music from Itunes to Iphone


New member
Jan 23, 2009
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I just got an Iphone and I wanted know if Itunes automatically synchronices all songs from Itunes to the Iphone or if I can create some playlists I want to put on the Iphone.

My Iphone is only 8GB and I got about 10GB of songs. So I dont want to have all of them on my Iphone.

Thanks for your answers!



Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
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What I did for my iPhone was create one playlist and sync only that playlist to the iPhone. This way you can easily manage the memory since it tells you the size of the playlist at the bottom of iTunes while you are looking at it. It also gives you psuedo-manual management without having to go through checking/unchecking songs in my main library. This way I can just drag/drop/detele from that one playlist and only worry about messing with things that would go on the iPhone and not anything else.

I like this system and is fast and works well for keeping new music on my iPhone all the time. You could also make a genius or smart playlist.