iPad mini with Retina display | Image-retention issue | Narrow color gamut


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Feb 6, 2012
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On November 12th I ordered an iPad mini with Retina display from Apple. Soon thereafter I began reading reports that its display has a narrower color gamut than the iPad Air and that some units are showing image-retention. This is the image-retention test page made by Marco Arment, the creator of Instapaper: Retina MBP (rMBP) image-retention test. I tried it on my first-generation iPad and was surprised to discover that it exhibits the image-retention issue. I would not have noticed if it was not for the test. And yet, after paying $829 for an iPad mini, I am not happy about purchasing a product with a lesser display --meaning a display with a narrow color gamut that is prone to image-retention. Since the first rumors that Apple was working on an iPad mini surfaced in February 2011, I have been holding-out on replacing my primitive iPad. When it was finally released without a Retina display on November 2012 I was disappointed and continued to wait. Should I return the iPad mini that has already shipped and wait until 2014 when Apple releases one with a better display? I do not like the larger 10-inch form-factor. What are your thoughts on this?

First- 'narrow' color range cracks me up when I recall childhood, with MSDOS in the wide range of: Amber. Or green. On sea of pixelated black.

Better is quite relative. Will you buy when it seems like "best ever" or when it is loads better than what you've got?

You could spend days comparing a bunch of images next to each other (on a screen that degrades them both). Or you could try try it --for real-- next to what you just called your "primitive iPad". That is the comparison you will *experience* vs the one you will read about and try to decide on based on images on your primitive iPad. Bit like viewing crystal through wax paper, that.

Do let us know if you take your iPad to the store, compare it to the mini with retina, and walk away feeling like the mini-R is not good enough:).


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Sep 24, 2012
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First- 'narrow' color range cracks me up when I recall childhood, with MSDOS in the wide range of: Amber. Or green. On sea of pixelated black.

Better is quite relative. Will you buy when it seems like "best ever" or when it is loads better than what you've got?

You could spend days comparing a bunch of images next to each other (on a screen that degrades them both). Or you could try try it --for real-- next to what you just called your "primitive iPad". That is the comparison you will *experience* vs the one you will read about and try to decide on based on images on your primitive iPad. Bit like viewing crystal through wax paper, that.

Do let us know if you take your iPad to the store, compare it to the mini with retina, and walk away feeling like the mini-R is not good enough:).

Your comment about MS-DOS made me smile; I purchased my first PC in 1984. I compared the displays of the iPad Air and iPad mini Retina side-by-side at Best Buy. Of course, I prefer the bright saturated colors of the iPad Air but decided that it is worth making the compromise for the mini because of its convenient form-factor.


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Sep 24, 2012
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The iPad mini Retina that I ordered (128GB WiFi CELL Gray) arrived yesterday. These are my impressions after an initial inspection.

The narrow color gamut is not an issue to me. I prefer having the convenience of the mini?s form factor than the bright saturated colors of the Air.

After performing Marco Arment's test, I found the display to have image retention. The higher the brightness the more noticeable the image retention was. At 100% brightness the image retention issue was very noticeable. So far, image-retention is not noticeable during normal use. I did not notice yellowing or bleeding. Could not detect any dead pixels. And the brightness of the display was reasonably uniform.

I will continue to observe how the unit performs, but I am not inclined to keep it for the full length of the usual life-cycle for tablets. I am disappointed. In my view, if Apple did not intend the display to have image-retention, it is a defect even if it is not noticeable during normal use. And who can assure me that image retention will not get worse over time?

What are my options?

  1. Return it and order a new unit hoping that that it will not have the image-retention issue.
  2. Keep it until the next refresh of the iPad mini at which time I could give it to my child.

According to the most recent results of the iMore poll, 33.49% of those who voted encountered image-retention with their iPad mini Retina displays. If I return it and reorder right way, my chances of winning the Apple display lottery would not be as high as if I wait until January 7[SUP]th[/SUP]. By then, Apple might have secured a supply of better displays. Also by January 7[SUP]th[/SUP] the rumor mill might provide an indication of whether Apple intends to refresh the iPad mini soon. It is rumored that Apple will release a 12.9? iPad together with the iPhone 6 on March 2014. And it is reasonable to anticipate that if Apple releases a new iPad it will equip its iPad line with fingerprint sensors.

I will make my decision by January 7[SUP]th[/SUP].


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Jun 24, 2011
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The iPad mini Retina that I ordered (128GB WiFi CELL Gray) arrived yesterday. These are my impressions after an initial inspection.

The narrow color gamut is not an issue to me. I prefer having the convenience of the mini?s form factor than the bright saturated colors of the Air.

After performing Marco Arment's test, I found the display to have image retention. The higher the brightness the more noticeable the image retention was. At 100% brightness the image retention issue was very noticeable. So far, image-retention is not noticeable during normal use. I did not notice yellowing or bleeding. Could not detect any dead pixels. And the brightness of the display was reasonably uniform.

I will continue to observe how the unit performs, but I am not inclined to keep it for the full length of the usual life-cycle for tablets. I am disappointed. In my view, if Apple did not intend the display to have image-retention, it is a defect even if it is not noticeable during normal use. And who can assure me that image retention will not get worse over time?

