Question from a Palm user thinking about getting an iPhone 3GS


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Jun 11, 2009
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I have been using a Palm Treo from the past 5 years. I went from the Treo 650 (Palm OS) to the Treo 750 (Windows Mobile 6) which I am still currently using on AT&T.

I have been mostly happy with the Treo 750 but the fact that it is lacking the "real internet" and is very "average" at receiving and sending emails. I would really like to be able to browse the actual internet and have the ability to send, receive, and open/view email attachments (including .zip and .rar files) with ease.

For several months I have been watching the Palm Pre hoping that it would come to AT&T but as you know it is exclusive to Sprint. I have really been looking at the iPhone 3GS and have heard mixed reviews on its capability with emails compared to a Blackberry device.

My main "needs" for a phone are the following:
  • Real Internet Browser
  • Capability To Open and View Email Attachments (.zip & .rar)
  • Calender/Scheduling/Memo/Task Management
  • Text Messaging

My girlfriend recently purchased the Blackberry Bold since they just dropped the price. I played with it a little and it seems to pretty much meet all of the aforementioned needs. I have thought about purchasing the Bold, however, I have been very interested in what the new iPhone 3GS will offer.

The iPhone 3GS will obviously be better for internet browsing but what about sending and receiving emails and opening .zip and .rar attachments. Also how is the calender/scheduling/memo/task management functions?



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Sep 30, 2008
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I have been using a Palm Treo from the past 5 years. I went from the Treo 650 (Palm OS) to the Treo 750 (Windows Mobile 6) which I am still currently using on AT&T.

I have been mostly happy with the Treo 750 but the fact that it is lacking the "real internet" and is very "average" at receiving and sending emails. I would really like to be able to browse the actual internet and have the ability to send, receive, and open/view email attachments (including .zip and .rar files) with ease.

For several months I have been watching the Palm Pre hoping that it would come to AT&T but as you know it is exclusive to Sprint. I have really been looking at the iPhone 3GS and have heard mixed reviews on its capability with emails compared to a Blackberry device.

My main "needs" for a phone are the following:
  • Real Internet Browser
  • Capability To Open and View Email Attachments (.zip & .rar)
  • Calender/Scheduling/Memo/Task Management
  • Text Messaging

My girlfriend recently purchased the Blackberry Bold since they just dropped the price. I played with it a little and it seems to pretty much meet all of the aforementioned needs. I have thought about purchasing the Bold, however, I have been very interested in what the new iPhone 3GS will offer.

The iPhone 3GS will obviously be better for internet browsing but what about sending and receiving emails and opening .zip and .rar attachments. Also how is the calender/scheduling/memo/task management functions?


You sound like a power user. Get a Pre. The iphone is becoming a gaming handheld and lacks essential business features. WebOS is also more open.


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Jun 11, 2009
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Well, I think I want to stick with AT&T and I am eligible for an upgrade. I have heard good things about the iPhone but I want to make sure it will meet my "needs".

Thanks for the feedback and I am interested to hear from more people here.


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Sep 19, 2005
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The iPhone is the best multimedia/web-browsing handheld device out there, but its calendar and task functions are limited and not integrated. Workable, but not what you'd get on a Palm device. Based on the requirements you mentioned, I'd make the jump to Sprint and get the Pre (after checking it out in person at the store, of course). Apple's iPhone has a ton of great apps though, and I like it a lot for what it CAN do, but I'm definitely not a "power user". I use the calendar for dr's appts and family events (synced to the Google calendar, actually, which works pretty well), but I don't schedule tasks or multiple events in a day and I read email from multiple accounts but don't need it for my job. What else are you looking for in a smartphone? I had the Treo 750 and I dumped it as soon as the iPhone came out because of the multimedia capabilities of the phone, everything else it does (by way of apps) is candy. I love it, but I don't NEED it.


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Nov 28, 2008
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I run my own small business. The iPhone is the only phone that I use. I get "push" email just like a BB with the use of Mobile Me. I can open and view any .doc, .xls, .pdf, .tif, etc., etc. as an attachment in an email. I am not sure about .zip files. I get them but I never open them because the ones I get are VERY large, several Gs. I just wait until I get back to my desktop to open them.

I get my faxes sent to my iPhone. I also get my office voice mails forwarded to my iPhone's email as an attachment that I can open and listen to. I can create/edit any office document that I need on my iPhone. I connect to MoMe and for online file storage. That way I always have my office file with me.

I use Appigo's ToDo for todo's and tasks. I keep up with Memos and Notes (both written and voice) on my iPhone. My iPhone has turned into my Netbook. I no longer take my Laptop when I go on the road for short trips.

Now the Bold and the Pre are very nice devices, and you would not make a bad decision in purchasing either one, IMHO, but do not listen to those who suggest that the iPhone is not for business because it is just not true. Come 6/17 with 3.0 we will have even more features on our iPhones that will make it an even better business tool.

Oh!! The fact that you can play some pretty cool games while waiting in an airport is only the icing on the cake!:D
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Nov 28, 2008
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PS...I came from the Palm Treo 755P. My iPhone with all of it's apps can do eveything my 755P could do.

