What is Twitter?


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Jun 14, 2009
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I think I've had a Twitter account for well over a year and have used it on and off without succes.
Now I saw the movie of the Roundrobin where this Android guy was impressed by Rene's Tweetie2 (I think it was called). Everyone seems to love Twitter so obviously I'm missing something!

To me it seems like a failed concept. It started off as a "What are you doing right now?"-micro blogging service. However, people much rather used their already excisting account of Facebook for that as they have all their friends added there already and Facebook has more options.
Over the months/years, from what I can tell, it changed more to a RSS feed rival where you can follow different sources of news feeds. There unfortunately often have too much information or useless information. Let's say I want to follow the head of my favorite political party. I'd be nice to see how he fairs in certain meetings, but I don't care if he's having a good dinner or not.

Twitter however has the option to actually respond to messages aswell, which I never care about. Does this work out as a chaotic world wide forum? With other people replying on your replies? Or what?

In short: I dont understand why people would use Twitter over Facebook or RSS feeds, but I want to understand as there's obviously something I'm missing...


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2009
not everyone blogs for you to subscribe to their RSS feed. for example, i follow numerous stand up comics on Twitter. they are getting in the habit now of using Twitter as their 'little black book' to jot down new material. so all of their followers get to hear it first and submit instant feedback. Twitter also creates a platform for celebrities to reach out to their fans and make them (seem) much more accessible.

another thing Twitter offers is direct messaging. and using certain Twitter apps (like SimplyTweet) you get those messages pushed down to you. it can almost act as an SMS. another nice feature.

but in the grand scheme of things, Twitter is just another tool that i use sparingly. i don't want everyone knowing my every waking thought/move, and i don't care to hear about yours. i enjoy Twitter because i only follow those i find interesting and who won't bombard me with useless dribble. "OMG, i got my haircut today. it's so FAB!" <barf>


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Jul 13, 2008
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LMAO @jglowe74, I agree with you! Albeit this year I seriously plan to use Twitter and Facebook less and less. We as humans have to physically interact more and more ;)


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2009
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LMAO @jglowe74, I agree with you! Albeit this year I seriously plan to use Twitter and Facebook less and less. We as humans have to physically interact more and more ;)

I second that, though here I am on the forums. LOL Get to got unplugged sometime.
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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2009
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I think that was ctt1wbw's point - you can send sms/mms without even owning a cell phone by using Twitter on your desktop.

There's another thread here somewhere titled something to the effect of "I just don't get Twitter." It's another one with some interesting theories on Twitter.

As to more human interaction...I count on Twitter to meet real live humans. It's been aces in that department.


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Jun 14, 2009
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I realise there's more and more RSS feeds which only feature the headline, and sometimes the first line of the article, and expect you to go to their website to read the rest. With this trend soon theres no reason to even use RSS over Twitter... Are there more people who "made the switch" to Twitter for this reason?


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
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I think I've had a Twitter account for well over a year and have used it on and off without succes.
Now I saw the movie of the Roundrobin where this Android guy was impressed by Rene's Tweetie2 (I think it was called). Everyone seems to love Twitter so obviously I'm missing something!

To me it seems like a failed concept. It started off as a "What are you doing right now?"-micro blogging service. However, people much rather used their already excisting account of Facebook for that as they have all their friends added there already and Facebook has more options.
Over the months/years, from what I can tell, it changed more to a RSS feed rival where you can follow different sources of news feeds. There unfortunately often have too much information or useless information. Let's say I want to follow the head of my favorite political party. I'd be nice to see how he fairs in certain meetings, but I don't care if he's having a good dinner or not.

Twitter however has the option to actually respond to messages aswell, which I never care about. Does this work out as a chaotic world wide forum? With other people replying on your replies? Or what?

In short: I dont understand why people would use Twitter over Facebook or RSS feeds, but I want to understand as there's obviously something I'm missing...

Short answer; It's lame.


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2009
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OMFG In Heaven Above... it's FREE texting and MMS messaging. Only idiots think that people post only "I'm brushing my teeth" posts on Twitter. I get news alerts via Twitter plus I keep in touch with friends via Twitter. It's FREE. :rolleyes:


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Apr 28, 2009
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Twitter is micro-blogging site which attracts huge number of targeted visitors to your website if it has useful and exciting unique content.


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2008
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i honestly didnt "get" twitter at first and thought it was stupid. then i tried it, and realized just how cool of a tool it is. i get gadget news, friend updates, sports scores, weather information, you name it! yeah, there are some lame tweets, i'm sure i've posted my share recently, but for the most part its really a neat way to interact with people. i'm glad i made the move to give it another shot.


Mar 13, 2010
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The msgs on twitter are what you call tweets. Basically you just let everybody know what you are doing at the moment. It can be annoying sometimes however its a good way of communicating. So.... facebook and then twitter I wonder whats next.

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