iPad mini with Retina display | Image-retention issue | Narrow color gamut


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Sep 24, 2012
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On November 12th I ordered an iPad mini with Retina display from Apple. Soon thereafter I began reading reports that its display has a narrower color gamut than the iPad Air and that some units are showing image-retention. This is the image-retention test page made by Marco Arment, the creator of Instapaper: Retina MBP (rMBP) image-retention test. I tried it on my first-generation iPad and was surprised to discover that it exhibits the image-retention issue. I would not have noticed if it was not for the test. And yet, after paying $829 for an iPad mini, I am not happy about purchasing a product with a lesser display --meaning a display with a narrow color gamut that is prone to image-retention. Since the first rumors that Apple was working on an iPad mini surfaced in February 2011, I have been holding-out on replacing my primitive iPad. When it was finally released without a Retina display on November 2012 I was disappointed and continued to wait. Should I return the iPad mini that has already shipped and wait until 2014 when Apple releases one with a better display? I do not like the larger 10-inch form-factor. What are your thoughts on this?


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Jun 23, 2010
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My thoughts on this?

I bought my retina Mini and am happy with it. I don’t use it while comparing my screen constantly to the various metrics published on the web. I ran the image retention text on Marco Arment's web page, and didn’t see anything on my device that concerned me. Every screen has some level of image retention, but mine cleared in less than a second or two... as far as the "narrow color gamut", I don’t see that as an issue either. Mine is fine. The retina screen is nicer that I expected it to be, and I am happy with how I spent my money. If you have issues with your retina iPad Mini, or are simply not happy with it, return it.

IMHO, sometimes I think all these "reports" on the Internet are doing us a huge disservice - I think that it’s funny that everything is fine until we read that someone else has a problem or "thinks" they have a problem... then suddenly their previously problem-free device is the worst device ever manufactured. I get the fact that we paid hard earned cash for these devices and want them to be as good as possible... but if you didn’t notice a problem until after you read an online report, WTF?

[/Rant over]


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Oct 26, 2004
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I got the issues too. I haven't decided if I'm keeping the 829 version. I may downgrade it (such as going to the wifi version) not wanting to splurge on something that yet has some compromises . Or I may try an Air again. And something affecting both is still a very buggy iOS 7. I had my retina Mini freeze for like 30 seconds in safari (on iMore's site). This wasn't restored but fresh iOS 7. The home button didn't work, just frozen.


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Oct 12, 2011
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I personally feel my retina mini is the best tablet I've owned. The color gamut may not be as broad as some, but I'm not doing major photo editing that requires a calibrated display, for that I'll use my desktop. As far as retention, the steps to recreate it had me keeping a black and white static image on the screen for 10 minutes! My personal usage profile never has a static image for 10 minutes so for me this is not an issue. I did run the test for a couple of minutes and I did not have any image retention. I will say if the retention happened after a minute or two I might feel differently, but for my usage it's fine and the sharpness is just phenomenal.


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Nov 17, 2013
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I may downgrade it (such as going to the wifi version) not wanting to splurge on something that yet has some compromises .

That makes sense to me. I did that last year with the 1st gen mini, opting for 16GB w/ LTE, since I knew I'd upgrade to a Retina one if offered this year. This year I intended to buy a 32GB LTE, but ended up with a 64GB LTE as that was all I could find when I wanted it. Though my rMini doesn't have the image-retention issue, I'd be happier with a $629 investment in a tablet as opposed to a $729 investment, since this is just a supplement to my rMBP and not a laptop replacement for me.


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Mar 9, 2009
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Mine has it too. Not a deal breaker like the color issue though in my opinion. I agree, you have to look for this issue.


Jun 2, 2011
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My thoughts on this?

I bought my retina Mini and am happy with it. I don’t use it while comparing my screen constantly to the various metrics published on the web. I ran the image retention text on Marco Arment's web page, and didn’t see anything on my device that concerned me. Every screen has some level of image retention, but mine cleared in less than a second or two... as far as the "narrow color gamut", I don’t see that as an issue either. Mine is fine. The retina screen is nicer that I expected it to be, and I am happy with how I spent my money. If you have issues with your retina iPad Mini, or are simply not happy with it, return it.

IMHO, sometimes I think all these "reports" on the Internet are doing us a huge disservice - I think that it’s funny that everything is fine until we read that someone else has a problem or "thinks" they have a problem... then suddenly their previously problem-free device is the worst device ever manufactured. I get the fact that we paid hard earned cash for these devices and want them to be as good as possible... but if you didn’t notice a problem until after you read an online report, WTF?

[/Rant over]

I couldn't have said it better. My rMini was great before and after reading all these articles and blogs, its still great!!! I'm not using it at the same time as I'm using my iPad 3 or Air so color gamut isn't an issue and even after I ran the test, I have no image retention on any of my devices. I'm totally content with my purchase:)


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Oct 11, 2013
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My original iPad mini has retention. Didn't know about it till I ran the test today. And you know what? It won't stop me from buying the iPad mini with Retina. The simple fact is, most displays will have some retention, especially if you leave the grid image up for 10 minutes, like suggested in the instructions.

I wasn't even aware that my iPad mini had "problems" until I went looking for them. Ergo, I didn't have any problems with my iPad mini before today. (And I don't have any problems with it now. In normal use I do not see any image retention at all. None!)

To turn this around: Have any iPad Air owners run the same test? Does the iPad Air exhibit image retention after running the test for the full 10 minutes? I'll bet there will be some retention, even if just brief.


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Jun 24, 2011
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Who in there right mind would leave their screen on for 10 minutes on an image of a checkered flag. Are you freaking kidding me? Have human critical skills sunk so badly that they cannot see how highly unlikely anyone will do this on a day-to-day basis!!

