What do you want to see in iOS 7?


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Oct 12, 2008
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Flat design can be extremely boring. I don't think iOS is going flat as such. I think it is going to be streamlined a consistent premium metallic theme or brushed metal that is applied to all native apps.

That is not flat

It can and will contain gradients shadows and animations but things like faux leather binders and tape decks will be out.

I think people are co fusing the terms "flat" and "consistent"

Sent from my iPhone 4s using Tapatalk


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Jan 13, 2011
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I want quick replies for iMessage and SMS. Native email overhaul to get up speed with every other alternative email client lately. I'd love to see some if the current jailbreak tweaks implemented for notifications like Velox and Abstergo as they are both quite exciting, original and lovely to look at.


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May 9, 2013
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Based on what we have seen in previous IOS releases, this is what we will likely get.

1) One major defining feature that completely changes the way IOS works. This was multitasking in IOS5, notifications in IOS5, maps in IOS6, and like the new UI we are all hearing about for IOS7.

2) Continued improvements to core apps (Mail, Safari, Siri, Camera, Maps).

3) One new app service (game center in IOS4, newsstand in IOS5, passbook in IOS6, maybe the iradio service for IOS7).

4) Misc improvements to features like facetime (maybe up to 4 users?), imessage, do not disturb, etc.

5) Some newer, minor features (along the line of do not disturb or call decline).

6) Integration with another social platform (twitter in IOS5, facebook in IOS6, maybe foursquare in IOS7?)

And then they will take pains to make it sound like 200+ new features when it is really just improvements to 10 over apps. :p

Richard Nieves

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Jan 22, 2013
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I would like to see more integration of the system together. With each update I have noticed things seem to be placed "on top" of the OS rather than integrated. This of course happens to all OS's which usually is why there is a major update every so often that refreshes the system.

Some features that need better integration

- notifications: I like apples way of notifying but there is no number or notificatio icon in the status bar to indicate you have notifications, and the banner blocks system stuff. It would be better if apple implemented a system which drops the ui some pixels and shows the banner. Kinda like webos used to. Personally I don't mind the banner but I know I have read others get frustrated by its blocking of the top bar.

- social Integration: to say you have social integration but then have so few ACTUAL things integrated is NOT social integration. A good example of social integration would be what windows phone does. Apple needs to integrate adding a photo and tagging friends in its social widgets, photo albums from the services that are on those social networks need to integrate both with photos app (your photos from those networks) and the contacts app) photos of friends that you have in your contacts that are on those networks and are your friends). Also if a messaging service or video call service is included in that social network, it should be integrated into the contacts and messaging apps.

-icloud: this is more of a developer thing but apple needs to push it. Apps with data need to be easily accessible via multple devices without exporting or doing anything other than allowing the app to access icloud. Having universal apps is somewhat useless if I start a game on my iPad and it isn't synced to my iphone!

-default apps: it is about time that apple allow for default apps. I understand apple wants you to use there services, but with apple having such a strict App Store approval process most replacement apps are very polished anyway and would not hurt the apple image. It also would draw in more users. I, for one, prefer google maps over apple maps and chrome over safari. I would love for those to be the default apps, especially if I ask Siri to direct me somewhere.

- better integration with apps and Siri: Apps need more access to Siri. Developers should be Abe to add plugins or something with Siri so their app can function with Siri, for example I want directions from google maps I would need default apps to be changeable and Siri to be able to search within a 3rd party app. Think of how much more useful Siri could be!

"Siri, how many calories can I eat a day?" (Searches diet app and a answers)

"Siri when is the next bus comming" (uses your location and checks google maps)

"Siri when is my next assignment due?" (Checks student app and tells what it is and when it's due)

"How many points are in a food with 100 calories, 5 fat and 2 fiber" (Siri gives you the point value and asks if you would like to add it to your diary. and if so, asks for other information)

I can only imagine the many more possibilities!

- iPhoto/photos: two apple apps that are not related at all. I think iPhoto should be an upgrade to photos rather than a completely separate app or at the very least integrate better with it. If I edit a photo in an existing album I should have an option to simply replace that photo. And it should show up (whether as a edited version or replace the original if requested) in the photos app) now it would be nice if iPhoto stored all the originals just in case!) also while you can sieload photos from your pc you cannot move them around or add to those albums on ios. How about being able to choose to just sync your photo folder in windows or Mac and have ios sync through icloud or something or at least through wifi. Also would like the "people" section back except now, it should also integrate within the contacts as well. Also people tags should be easily implemented through both ios or iTunes without requiring you to have a Mac. Same thing with events. Also if a persons face has been tagged previously, when taking a picture of that person, the person is automatically added to their own photos.

