince everyone else their devices are better or they're trying to convince themselves. Not sure which though. ;)


Sep 7, 2010
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Thing is...it very well may be true that the android device is better for them. I just always find it annoying at how publicly many of them have to make it.


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Dec 1, 2012
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There is no question that the hatred towards Apple products comes in at a MUCH higher frequency than what comes out of the Apple camp.

So where did this scientific research result come from? :confused:

... constant iPhone bashing from Android users and all the claims of how Android can "do SO much more than iPhone." What a joke.

So that must be the reason Androids outsell iPhones 5 to 1. The SGS3 itself recently outsold the iPhone, and the Note II is coming on strong. :rolleyes:

You're right in saying that Android fans trash talk iPhones, but it's not a one way street.


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Oct 6, 2011
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So where did this scientific research result come from? :confused:

So that must be the reason Androids outsell iPhones 5 to 1. The SGS3 itself recently outsold the iPhone, and the Note II is coming on strong. :rolleyes:

You're right in saying that Android fans trash talk iPhones, but it's not a one way street.

Please show me numbers that back up your statement. Because I'd like to see where the gs3 out outsold the iPhone.


Sep 7, 2010
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So where did this scientific research result come from? :confused:

So that must be the reason Androids outsell iPhones 5 to 1. The SGS3 itself recently outsold the iPhone, and the Note II is coming on strong. :rolleyes:

You're right in saying that Android fans trash talk iPhones, but it's not a one way street.

I never said it was a one way street...apparently comprehension evaded you. And scientific research? lol...there's no need for it when the answer screams in reflection of my point every time it gets a chance.

The GSIII outsold the 4S, less than a month before the iPhone 5 release (post announcement)...the ONLY reason it outsold the 4S was because A.) The 4S had been out for almost a year already, and B.) sales dropped due to the announcement and short term release of the iPhone 5. Feel free to check out the sales numbers afterwards (since you decided to bring it up). As far as the Note II coming strong, you can't really make a strong point with something that isn't there yet...

Your 5-1 sales comment is just humorous, there is literally nothing you have to back that up...unless you want to go into total Android sales, over the spectrum of the hundreds of various devices that use the Android OS, at which point your argument becomes completely moot as a vast majority of those Android phones are not even in the same league as the iPhone, GSIII and Note (since those seem to be the ones you're stuck on.)

Thanks for trying.


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Dec 1, 2012
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You're correct; you didn't say it was a one way street. For the record, I didn't actually say you did, but I can understand how I left that impression.

I stand by my original statement that Android fans aren't as upset by the iPhone 5 itself as much as the users. Assuming what you say about less hatred coming from the Apple camp is correct (I'd still like to know where that info came from!), I believe it's because a lot of iPhone users don't realize that there are alternatives. Apple has done a phenomenal job in marketing, and the term iPhone has become interchangeable with smartphone, similar to Blackberry several years ago. I would venture to say that feature phone users looking to upgrade go for iPhone because that's the name they're familiar with. Yes, you & me & everybody else reading this thread knows that it's 1 of about 4 options, but a lot of smartphone users don't.

One other point I'd like to bring out is that I think it's a bit presumptuous to make this statement "There is no question that the hatred towards Apple products comes in at a MUCH higher frequency than what comes out of the Apple camp." in a thread that is basically doing just that. True, you can go to Android Central and find threads like this going the other way, and on WPCentral the WP users bash iOS & Android, and say that lack of apps isn't a problem because they don't really need them anyway. :rolleyes: But I don't think the traffic is heavier one way than the other.

In the last several months I've used iPhone, WP7, and Android, so I am familiar with all 3. iPhone "just works", Android is very easily customizable, and WP... well, it doesn't really shine in either category. ;)

Apple has done a wonderful job in innovation, marketing, manufacturing, and sales, and fans have a right to be proud of the world's most valuable company. The rivalry between Google & Apple makes them both better. I'm sure I wouldn't like my Android so much if Apple wasn't in the picture because it wouldn't be anything close to what it is. Here's to hoping for many more years of fierce competition between them!


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Oct 29, 2009
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I think they're mad because Apple is kind of throwing out the bigger screen like it was their idea and they called LTE "Ultra Fast Wireless" lol. I know people bash in Apple just because they're Apple but its dumb. I doubt Android outsells iOS 5:1 but maybe as a whole Android outsells each individual iPhone model 5:1. I think Android does actually outsell iPhone but iOS has the iPad and iPod Touch and AppleTV and those outsell Android together as I read recently on this very site. Maybe 5 months back or so but I doubt it's changed much.


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Sep 19, 2012
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Ha ha I'm learning how from you! lol

PS So where did you get stats?

It was genuinely impressive. It was like the Chewbacca defense in South Park, you sorta started off ok, acknowledging what you previously said, then randomly started talking about unrelated things (ie chewbacca) and then you just stopped and then it was ok.

I did enjoy it.


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Dec 1, 2012
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Your 5-1 sales comment is just humorous, there is literally nothing you have to back that up...unless you want to go into total Android sales, over the spectrum of the hundreds of various devices that use the Android OS, at which point your argument becomes completely moot as a vast majority of those Android phones are not even in the same league as the iPhone, GSIII and Note (since those seem to be the ones you're stuck on.)

Thanks for trying.
I doubt Android outsells iOS 5:1 but maybe as a whole Android outsells each individual iPhone model 5:1. I think Android does actually outsell iPhone but iOS has the iPad and iPod Touch and AppleTV and those outsell Android together as I read recently on this very site. Maybe 5 months back or so but I doubt it's changed much.

Sorry, I was just going off of what I read here: IDC: Android claims 75 percent of smartphone shipments in Q3, 136 million handsets sold
Maybe it's fiction; I don't know.

The GSIII outsold the 4S, less than a month before the iPhone 5 release (post announcement)...the ONLY reason it outsold the 4S was because A.) The 4S had been out for almost a year already, and B.) sales dropped due to the announcement and short term release of the iPhone 5.

You are correct: Samsung Galaxy S3 beats iPhone 4S to be top-selling smartphone in Q3 - Telegraph

As far as the Note II coming strong, you can't really make a strong point with something that isn't there yet...

Samsung: 5M Galaxy Note 2 units sold in 2 months | Mobile - CNET News
5M in 2 months = 7.5M per quarter; yeah I guess that is only 1/4 of iPhone sales. Again, you are right.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2012
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Christmas shopping is coming now. It's a serious problem on how to save much money from what you purchase. There is a big promotion on This website (ipad-video-converter.us/)iPad Video Converter, best DVD to iPad Converter to convert video/DVD to iPad) during the Christmas time. The items are mainly about conversion
software. They're iPad Converter Suite, MXF Converter, Blu-ray Player, Total Video Converter, Blu-ray Copy, DVD Creator and Blu-ray Ripper Ultimate etc.. These products can help users convert video file very easily.


Take a look and hurry up. It's going fast.

I think Christmas shopping is pretty much over on Christmas Eve, to be honest.
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