And the fact that it actually works and does not crash three times a day is not too bad either.:p:D


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Dec 19, 2004
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You sound like a power user. Get a Pre. The iphone is becoming a gaming handheld and lacks essential business features. WebOS is also more open.

Interesting statement. I use my iPhone for business daily. I sync/push email (average 150 a day), calendar, contact, tasks, and memos with Outlook. I use the VPN client with Remote Desktop to access my servers when needed. I keep track of all my flight information, passwords, checking accounts, weather, movies, etc. all on my iPhone. I'm able to read most attachments in email, although can't do .zip or .rar. Doesn't matter, our Exchange server is configured to block those extensions. I keep my main documents with me with programs like FileMagic and EverNote. There's numerous other things I do but don't feel like listing them all.

To say the iPhone lacks essential business features is by far an understatement.

Is it for everyone, certainly not. Which device is?

I've had numerous Treo's going back to the 600, nearly all the models. Plus, several HTC models. So far, the iPhone has been the most stable, by far.


Retired Moderator
Mar 27, 2005
You sound like a power user. Get a Pre. The iphone is becoming a gaming handheld and lacks essential business features. WebOS is also more open.

You are so far off it's not even funny. Now a little over a year ago I would agree with you. Now, no way.

To the original poster, get a iPhone if AT&T has good service in your area - you won't regret it.


TiPb Forum Staff
Jul 10, 2008
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Even though above I noted answers to his questions that would indicate not to get one, I use my as my business phone and can't live without it.


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May 31, 2009
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The iPhone isn't really a business phone, besides the fact that he supports MS Exchange and in 3.0 will have CalDAV etc.

The mobile Safari is great and think you'll be satisfied with that, however, like other said, the iPhone doesn't support .zip or .rar files in email.

I think the Calender is good. It syncs seamlessly with Macs and it works with MS Office on PC as wel. There should be something called CalDAV in 3.0 that will push appointments from directly servers. (Correct me if I'm wrong.) It might not have the same features / functionality as the palm cal but it would serve you well.

Text messaging is also good.


Retired Moderator
Mar 27, 2005
The iPhone isn't really a business phone, besides the fact that he supports MS Exchange and in 3.0 will have CalDAV etc.

The mobile Safari is great and think you'll be satisfied with that, however, like other said, the iPhone doesn't support .zip or .rar files in email.

I think the Calender is good. It syncs seamlessly with Macs and it works with MS Office on PC as wel. There should be something called CalDAV in 3.0 that will push appointments from directly servers. (Correct me if I'm wrong.) It might not have the same features / functionality as the palm cal but it would serve you well.

Text messaging is also good.

What are your reasons for saying it is not a good business phone? With more and more apps popping up in the App Store the possibilities become endless.


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Jan 23, 2009
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I am a heavy business user withmy iPhone. I run 5 email accounts (1 exchange, 1 MobileMe, 3 gmail) and all three can sync cals with ease. I love accepting meeting invites right from the phone. I am a heavy calendar user as well. Numerous appts per day, no problems. I also use ToDo for task management.

I can't think of one thing I miss from my years of blackberry use. I would recommend you try the iPhone for 30 days, then decide.


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Aug 19, 2004
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Its a great business tool. I also own my own business and I think the iPhone is great. I have installed Quickoffice and QuoteSales too for processing quotes on the go. Like others have said, it doesn't crash at all and I love it
I run 3 email accounts and they are all rock solid and get pushed to me right away.
No need for a Pre or BB here.


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Feb 19, 2009
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I think the iPhone would be a great choice. If you run a Mac, getting a .rar file is great because the rar expander on the Mac is free, you have to pay for it on Windows.

Plus, if you ever need a credit card charger program on the go, the App Store has several so you can process credit card transactions with your phone.


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May 31, 2009
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Bad Ash and JohnH59

The iPhone might have those functionalities but I don't believe apple is targeting the iPhone as a business device but more of a consumer device. Most business go to RIM and WinMo for business phones.

I might be wrong and ill eat my words if i am but that's my perspective. Apple showed how 3.0 could integrate with hospitals monitoring systems but how many hospitals are going to really do this ? Sure that's opening more oppurtunities but at the end of the day , blackberry phones will appeal better as a businesa communication device.


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Feb 19, 2009
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Just because Apple isn't targeting it as a "business" phone, you can still use it as a "business" phone. You can text, email, calender, yada yada yada with it, just like a Blackberry. What more does it take to make something "business" class?


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Nov 28, 2008
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OmariJames, I would certainly agree with you in saying that BB has a much greater hold on larger corporate business. Especially those that need high security. The three reasons that most larger companies choose BB are: Security, Verizon (let's face it their network is pretty good in most places), and Habit (BB are what they have always bought)

Although, One of my good friends who is second only to the Director of NASA carries an iPhone as his "company" phone. No BB in his pocket.:p


TiPb Forum Staff
Jul 10, 2008
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Apple might not be targeting it as a complete business device, but that doesn't mean you can't use it as your day to day business phone. I use it daily to conduct my business.

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