What do you want to see in iOS 7?


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2009
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i'd be ecstatic if they got rid of the annoying sent message tone

or at least the option to turn it OFF

Arsh Deol1

Jan 22, 2013
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A proper fix to 'OTHER' storage , like a button in rest menu to reset other data (i think its cache so "reset cache" i think) . Or just hide 'OTHER' storage background because it really piss users off :/

Arsh Deol1

Jan 22, 2013
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more than one user account.
Do Not Disturb Toggle in Notification Center
Wifi-Bluetooth-Change User Toggle in Notification Center
USB Storage (PLEASE)
Better restrictions. (Select apps manually)
Air Drop
iPod Touch Mirroring using connector (VGA) (like iPad/iPhone
Widgets on home screen
spotlight search 3rd party apps (Dropbox) ectc
Bluetooth file share
ability to sync settings

These things are not apple standard so , it's a big NO NO !!!
Do Not Disturb Toggle in Notification Center
Wifi-Bluetooth-Change User Toggle in Notification Center
USB Storage (PLEASE)
Air Drop
iPod Touch Mirroring using connector (VGA) (like iPad/iPhone
Widgets on home screen

Bluetooth file share

spotlight search 3rd party apps (Dropbox) ectc = already have..
ability to sync settings =already have
more than one user account. =might be possible for iPad I guess.
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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2010
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i'd be ecstatic if they got rid of the annoying sent message tone

or at least the option to turn it OFF

Get yourself a custom ringtone of that's silent... then, go to Settings>> Sounds>> Sent Mail... and then select your silent tone... voila.

Arsh Deol1

Jan 22, 2013
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This too. Live icons would be awesome.

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Um , I think it's not possible for iPhone 5s because live icons will eat up lots of battery , RAM and CPU. Unless apple comes with some innovative powers saving technology with is, I think not possible for iPhone 5s but MINGHT BE possible for iPhone 6..


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2010
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Get yourself a custom ringtone of that's silent... then, go to Settings>> Sounds>> Sent Mail... and then select your silent tone... voila.

Also works great for people whose calls you don't want to ring through to your phone (assign it as a custom ringtone, the call still comes through but won't ring).

Richard Nieves

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2013
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I think ios just needs some minor up tweaks for now. This has already started with the new music and App Store. If you notice the bottom bar on this (old way)

ImageUploadedByiMore Forums1362857365.496927.jpg

And the one (new way)

ImageUploadedByiMore Forums1362857399.874495.jpg

It's very subtle yet much cleaner looking. Just applying this style across all apps and in the sdk is a start. I would also say that changing some of the theming such as light brown leather, can be updated (I like the idea of it as it adds more flavor but some of the themes like that in Game Center and find my friends as well as the calendar and contacts on ipad, can use better themes such as dark, more elegant leather with thin stitching, more vibrant colors in the calendar, and something more digital for the Game Center. I also think for those people that don't like the themes, they should be able to turn them off. (I would rather that then them be taken away entirely.


Apps need more connection with each other as well as the ability to be picked as a default. If apple could allow more access of iCloud or maybe a user folder system or something, that might allow apps to work together better.


I think that gestures like those on the iPad would be awesome on the iPhone. Swipe up from bottom to get to app switcher. Also, maybe make the button on new phones sensitive to touch so if I swipe left across it, I can go to my last used app, and if I swipe right across it I can go to my last used app on the right. Webos did great with gestures and apple could learn from some of that. I would just like to see some way other than multi-tapping a button, to do things.

Siri even smarter

Siri is getting better, but I would like her to become smarter

App drawer

I don't think ios will ever get widgets and I am ok with that. I actually like the idea of the notification widgets because I don't have to leave an app to check the weather or post a FB status. However it would be nice to have just a clean desktop with maybe a couple favorite apps and then an app drawer for apps less commonly used. Also folder limits need to be higher.

Photos. Sub-folder structure and icloud syncing.

It would be awesome to sort photos better by having more sub folder structure. I would also like to see photos sync better. Photo stream is fine, but if I make an album on my ipad with photos, will that album transfer over? No, I will have to make it again on my ipad (unless I am missing something) also I wish that face detection and photos could work together to group people photos together kinda like it used to, and also put those photos in contacts. Would also like to see photos from other sources like Facebook, Flickr and others.


Complete redesign with more integration with social networks, logs, photos, Game Center stats and games, and more.



That's about what I would want.


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2012
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Want to see wifi,bluetooth etc toggles. I would actually like to see the notification to be wider(iPad) or slide over like the Mac version. When getting a notification have the screen move down so it doesnt get in the way of your screen on top. That is all I can think off at the moment.


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2013
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These things are not apple standard so , it's a big NO NO !!!
Do Not Disturb Toggle in Notification Center
Wifi-Bluetooth-Change User Toggle in Notification Center
USB Storage (PLEASE)
Air Drop
iPod Touch Mirroring using connector (VGA) (like iPad/iPhone
Widgets on home screen

Bluetooth file share

Maybe it's time for them to make it standard, and update their OS to what people want in 2013, not 2007?


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2013
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2 or more Facebook or twitter accounts to be used in integration
Siri using earphone's mic
New icons
Overhauled task manager


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2009
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Quick toggles is a must. Notification icons along the top bar that don't go away till the notifications have been opened. Can't believe when your phone is on mute there isn't an icon like the rotation lock icon to remind you. Kill all running apps option. Notification centre on the lock screen. Option to set defaults such as browser/maps etc. I don't think my requests are all that extreme & they are basically the little tweaks I miss from not jail breaking anymore.


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2009
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app specific statusbar icons would be pretty cool

that way you can hide lockscreen alerts but still know what is going on


Dec 5, 2012
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Ability to set default apps.
Gesture support similar to the iPad's.
Ability to delete apps like Stock and Weather, then hide the rest.
Four quick-access apps above the "slide to open" area.
Kill all apps switch.
And quick toggles, somewhere.


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2009
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Ability to set default apps.
Gesture support similar to the iPad's.
Ability to delete apps like Stock and Weather, then hide the rest.
Four quick-access apps above the "slide to open" area.
Kill all apps switch.
And quick toggles, somewhere.

WHOA, slow down cowboy. you're asking a little too much outta Apple there

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