Picking Up iPhone 4 At An Apple Store? What Time Are You Getting There?


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Jun 18, 2010
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At Apple, ONLY the primary account holder can sign the contract

This is actually not true. I know because I called both apple and AT&T to verify. I am in a situation (like many) where both my wife and I have an iPhone, but only one person can be listed as the primary account holder. Since she bought my original 3G for me as a gift, she is listed as the primary.

Per both AT&T and Apple, to sign the contract you must either be the primary or be listed as a "Retail authorized user". A "Retail authorized user" is basically like having admin rights. Anyone with this privilege can make any change the primary can make, including signing a contract.

However, note that you will not have "retail authorized user" status by default, and per both, if you don't have it, no iPhone 4 for you.

You can check this my logging in to your AT&T account. If you don't have it the primary can add a retail authorized user via the website, on the phone or in an AT&T store. (Website is easiest.)


Mar 2, 2010
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Similar yet slightly different than Thndrct619's post. I was able to reserve a phone at the apple store for pick up on the 24th but being a glutton for punishment continued to try all day long to order one and be able to have it delivered to me directly. I was able to do it and so my phone will be coming on launch day. HOWEVER, my boss wants to get the new iphone too will i be able to go with him to the apple store and pick up the one I reserved and give to him to pay for/register?


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Jun 18, 2010
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This is actually not true. I know because I called both apple and AT&T to verify. I am in a situation (like many) where both my wife and I have an iPhone, but only one person can be listed as the primary account holder. Since she bought my original 3G for me as a gift, she is listed as the primary.

Per both AT&T and Apple, to sign the contract you must either be the primary or be listed as a "Retail authorized user". A "Retail authorized user" is basically like having admin rights. Anyone with this privilege can make any change the primary can make, including signing a contract.

However, note that you will not have "retail authorized user" status by default, and per both, if you don't have it, no iPhone 4 for you.

You can check this my logging in to your AT&T account. If you don't have it the primary can add a retail authorized user via the website, on the phone or in an AT&T store. (Website is easiest.)

That's great news... i'm in the same boat and was trying to figure out how the account holder could get the day off work. i added myself and now can just show up early and get it done.


Retired Moderator
Mar 9, 2009
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That's great news... i'm in the same boat and was trying to figure out how the account holder could get the day off work. i added myself and now can just show up early and get it done.

Trust me...Apple will not let you sign the contract unless your the primary account holder. AT&T will allow

Leanna Lofte

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Sep 7, 2008
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The reserve line gets to go first till it's completed and then they start letting the non reserver line in after.

That's not how the Apple Stores I've been to have done it in the past. They have both lines go in, but the reserved line gets more people in. I believe it was a 5:1 ratio for the iPad. So for every 5 people in the reserved line that went in, 1 person from the non-reserved line went in.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
That's not how the Apple Stores I've been to have done it in the past. They have both lines go in, but the reserved line gets more people in. I believe it was a 5:1 ratio for the iPad. So for every 5 people in the reserved line that went in, 1 person from the non-reserved line went in.

Well I was like the 8th person in the reserved line so who knows if they started doing something like this later, but the way they announced it before we went in it didn't seem like it.

Although Miami Beach is it's own world so maybe they just do things different there.


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Jun 20, 2009
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Trust me...Apple will not let you sign the contract unless your the primary account holder. AT&T will allow

Is this 100% confirmed? I remember seeing some members post here that they have purchased their iPhones at the apple store w/ out any problems, even though they were not the primary account holder. Can other people confirm this?

This would be my one and only obstacle come Thursday because I am not the primary account holder but an authorized user, and I plan to pick up a reserved iPhone 4, and would not be a happy camper if I was rejected due to that X factor.


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Apr 28, 2009
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Since my reservation is confirmed, I'm gonna saunter over around 9 - after the crowd has thinned out.


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Apr 26, 2010
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I haven't really decided what time I will get there. I'm tempted to go at 5, but I really don't want to have to wait in line 2 hours. After reading the legal copy at the bottom of the email I'm almost wishing I would have pre-ordered it instead. I don't understand the point of Apple's reservation system now. It says at the bottom (as a previous poster pointed out) "Pre-authorization does not guarantee iPhone availability at an Apple Retail Store. iPhone is sold on a first-come, first-served basis." So, for example, does that mean if I arrive *after* the reserve line has already been served, that my phone could go to someone else, simply because they were there first? But then the email also states that they will hold the reservation until the close of business on the 24th. Sort of confusing, isn't it?


Well-known member
Jun 5, 2008
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Since my reservation didnt go through like thought it did ill prob head over there at 5am. Bring my iphone and watch some tv shows... it will be 7am before you know it haha.


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Dec 19, 2009
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I haven't really decided what time I will get there. I'm tempted to go at 5, but I really don't want to have to wait in line 2 hours. After reading the legal copy at the bottom of the email I'm almost wishing I would have pre-ordered it instead. I don't understand the point of Apple's reservation system now. It says at the bottom (as a previous poster pointed out) "Pre-authorization does not guarantee iPhone availability at an Apple Retail Store. iPhone is sold on a first-come, first-served basis." So, for example, does that mean if I arrive *after* the reserve line has already been served, that my phone could go to someone else, simply because they were there first? But then the email also states that they will hold the reservation until the close of business on the 24th. Sort of confusing, isn't it?

Actually it does make sense. All that means is that if you were eligible for an upgrade and were authorized to get the special price, you are not necessarily guaranteed to get a phone. If you RESERVE a phone, you'll more than likely get one. All they're trying to do is make sure you reserve or pre order from what I gather.

It's like those credit card offers you get in the mail..."Pre authorized". It's very different from "Pre Approved".


Jan 24, 2010
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I will at the Kenwood Towne Center in Cincinnati. I'm taking the day off of work, but won't be able to get there until 9 or so. I have a reservation so I should be able to pick up my new iPhone 4.


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Apr 28, 2009
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Pre-authorization and reservation are two different things. If you have a reservation, there's one there for you.

You know those letters you get in the mail "you're pre-authorized for a $6,000 line of credit?" that doesn't mean you'll get it.

Put the two together - if you have an iPhone 4 reserved and you have the money...you're good.
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Jan 9, 2010
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My alarm usually wakes me up at 5:20am to get ready for work. Work already knows I'll be late that day so I'll get there about 6-6:30.

Bill McNeal

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Apr 23, 2009
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FWIW, I called my local apple store to check on my reservation today. They looked up my reservation and confirmed it, then I asked if it was first come first served on the reserved, and he said no. If you have one reserved, you will get it for sure.

I also asked if they'd have a seperate line for reserved and walk-up and he said yes, initially, then as the day goes on it would just become one line.

Hope that helps someone else as well.

I called the Apple Store in Newark, DE.

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