What are my options?

  1. Return it and order a new unit hoping that that it will not have the image-retention issue.
  2. Keep it until the next refresh of the iPad mini at which time I could give it to my child.

According to the most recent results of the iMore poll, 33.49% of those who voted encountered image-retention with their iPad mini Retina displays. If I return it and reorder right way, my chances of winning the Apple display lottery would not be as high as if I wait until January 7[SUP]th[/SUP]. By then, Apple might have secured a supply of better displays. Also by January 7[SUP]th[/SUP] the rumor mill might provide an indication of whether Apple intends to refresh the iPad mini soon. It is rumored that Apple will release a 12.9? iPad together with the iPhone 6 on March 2014. And it is reasonable to anticipate that if Apple releases a new iPad it will equip its iPad line with fingerprint sensors.

I will make my decision by January 7[SUP]th[/SUP].

Try using this image retention test and tell me your results http://www.mitchmalone.name/retina-test/

Sent from my 64 gig Retina IPad Mini


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Sep 24, 2012
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Mitch Malone may have done a better job than Marco Arment with his image retention test by including several duration and background options. But there is a variable that both neglected: brightness. I performed Mitch Malone's test with the 10-minute and grey bumps options at 100% brightness and did not notice image retention. Mitch Malone did not say why the grey bumps background was the "Best Choice." I also tried it with the plain grey background option but Mitch Malone's grey is indistinguishable from the black that Apple uses for its test. Therefore, I repeated the test and switched to Marco Arment's grey background page. This time image retention was clearly noticeable.

Try using this image retention test and tell me your results MacBook Pro with Retina - Image Retention Test

Sent from my 64 gig Retina IPad Mini


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Feb 6, 2012
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Who in there right mind would leave their screen on for 10 minutes on an image of a checkered flag. Are you freaking kidding me? Have human critical skills sunk so badly that they cannot see how highly unlikely anyone will do this on a day-to-day basis!

Next scandal iPad Mini-R image burn - in problem!

Well sure, with all the image-retention testing....😝😝😝


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Aug 26, 2011
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Look just because you went looking or a problem and found one doesn't mean that the problem isn't there and NEEDS to be taken care of. I have a problem with my screen and I'm going to get it replaced because I didn't not pay for a sub par product. Regardless of the number of products X company sells or the reputation of X company that X company has to see what it's promised.

You cannot washout the significance of an issue because you went looking for it.


Dec 11, 2012
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I bought a 32GB iPad Mini the day it came out. I didn't think to test for this issue until maybe a week later. And when I tested it with Marco's test, it showed no hint of image retention.
I just got a 64GB Verizon iPad Mini and tested it a couple hours out of the box and it's showing very obvious signs of image retention. I'm hoping that maybe after a few days of use the issue will go away, does anyone know if could be true?

To me it seems pretty minor. But I'm a little OCD and know that now that someone has pointed out the flaw, my eyes are going to be looking for it all the time. Argh!


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Nov 25, 2013
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The narrow colour gamut caused me to return my Mini for an Air. Mine had no retention issue.

I bought the rMini believing it was a Retina as our old iPad3 is a Retina.....so when I compared pictures from the Toowoomba Festival of Flowers on both devices (rMini/iPad3) side by side, I couldn't believe how different they looked on my new rMini. I felt duped. It wasn't that I wasn't satisfied with the old Mini (so therefore by default, should be happier with the new rMini), it was that I expected the new rMini to be what I see as a "true Retina" display. It simply isn't. I think it's very apparent with blues and red hues, not subtle at all - and the Air being an in-between size, with a glorious "true Retina" display - well, it simply suits me much better. The rMini screen is undoubtedly a huge improvement over the first Mini display, as is it's processing speed, but colour reproduction matters too.

On the other hand, although my wife can see this difference as plain as day, comparing my new Air with her new rMini (she noted that in one of the pics, the blue hue of her sweatshirt was actually the true colour of the garment on the Air and lighter on the rMini), she doesn't want to swap it out. Wild horses won't separate her from the new rMini, so it's definitely a personal thing. Form factor against absolute display quality. She calls my Air a "still an iBrick" - very harsh!

I can post a series of pics demonstrating what I have put if anyone is interested....
Last edited:


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Nov 26, 2013
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Newbie here. Been holding off buying a Mini until now, and bought a 64GB cellular version the first chance I got. I was torn between the Air and the rMini to be honest.

I learned about the screen issues only AFTER I bought the rMini so now that I've learned to live with the narrower color gamut, I tested the screen for image retention, and yup I do have it. Although I have to comment that using the test posted on this thread compared to Marco Arment's test, it was most apparent on his.

The next question is; do I return it or live with it. I've already been to the nearest genius bar, and they were already prepared to do a swap with the last 64GB cellular unit they had on hand, but when we ran the test together, that unit had retention as well. We went down to the demo floor and took a 16GB wifi model, tested it and saw none. I'm starting to see a trend here though, most of the units I've read on forums to be affected were cellular models (correct me if I'm wrong) 64GB and up.

