OTA Update / Jailbreak in future?


Well-known member
Aug 25, 2011
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Hi Pep's,

If i do an OTA update to 6.1 when it comes out. What restrictions could I face in the future on the jailbreak scene.

This is on my new iPhone 4S running 6.0.1.

First question is, can you just jailbreak it as normal. I know we won't know for sure until a jailbreak utility is released? But have we scene problems in the past. Or does it just relate to my second question below:

Second question is - I think it has an effect on if you want to downgrade in the future with redsn0w right?

Reason I'm asking this strange question at this time is because I won't have access to iTunes for 3 months from the 28th January and I'm worried in that time 6.1 will drop, jailbreak utility gets released and then a 6.1.1 could get released in that time frame to?

Can you see my point and worry? I know I'm spectulating after plantbeing's tweet. But the last time we had a tweet like that we saw pod2's poll for whether we save the exploits for ios 6 or burn them now for 5.1.1 and then Absinthe 2.0 dropped about 4/6 weeks following.

I'm just worring all the action could happen while I have no access to iTunes. So I'm hoping if I update my stock 4s from 6.0.1 to 6.1 OTA and then a utility is released, that I will then be able to use the utility when I'm home.

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Well-known member
Aug 11, 2010
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Well here's the big problem. Most jailbreak stuff, IE redsn0w requires that iTunes is installed in order to work, since it needs the protocols it installs in order to access your phone.

Aside from that, if you want to jailbreak, ever think you WILL jailbreak, do NOT update OTA. One, it's a bad habit to get into, as jailbroken phones cannot upgrade OTA and must always use iTunes, so you might as well get used to it. Also, OTA upgrades do not save the proper kind of blobs, so yes, it DOES affect your downgrade (not that A5+ devices can downgrade once they're on 6.x.x but maybe someday).

You can jailbreak a phone that was updated OTA. I have done it myself. But, if it's at all possible, you should try to use iTunes (and upgrade using the restore feature then restoring from backup after you jailbreak).

I do understand your concern with the timing, and that is probably what will happen. So. Here is my advice to you. If/when 6.1.1 drops AND a jailbreak is out for it, go ahead and update OTA, and find a computer you can install the JB utility on and jailbreak (though it may need iTunes if you use redsn0w, which means you should use iTunes to update ;P ). Then, as soon as you can, as long as they're still signing 6.1.1, I would restore to it, SAVE YOUR BLOBS, and then restore/jailbreak. It's very very very important that you do not save blobs from an OTA, or if Cydia does it, that you overwrite them, as they are incomplete and cannot be used for restores or downgrading.

Sorry about the wall of text, just trying to be thorough.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
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Quick things to add: I'm sure it's just a typo above but right now A5+ can't downgrade right now. And you might consider updating to 6.0.2 now and saving blobs—seems like a safe bet since Planetbeing is on 6.0.2 with his jb. I'm not sure you'll have to be on 6.1.


Well-known member
Aug 25, 2011
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Well here's the big problem. Most jailbreak stuff, IE redsn0w requires that iTunes is installed in order to work, since it needs the protocols it installs in order to access your phone.

Aside from that, if you want to jailbreak, ever think you WILL jailbreak, do NOT update OTA. One, it's a bad habit to get into, as jailbroken phones cannot upgrade OTA and must always use iTunes, so you might as well get used to it. Also, OTA upgrades do not save the proper kind of blobs, so yes, it DOES affect your downgrade (not that A5+ devices can downgrade once they're on 6.x.x but maybe someday).

You can jailbreak a phone that was updated OTA. I have done it myself. But, if it's at all possible, you should try to use iTunes (and upgrade using the restore feature then restoring from backup after you jailbreak).

I do understand your concern with the timing, and that is probably what will happen. So. Here is my advice to you. If/when 6.1.1 drops AND a jailbreak is out for it, go ahead and update OTA, and find a computer you can install the JB utility on and jailbreak (though it may need iTunes if you use redsn0w, which means you should use iTunes to update ;P ). Then, as soon as you can, as long as they're still signing 6.1.1, I would restore to it, SAVE YOUR BLOBS, and then restore/jailbreak. It's very very very important that you do not save blobs from an OTA, or if Cydia does it, that you overwrite them, as they are incomplete and cannot be used for restores or downgrading.

Sorry about the wall of text, just trying to be thorough.

Thanks for confirming and I thought that was the case with regards to downgrading if there was ever a time I needed to. I also understand now you have explained it about the redsn0w and iTunes part. I guess I'm going to have to see how things pan out on timing. I will also hold back on updating OTA, until it is really necessary.

I've never updated OTA, as I've always started from a fresh restore and jailbreak, it's just this time a may have to.

All will be ok if I can get hold of a computer with iTunes on it, but where I'm going I wont have access.

I will just keep a close eye out as I really don't want to miss this jailbreak. Always had an iPhone 4 in the past and I've always been able to have at least a tethered jailbreak. Then I bought my iPad 3 after pod2g's poll with 5.1 out of the box, then updated to 5.1.1 via iTunes and then Absinthe 2.0 dropped.

Just for the record, I find it very hard to live without a jailbreak.

Thanks again!!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2011
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I got your back Ollie.
If jailbreak drops and your in the Himalayas, just mail me your phone and I'll fix it right up then mail it back.
I too cannot live without a jailbreak


Well-known member
Apr 3, 2010
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Hi Pep's,

If i do an OTA update to 6.1 when it comes out. What restrictions could I face in the future on the jailbreak scene.

This is on my new iPhone 4S running 6.0.1.

First question is, can you just jailbreak it as normal. I know we won't know for sure until a jailbreak utility is released? But have we scene problems in the past. Or does it just relate to my second question below:

Second question is - I think it has an effect on if you want to downgrade in the future with redsn0w right?

Reason I'm asking this strange question at this time is because I won't have access to iTunes for 3 months from the 28th January and I'm worried in that time 6.1 will drop, jailbreak utility gets released and then a 6.1.1 could get released in that time frame to?

Can you see my point and worry? I know I'm spectulating after plantbeing's tweet. But the last time we had a tweet like that we saw pod2's poll for whether we save the exploits for ios 6 or burn them now for 5.1.1 and then Absinthe 2.0 dropped about 4/6 weeks following.

I'm just worring all the action could happen while I have no access to iTunes. So I'm hoping if I update my stock 4s from 6.0.1 to 6.1 OTA and then a utility is released, that I will then be able to use the utility when I'm home.


It seems that planetbeing already has an untether iPhone 5 with 6.0.2 already so with the small bugs that Apple might fix in 6.1 update, it seems that the jailbreak is imminent


Well-known member
Sep 13, 2012
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Adding to what was already said, upgrade to the max that you can right now. And then, don't touch 6.1. planetbeing already said not to do so until told otherwise. There's no guarantee the bugs that work in 6.0.x will exist in 6.1. If they do, they'll likely throw together toys for 6.1. Otherwise, the new tools will be dependent upon you still being on 6.0.x.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2011
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Yeah me either. I'm trying to figure out when I should buy the iP5 so I can jailbreak it from the get go.

I'm literally sitting on a stack of cash waiting for the jb to drop so I can get a 5!
Although, I'm quite happy with my 4 where it's at...
The stupid American in me is never content though!