I understand the color gamut issue. We all want excellent color accuracy from our iPads. But I do not use my iPad for photo editing or photography. I got it with one aim in mind: a portable tablet that I can hold and lecture from while I walk in the classroom. I can also edit my lectures on the fly while lecturing. To me the resolution of the screen was far more important than the color accuracy. The screen is amazingly sharp and I can read with it just fine. The original iPad mini screen was just bad.

Another issue I cared about was not having to worry about touch screen issues or GPS issues or apps that are not available or apps that are for a phone but are stretched to work on a tablet. I wanted a tablet that works right out of the box.

I also wanted prompt updates should there be any issues with the OS.

I thought about getting the Nexus 7 but reconsidered after reading about all the issues people are having with it. Then I discovered that the 7 is not even available on Verizon.

Sent from my 64 gig Retina IPad Mini


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Oct 27, 2013
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My original iPad mini has retention. Didn't know about it till I ran the test today. And you know what? It won't stop me from buying the iPad mini with Retina. The simple fact is, most displays will have some retention, especially if you leave the grid image up for 10 minutes, like suggested in the instructions.

I wasn't even aware that my iPad mini had "problems" until I went looking for them. Ergo, I didn't have any problems with my iPad mini before today. (And I don't have any problems with it now. In normal use I do not see any image retention at all. None!)

To turn this around: Have any iPad Air owners run the same test? Does the iPad Air exhibit image retention after running the test for the full 10 minutes? I'll bet there will be some retention, even if just brief.

If you stare at the image for 10 minutes you will experience retention issues with your vision. Better return your eyes!


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Sep 24, 2012
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If you want to see the problem, I guaranteed that you will find a way.

IMHO, this thread is a colossal waste of bandwidth.

I appreciate that you took the time to share your thoughts about this issue and value your opinion. I am even inclined to agree with you. But I will decide if the iPad mini Retina that I ordered is worth $829 after I use it. Given limited resources there is always an opportunity cost and I might decide that at this time my money is better spent on something else. One consideration is that I might regret the purchase if in March Apple gives the mini the same kind of display the Air now has. In the meantime, the display issues with the iPad mini Retina continue to attract the attention of the media as demonstrated by links that I shared. And I will continue to share them for the benefit of other forum members who have not made their decision.


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Jun 23, 2010
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I appreciate that you took the time to share your thoughts about this issue and value your opinion. I am even inclined to agree with you. But I will decide if the iPad mini Retina that I ordered is worth $829 after I use it. Given limited resources there is always an opportunity cost and I might decide that at this time my money is better spent on something else. One consideration is that I might regret the purchase if in March Apple gives the mini the same kind of display the Air now has. In the meantime, the display issues with the iPad mini Retina continue to attract the attention of the media as demonstrated by links that I shared. And I will continue to share them for the benefit of other forum members who have not made their decision.

I fully understand your position, and agree to a point. But I have said all along that no device is perfect... and if you look hard enough you will find a flaw... but if you have to read an online blog then spend time searching for the reported "problem", that perhaps it’s not really an issue.


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Sep 24, 2012
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The more I use my ipad Mini retina, the less I think of these issues that aren't really issues (tested negative on burn in..but I feel like a dope for risking dmg to the screen with that test). The screen is fantastic. I really don't have a problem with it. It's a keeper.

So there is an actual risk of damage to the display in performing Marco Arment's image-retention test? I thought that the warning was out of caution or a recommendation from Marco Arment's legal counsel.

By the way, I enjoyed the insightful analysis on the use of the IGZO panel.


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Oct 11, 2013
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If you stare at the image for 10 minutes you will experience retention issues with your vision. Better return your eyes!

Absolutely! Expcept then the burn-in will move around as you move your eyes. :) But definitely do NOT stare at the screen as you run the test, not if you want to be able to see it properly afterwards. :cool:


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Apr 27, 2011
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I couldn't have said it better. My rMini was great before and after reading all these articles and blogs, its still great!!! I'm not using it at the same time as I'm using my iPad 3 or Air so color gamut isn't an issue and even after I ran the test, I have no image retention on any of my devices. I'm totally content with my purchase:)
It is my understanding from reading up on this issue that not all of the rMini's have this problem. I also read a post where someone with the iPad Air found this problem and needed to have it exchanged. I tested my iPad Air and found no problem at all with this. However, even if I did find that my Air had this problem I don't think I would replace it if everything else on it was otherwise running as it should.


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Nov 21, 2013
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I received my mini last night, but haven't opened it ... yet.
While I'm not very concerned about image retention, the lesser gamut is a bit of a let down, especially after a year's anticipation.

I'm sure next year's mini will include Touch ID (nice, now that I'm used to it on my 5s) and a full sRGB coverage, but is there a point in waiting another year? With an original iPad and iPad 3 in the collection, I'd like the investment in a retina mini to enjoy some longevity before feeling compelled to upgrade.

While comparing the Air and retina mini displays, I heard someone at Best Buy ask their friend, "Why do you need another? You already have an iPhone, an iPad, an iPod Touch..." I thought, "because this one is 'finally' the Goldilocks iPad we've been waiting for from Apple."

In comparing the Air and the iPad mini retina, I noticed that the reduced gamut does a lot to make Apple's saccharine iOS 7 icons less toxically saturated and, in a sense, far more appealing. I might stick with this version of the iPad mini for that benefit alone!

I forgot that I'd like to use my mini to run Sketchbook Pro with an Adonit Jot. In that usage case, I might miss a broader color gamut. Apple. Apple. Apple...
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