iPad mini with Retina display | Image-retention issue | Narrow color gamut


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Jul 2, 2013
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One more time, if you have to read along on a website and seek out directions for finding a flaw, is it really a flaw? Still SMH.

People LOVE to seek put problems that will have no effect on using the iPad. This and the image retention thing tend to bring out the worst mental health problems in people.


Jun 2, 2011
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Hello guys,

Has anyone purchased an iPad Mini Retina lately? Are the display issues fixed in the latest units, since the availability of Ipad Mini Retina greatly improved in the latest weeks? I would like to get an iPad Mini Retina and I hope at least the image-retention issue has been fixed.


@NexusGirlX, thanks for your quick reply.

What about the color gamut? Are you happy with the colors on your Retina Mini? Did you compare it to an iPad Air?

I've had my rMini since week 2 and haven't had any retention issues. As far as color gamut goes, is it really an issue? I'm coming from a iPad 3 & I bought an Air for my mom & never found the need to compare the screens. Each device has a great screen. I upgraded from the 3 because I was tired of carrying a brick around and I didn't get the Air for myself because its still not small enough to fit in my smaller purses. I absolutely love the device and refuse to let what someone else "thinks" sway my decision. I wanted a super portable iPad with more memory and a better screen than the original Mini.....my 128GB rMini fits the description perfectly!!!

People LOVE to seek put problems that will have no effect on using the iPad. This and the image retention thing tend to bring out the worst mental health problems in people.



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Jul 2, 2013
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Can you please give the production week of your iPad ?

Klantenservice: Serienummers

I have been changing my iPad rMini 32 GB LTE for the 4th time because of terrible image retention!

How do you know you have image retention? Don't say it's because you did that dumb checkerboard test for 10 minutes so you have to have image retention, right? That test is worthless if the only way you can get it to show up is to display that screen for 10 minutes. If you can still see text on the previous screen when that text was only on the screen for 20 seconds, thats a problem.


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Jan 1, 2014
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How do you know you have image retention? Don't say it's because you did that dumb checkerboard test for 10 minutes so you have to have image retention, right? That test is worthless if the only way you can get it to show up is to display that screen for 10 minutes. If you can still see text on the previous screen when that text was only on the screen for 20 seconds, thats a problem.

No, just open App Store and wait for 30 sec. and switch to a gray bg. The IR last about 15 sec. I tried a longer period and the formula is like this:
IR is the half of duration. For 4 min. IR last 2 min.


Jun 2, 2012
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It appears that IR is a very old story on iPads... So nothing to be surprised about...
[iPad] iPad 4 image retention - MacRumors Forums

From what I've read, it's seems that the iPad rMini Cellular is more concerned by the image retention phenomenon...

It could be very interesting to carry a poll with 4 choices:
- rMini Wifi only with IR
- rMini Wifi only without IR
- rMini Wifi+Cellular with IR
- rMini Wifi+Cellular without IR

So that people would like to exchange will be aware of their chance to have a screen without IR dependind upon their iPad model.
I bet that 75-80% of Cellular are affected...
Mine was manufactured week 51.

Btw, I confirm the retention is only noticeable when switching to a specific range of greyish solid background.
Grey backgrounds somewhat lighter or darker that the one used in the test show no IR.
And no IR at all on pure white, black, blue, red, green, etc...

After some hours of use, I can say the IR is nearly not noticeable during normal use, except if you search or provoke it.
Btw, far less annoying that uneven colors/brightness or dead pixels...

I also tested 4 others iPad (one 2, one 3 and two Mini not Retina) and all showed some IR, except the 3...

Given all this, I consider IR in the rMini is not a fault, but rather a technical lilmit of one of the new screen type used by Apple... Like color/brightness uniformity, backlighting bleeding are on other types...

Ironically, screens showing IR seems very good at color/brightness uniformity and backlighbleeding... At least it's the case of mine... and no dead pixel (finger crossed) ;-)


Jun 2, 2012
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Btw, this evening, I did some reading in iBook.
Using the 3 backgrounds available (white, sepia, black) and taking intentionnaly a -very- long time between pages, lookingh closely there was no sign of IR at all.

IR appears only in specific circumstances. And even then, most of the time, you've to look for it to notice.

Looks more and more like a "no issue"...

All iPad models have suffered from IR, and Apple has not changed its screen providers.
The rMini has a wonderfull display but if you want a free IR screen without exchanging 5,6,7... times, then you should switch to another tablet... for now at least...
Last edited:


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Mar 9, 2009
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I just wanted to know if there is any chance that Apple has fixed the colour gamut issue too with the latest stocks of rMini. And I think the best test to check this is to compare the rMini with the Air as others previously did.

I was ready to order an rMini but after reading about these display issues I can't really decide to go for the rMini or Air. This would be my first iPad ever. I previously owned a Nexus 7 2012 and I sold it because I wasn't happy with its washed out colors.

I live in Europe and there is no Apple store in my city. I was able to compare the Air at an electronics store with the 2012 iPad Mini and indeed there is an obvious difference in color gamut. I've read that the colors are not better with the rMini comparing to the previous year Mini

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It's nothing your going to see fixed in later stock. It's the same color gamut as first gen iPad mini. Just now retina. The screen is meant to be this way.


