TiPb iPad 2 give away!

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Mar 9, 2011
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Why I love TiPb

Well, there are many reasons why I love the blog (and forum) and I keep coming back every day, I don't wanna write a paragraph about it because it'll be too long, so I'll just cite the reasons :)

  • ONE Place for all my "iNews", not only hardware rumors, but also the latest software news, jailbreakiing, apps, etc.
  • Updates fast, it's always one of the first sites to have the latest news, so I know that when I read something new in here, it's really NEW, not from yesterday/last week
  • The amazing staff :). Who always do those amazing video meetings
  • The "Shopping Guide" haha, a good example: the post about wether I sould/shouldn't buy an iPad 2
  • It's on twitter, facebook, youtube and RSS, so I never miss it, I always catch up with the latest news
  • All the videos (tutorials, tips, demos, etc.) posted here really help people like me
  • The great layout: It's EASY to read, not like many other news sites with thousands of ads in the middle of the articles :)
  • The giveaways! Duh! hahaha
  • The fact that TiPb belongs to a very good news sites group (TiPb, Android Central, etc.)
  • The rumors, I LOVE rumors
  • The fact that it doesn't only cover iPhone, it also cover iPad, so I can get news from both, in one single site :)
  • The forums, with active people willing to help and answer questions
That's pretty much the summary of what I love from TiPb and what makes me come back every day :). I'd love to visit you every day from an iPad 2, it would be amazing


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Mar 9, 2011
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PeliculasWarez Regala Cuentas Premium Gratis

Hola Amigas y amigos

Les cuento que estaba visitando la pagina de
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los usuarios que mas posteen aportes durante este mes y con solo Registrarte
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La pagina de Peliculas Warez tiene de todo un poco, Peliculas Gratis,
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Mar 9, 2011
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I was an iphone user but unfortunately was coerced to come to the android side due to a carrier switch, huge mistake. Mourning the loss of my iphone, I visit TiPb multiple times a day to solely to remind myself of what I am missing out on and to kick myself in the *** on the regular for switching carriers. Also, everyday that I visit TiPb is one day closer to the end of my current contract which equals one day closer to once again being reunited with the Iphone (which I will be well versed with and completely up to date on thanks to you guys)


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Feb 10, 2011
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Ipad 2: What i live about Tipb

So my favorite thing about Tipb is the giveaways, cydia tweak reviews, app reviews, iOS/iDevice news, Daily tips, awesome forum. guides, update. I might aswell say everything becouase I LOVE every single thing about TipB. No lie. I visit this site 2 times a day. Morning and night.
Hope I Win that Ipad 2:):):)


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Mar 9, 2011
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The reason I love TiPb is because of the onspot stories and that TiPb gets the information out fast, which keeps me updated on the great iGadgets! Thanks TiPb and keep it up!


Aug 12, 2010
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ipad 2 give away

I like the unbiased reviews of the accessories for all devices, and the reviews of all of the devices, ipad, iPhone, apple tv, iPod. Overall I enjoy reading the different opinions of the updates and all aspects of the devices and apps.


Dec 23, 2010
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I would LOVE an iPad 2!

I love TiPb, ya'll always have up to date information, accurate, and all the rumors i like to read about!

I subscribe to your RSS feeds via google reader and am most excited about ya'lls to read! thanks for being awesome!


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Mar 9, 2011
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Why I love TiPb?because it is all I need. The site is so comprehensive, thorough, and up-to-date that no other site can compare. On top of that, TiPb?s bloggers are second to none; I can rely on them for tips, advice and to get me out of tough iOS predicaments. Before TiPb, iOS devices and technology in general were a foreign language to me, TiPb opened my eyes to a world I thought I could never understand. iPhone live and iPad live are what I love most about this site because it makes me feel like I am a part of a network of iOS lovers and it gives me the opportunity to voice my opinion. Thanks TiPb for opening my eyes to the world of all things Apple, keep up the great work.


Mar 9, 2011
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Mar 9, 2011
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New member
Sep 11, 2008
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Ipad 2 Give away!

TIPB is a daily stop for me. It's the best, most informative iphone blog that I have found. I love everything about the site: Daily news updates, promoting specials in the accessorie's store and great informative editorials and tutorials!

It's the feeling you get from the writers about the passion they have for everything IOS. That passions draws me to the site, which provides for much greater enjoyment with my Iphone and Ipods, and soon I hope for the Ipad 2!

And then of course getting feed back and advice from the message boards from all of us that share the passion of the ios devices we use, abuse, entertain and have become an important staple in our lives.:):


Mar 9, 2011
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Mar 9, 2011
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