What do you want to see in iOS 7?


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Feb 28, 2013
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WHOA, slow down cowboy. you're asking a little too much outta Apple there

Out of curiosity, why are we asking too much of Apple? What's wrong with users deciding what they want vs. a company deciding 'this is what you REALLY want'. If there wasn't a market for these features, then Android wouldn't have nearly the traction that it has. Maybe it wouldn't kill Apple to 'borrow' a few more features from Android that are clearly popular ;).

Richard Nieves

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Jan 22, 2013
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Why a kill all apps switch? Only a few types of apps run in the background and the rest are suspended.

Because most people coming from android are used to killing apps to save memory/battery/speed up system. With ics this was supposedly fixed, and I have heard apple and ios don't have this problem, however, when battery life gets bad, or a phone gets slow, this is the first thing most users think to do. I do it too, mostly because I enjoy the battery life I get and I never ever want to get the battery life I use to get with android so if I see my battery drain quicker than usual (usually when I have an o for a signal whatever that means or use more intensive apps.) than I immediately do it. Does it help? I don't know, I am still learning about ios, when I had it before it wasn't a main device so I never cared about battery life, now I do. It's just something you learn to do on android, at least in my case.


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Mar 21, 2009
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There's really no need for it on iOS but I've heard other people want that as well. I get excellent battery life and never kill off any app. Only apps that play music, use GPS, VoIP and the like run in the background.

Hell yes there's a need for it, thankfully it's an easy tweak if you're jailbroken, anybody who has sat for minutes tapping icon after icon after after icon knows how much this is needed.

I've never understood why some prefer doing things the hard way, yes this is another area where Apple has made their dated OS incredibly complicated and not user friendly at all, despite propaganda to the contrary.


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Jun 13, 2012
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Give me iOS 7 with a thicker and heavier phone that allows for great battery life. Use that juice to enable a constant, safe connection to my iBand which handles:
NFC: scan my wrist "screen" to get my money.
A proximity sensor for security: no band at hand = no unlocking my phone.
Users choice of notification method for anything iCloud or iMessage related. such as vibration, colored light, sound, etc.

It all starts with better battery and I'm not all that impressed with how thin and light the 5 is. At least not impressed enough to have it effect my user experience one way or another. I'd be much more impressed with new better daily social integrations.


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Jun 10, 2009
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I want themes too. I dunno why some people think it's such a stupid idea. It's the perfect solution. For people like myself that have been using the same exact user interface since 2007 (!!!), it is getting really really stale. For those of you that love the user interface the way it is, keep the default theme. Apple could at least start out by giving us a handful of Apple-made themes. Or, if they wanted make more money by the boat loads, they could create a Theme Store. All themes would all have to go through the Apple approval process to make sure they work in a way that Apple approves of, like the App Store, so there wouldn't be any worries about themes messing up functionality.

Apple rocked the industry with the introduction of the App store. I think a Theme Store wouldn't have quite as big of an impact, but it would still be huge. At the very least, it would keep iPhone veterans like myself from getting bored.

Richard Nieves

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2013
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I think themes would actually be nice. While many people talk about "themes" on a android, this is a misconception. There are no "Themes" there are launchers which you can change the theme of the launcher and app drawer. You can also download some apps with themes. But most themes don't look incredibly professional on either anyway. The only way to actually get true themes is the same way (similar enough) you would in iOS, which is rooting. Some manufacturers use different themes and t-mobile actually does have a theme manager, but when people complain about how android is better because of customization like themes, I tend to have to explain this. I would love a theme manager, a professional one. Even more importantly, I would love for apple to make a theme creator so that graphic designers can upload their themes because not every coder can design beautiful and attractive themes and it would open up the doors to graphic designers and even vernal designers like myself who can't code but are great at design. Hell, they could make it an app on both of and iOS that people can purchase and either create for themselves or post in the a theme store! I honestly think I would like the ability to just create themes than changing them because I enjoy it so much. I have a few actually mock ups of some iOS revamps I've done. Would love to put them to use :)


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Oct 23, 2011
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I don't know if its been mentioned or not but one thing that makes no sense to me is the fact that the native weather icon does not show the local current temp it just has a generic 73 degrees that does nothing. I'd like for that to change in OS7


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2012
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- I want the best virtual keyboard that Apple could make with new ideas and personalization go wild here to make it possible to work with the iPad keyboard !
- I want to sort the photos in an album as I wanted.
- I want easy accessible mode for airplane, Bluetooth etc...


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2013
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- I want the best virtual keyboard that Apple could make with new ideas and personalization go wild here to make it possible to work with the iPad keyboard !
- I want to sort the photos in an album as I wanted.
- I want easy accessible mode for airplane, Bluetooth etc...

Sorting the photos in an album is available in the past version of IOS.
just mark the pictures you want then tap add to existing or new album (tap add to first)


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2010
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I want themes too. I dunno why some people think it's such a stupid idea. It's the perfect solution. For people like myself that have been using the same exact user interface since 2007 (!!!), it is getting really really stale. For those of you that love the user interface the way it is, keep the default theme. Apple could at least start out by giving us a handful of Apple-made themes. Or, if they wanted make more money by the boat loads, they could create a Theme Store. All themes would all have to go through the Apple approval process to make sure they work in a way that Apple approves of, like the App Store, so there wouldn't be any worries about themes messing up functionality.

Apple rocked the industry with the introduction of the App store. I think a Theme Store wouldn't have quite as big of an impact, but it would still be huge. At the very least, it would keep iPhone veterans like myself from getting bored.

I doubt we'll see it any time soon but I would love a theme store too. I would pay good money for nice looking themes without having to jailbreak. And Apple would of course get their 30% of that. That being said, I would like for there to be some quality control over it so you don't end up with a bunch of crap. Maybe it'd be nice if Apple themselves made 4-5 themes for users to choose from.

Richard Nieves

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2013
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Sorting the photos in an album is available in the past version of IOS.
just mark the pictures you want then tap add to existing or new album (tap add to first)

Technically yes but the feature is a mess... The problem is, is that if you import photos from your of via iTunes, those are just locked albums. Not just that but there seems to be an invisible limit of some sort as I have tried to make an album from photos on my photo stream and after some photos were loaded I could t add any more and not all even showed up. Honestly what apple needs to do is allow for folder syncing on windows. For instance, instead of simply importing photos from windows it syncs them both ways so photos can be added and moved around between the pc and the computer. This would be the best way. Also us folders in albums would be supported as well. I would also like to see the people option back

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