- ui consistency: there is a difference between each app having a different them and having inconsistencies. A good example? Look at the new iTunes and App Store as well as music. All of them are using a gradient and more defined lines in-between each icon on the bottom. If you go to other apps the ui changes, especial the bottom bar which has no lines between each icon and instead of the whole section being pressed down, a square with beveled edges indicates an item is pressed. There are other little inconsistencies across the platform as things have been updated and others haven't. Colors themes and textures don't make inconsistency. Not even skeuomorphism however elements need some consistency BUT not to a point where every app looks the same either. Google did a good job of this with ice cream sandwich and jellybean.

- keyboard: needs better auto correct and word prediction.

That's about it. I can imagine there is more but I feel like that is it for now!


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2012
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Sorting the photos in an album is available in the past version of IOS.
just mark the pictures you want then tap add to existing or new album (tap add to first)

I know it's a bit long time ago, but I don't see "Tap add to first"...
Is it only for iPhone ? I have iPad-4 with iOS 6.1.3


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Jul 21, 2009
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I would actually like to see the Photos app updated so that pictures aren't kept locally. The photos app should now be in iCloud which would make it a central location for all your Mac devices. The camera roll should exist in iCloud which would free up space on the device, it would make all the picture accessible on all devices without the need for Photo Stream and the user's choice of putting the pictures in Photo Stream or not. On the Mac there would be an "iPhone", "iPad - Name"... for all the devices. So in order to access any picture from a camera roll it's as easy as browsing to the folder.

iPhoto - I also want to see that go to iCloud so that my iPhoto on my iPad, iPhone and Mac can all show the same pictures making it one big library.


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Sep 27, 2012
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I would like ios to be less teathered to a computer because I have to be at a computer to add music photos ringtones etc which I didn't have to do on blackberry


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2013
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I would actually like to see the Photos app updated so that pictures aren't kept locally. The photos app should now be in iCloud which would make it a central location for all your Mac devices. The camera roll should exist in iCloud which would free up space on the device, it would make all the picture accessible on all devices without the need for Photo Stream and the user's choice of putting the pictures in Photo Stream or not. On the Mac there would be an "iPhone", "iPad - Name"... for all the devices. So in order to access any picture from a camera roll it's as easy as browsing to the folder.

iPhoto - I also want to see that go to iCloud so that my iPhoto on my iPad, iPhone and Mac can all show the same pictures making it one big library.

No...just no.

I want to have the option to be able to access my photos locally without having to rely on a decent data connection to access them.
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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2009
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No...just no.

I want to have the option to be able to access my photos locally without having to rely on a decent data connection to access them.

Perhaps I didn't express the idea right I was in a rush when I typed it out. I dind't mean the pictures aren't kept locally at all but more like they aren't only kept locally but synchronized in iCloud. The same way Dropbox works so you have access to them even when you're not connected to the internet but with the synchronization There is just one Camera Roll on my iPad, iPhone, iPod, iPad Mini. I don't have one camera roll for this one, one camera roll for that one etc. Obviously there would be snags that Apple would have to figure out as a user I just want all my pictures in one place accessible by all devices without jumping through hoops.


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Jul 9, 2011
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I'm jumping into this late but here is my two cents on the matter.

1) Toggles in NC - I feel these are just imperative to EASE OF USE which Apple tends to promote quite often.
2) More options to change the way our phones "look"(themes, font changing, etc...) - while not attractive to the "basic" users, a lot of the advanced users love these options and bringing them to the phone natively can be safer for users by not having to JB and possible revenue for Apple.
3) Updated email app - I cannot stand having to do a soft reset to get my phone to manually check for emails every now and again. I may be one of the only few to have this issue, but I hvae it and it is bothersome.
4) The ability to hide Newsstand without JB or hack - This is simple
5) This isn't iOS exactly, but a little more iCloud storage space would be great. I mean Google gives us 15GB!!! A little more would be awesome.


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Jul 21, 2009
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I want Siri/OS to get smarter when I use it for Music. Right now if I ask Siri to play a song at the end of the song it just stops. It ruins the whole flow and it leaves the user with more work becuase now they either have to manually start playing the music or they have to use Siri to try and get it going again. I mean something so simple just seems like an oversight, it should be simple I'm listening to music I want a specific song I ask Siri "play smells like teen spirit" the song should play and then after that the music app should continue playing my music from where it left off.

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