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Nov 7, 2012
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It's nothing your going to see fixed in later stock. It's the same color gamut as first gen iPad mini. Just now retina. The screen is meant to be this way.

It's weird how pretty much no one complained about the colour gamut on the original iPad mini


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Nov 3, 2012
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Do the Air and the iPad4 share the same colour gamut? This actually affects my decision greatly between an air or rmini. We have an iPad4 at home and because of it, I'm leaning more towards the rmini because of the mobility.

I'm not a professional photographer, but I would like consistency between colours. It would annoy me to have to put effort in getting the colours how I wanted them, only to find out they don't look the way I thought it should on the other device.

Perhaps, though, I should be more concerned about the colour gamut between my iPhone and the rmini since I always have my phone with me.


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Feb 6, 2012
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Do the Air and the iPad4 share the same colour gamut? This actually affects my decision greatly between an air or rmini. We have an iPad4 at home and because of it, I'm leaning more towards the rmini because of the mobility.

I'm not a professional photographer, but I would like consistency between colours. It would annoy me to have to put effort in getting the colours how I wanted them, only to find out they don't look the way I thought it should on the other device.

Perhaps, though, I should be more concerned about the colour gamut between my iPhone and the rmini since I always have my phone with me.

You will always be limited by the device they display on, no? Meaning you could perfect the colors on your device, yet will have zero control over a Facebook friend's ancient monitor.

Per past experience and many, threads around here, most of these "problems" wind up being much ado about nothing-else-to-pick-on. Seriously. There are real problems now and then, (and Apple will always, unfailingly make it right). But Apple products work so well, so often, that people are left looking under rocks for problems (thank you Fausty82).

Best advice: try one. See how it works for you. Make your own decision. Your own eyeballs will be the best judge of what satisfies you.


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Nov 3, 2012
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You will always be limited by the device they display on, no? Meaning you could perfect the colors on your device, yet will have zero control over a Facebook friend's ancient monitor.

Per past experience and many, threads around here, most of these "problems" wind up being much ado about nothing-else-to-pick-on. Seriously. There are real problems now and then, (and Apple will always, unfailingly make it right). But Apple products work so well, so often, that people are left looking under rocks for problems (thank you Fausty82).

Best advice: try one. See how it works for you. Make your own decision. Your own eyeballs will be the best judge of what satisfies you.

I get that people look for problems all the time. And it isn't limited to Apple products, people just don't know how to take things into perspective.

In this situation, the image retention issue certainly seems like a non-issue to me, however, limited colour range between the rMini and the full sized retina iPads isn't.

Oddly enough, I'm more concerned about how I see colours and not how they look to others. I'm very limited in my skills regarding photo touch ups that I focus in on the things I do know how to do.

You're right though, I need to see which one works for me. In my situation, I will have a full sized retina tablet side by side with the rMini, and I know that it would bother me quite a bit in seeing a variance between the colours.

On the upside, from further reading, the difference in colour ranges don't seem to be too drastic, and that, I can live with.


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Oct 11, 2013
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FWIW, I *am* a professional photographer, and I am still getting the iPad mini with Retina. Why? Because it fits my needs better than the iPad Air and because I wouldn't do any critical editing on an uncalibrated display anyway. Ever! That sort of work gets done back at the studio, on a recently calibrated monitor and under controlled room lighting.

So, to make a long story short, the narrow colour is not an issue for someone like me. I wouldn't use an iPad for critical work anyway, and neither would I use a laptop (unless it was connected to an external high gamut display that has been calibrated). I use my laptop and my iPad for work all the time, it's just that the work I do on my portable devices is never the final product.

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Jun 2, 2012
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Definitively my last post in this thread... A little story similar to other post about image retention (IR) on iPads...

Yesterday my mother came with its iPad 4.
Her and my father are using it heavily since more than one year now, as well as myself for "support" ;-).
They are specially happy with the speed and the quality of the retina screen (even colours, vivid, no taint, no dead pixel).
They never complained about the product quality, display or other...
And true, it's a great device...

By curiosity, I quickly and discretly did the Marco test: same IR than the rMini.
Of course I told nothing to my mother.

Conclusion: since at least more than a year, Apple heavily use a retina screen type that could be reviewed like this:

PROs: even taint, vivid colors, no bleeding... Happy users :)
CONs: technical limitation: some image retention NOT visible during normal use

Now you are aware... This IR-gate should stop... It's incredible all this buzz for nothing...

Enjoy your rMini and forget about perfection...:cool:


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Nov 25, 2013
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It's because it wasn't an issue just like it's not on the retina mini.

In my case, it were because I put the difference in display colour reproduction of the original Mini (with say an iPad 3) down to it being "non retina".....I for one was very disappointed with the less than optimal CR of the rMini.


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2014
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I am disappointed with color fidelity issues as well, I do lots of amateur photography and not getting the same properly calibrated colors as my wife's iPad 3 was a letdown, especially at that price. However, I need a portable tablet, and I still feel Mini Retina is the best out there, at least the one that will likely work two years later (I didn't have the best experience with various Android devices).

The color retention is a joke. Try running the test on any device and you'll get retention. Nobody in their right mind is using the device like that.

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