So the guy gave me his calling card, and told me to call back within 2 weeks to check if they had new stock and come on by to get my replacement. Good service, thumbs up, Apple.

Although now, I kind of torn whether to sell my rMini in the secondary market and use the funds to buy an Air instead. Decisions, decisions.


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Aug 26, 2011
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Newbie here. Been holding off buying a Mini until now, and bought a 64GB cellular version the first chance I got. I was torn between the Air and the rMini to be honest.

I learned about the screen issues only AFTER I bought the rMini so now that I've learned to live with the narrower color gamut, I tested the screen for image retention, and yup I do have it. Although I have to comment that using the test posted on this thread compared to Marco Arment's test, it was most apparent on his.

The next question is; do I return it or live with it. I've already been to the nearest genius bar, and they were already prepared to do a swap with the last 64GB cellular unit they had on hand, but when we ran the test together, that unit had retention as well. We went down to the demo floor and took a 16GB wifi model, tested it and saw none. I'm starting to see a trend here though, most of the units I've read on forums to be affected were cellular models (correct me if I'm wrong) 64GB and up.

So the guy gave me his calling card, and told me to call back within 2 weeks to check if they had new stock and come on by to get my replacement. Good service, thumbs up, Apple.

Although now, I kind of torn whether to sell my rMini in the secondary market and use the funds to buy an Air instead. Decisions, decisions.

The color thing isn't that bad that is blown over proportion. I don't see it and I have both.

-Yar I be a Pirate according to Phil and Co. At AndroidCentral because I run 10.2.1 and sideload


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Nov 26, 2013
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I agree entirely that the color thing is kind of overblown, but maybe for some users the reaction is justified, like say photo-edit heavy people like photographers and such, which I am not, so like I said I learned to live with it.

It's just this retention thing that's annoying, to be honest I wouldn't have known if I hadn't run the test but I just don't feel like parting with so much money to get a product with a defect. I dunno, maybe I'm anal too. -_-


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Dec 30, 2013
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Hello guys,

Has anyone purchased an iPad Mini Retina lately? Are the display issues fixed in the latest units, since the availability of Ipad Mini Retina greatly improved in the latest weeks? I would like to get an iPad Mini Retina and I hope at least the image-retention issue has been fixed.



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Jul 2, 2013
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Hello guys,

Has anyone purchased an iPad Mini Retina lately? Are the display issues fixed in the latest units, since the availability of Ipad Mini Retina greatly improved in the latest weeks? I would like to get an iPad Mini Retina and I hope at least the image-retention issue has been fixed.

I bought a 128GB Verizon Retina Mini on Saturday and have no problems with image retention. There is no uneven lighting and I am extremely happy. I exchanged my 32GB for the 128GB.


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@NexusGirlX, thanks for your quick reply.

What about the color gamut? Are you happy with the colors on your Retina Mini? Did you compare it to an iPad Air?


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Jun 23, 2010
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@NexusGirlX, thanks for your quick reply.

What about the color gamut? Are you happy with the colors on your Retina Mini? Did you compare it to an iPad Air?

Why would one compare it to the iPad Air? Do you plan on using the two devices side by side? The iPad Mini/Retina is a stand alone device. Purchase and use it (or not) based on its own merits. SMH.


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Dec 30, 2013
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I just wanted to know if there is any chance that Apple has fixed the colour gamut issue too with the latest stocks of rMini. And I think the best test to check this is to compare the rMini with the Air as others previously did.

I was ready to order an rMini but after reading about these display issues I can't really decide to go for the rMini or Air. This would be my first iPad ever. I previously owned a Nexus 7 2012 and I sold it because I wasn't happy with its washed out colors.

I live in Europe and there is no Apple store in my city. I was able to compare the Air at an electronics store with the 2012 iPad Mini and indeed there is an obvious difference in color gamut. I've read that the colors are not better with the rMini comparing to the previous year Mini

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk


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Jul 2, 2013
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@NexusGirlX, thanks for your quick reply.

What about the color gamut? Are you happy with the colors on your Retina Mini? Did you compare it to an iPad Air?

I didn't have a reason to compare the two. I had the original Mini and there was no question that I would be getting the Retina Mini. I think the Mini has an amazing display. This color gamut thing isn't an issue.


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Jun 23, 2010
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I just wanted to know if there is any chance that Apple has fixed the colour gamut issue too with the latest stocks of rMini. And I think the best test to check this is to compare the rMini with the Air as others previously did.

I was ready to order an rMini but after reading about these display issues I can't really decide to go for the rMini or Air. This would be my first iPad ever. I previously owned a Nexus 7 2012 and I sold it because I wasn't happy with its washed out colors.

I live in Europe and there is no Apple store in my city. I was able to compare the Air at an electronics store with the 2012 iPad Mini and indeed there is an obvious difference in color gamut. I've read that the colors are not better with the rMini comparing to the previous year Mini

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

One more time, if you have to read along on a website and seek out directions for finding a flaw, is it really a flaw? Still SMH.