iCloud music library - Tracks stuck on 'waiting'


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Sep 20, 2015
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Has anybody got a solution to the problem where large numbers of songs just won't upload to the iCloud music library?

i have got about 5,000 of my own 'non iTunes' songs uploaded but there's another 2,000 that just won't go. My total tracks is about 23,000 and I have deleted loads to get it below the 25,000.

i've tried continually restarting the 'update iCloud music library', I've signed in and out of itunes, I've logged every device out and then just logged in on my iMac, I've disconnected every other device in the house, I've closed down every other programme and I've spent several hours on the phone to Apple support.

Gems of knowledge from Apple Support have included 'the iCloud music library is stored in your personal iCloud storage so you need to buy more' and 'icloud music library cannot upload ripped CDs' (even though it's already uploaded 5,000 ripped songs).

There is no logic to the songs it won't upload, it has even done some songs from an album but won't do others.

The only other thing I can think of is that my upload speed is only about 0.5M and maybe it can't cope but it has coped with 5,000 songs already!

Any other ideas or thoughts would be very welcome.



Feb 20, 2014
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Select all songs that aren't uploaded, create a new folder in finder, drag all those songs to that folder and allow for it to finish copying all to that folder. After it's done, make sure all songs are copied.
Then go to iTunes, delete all songs from iTunes, (don't worry, you have copied them physically to your newly created folder).

Now go back to that new folder, select all songs, and drag them to iTunes. Hopefully this will trigger uploading again. I've done this several times with succes.

In my case, I got an error message, it wouldn't allow me to upload some songs to iCloud Music Library, I've waited a week or two before trying to upload them again.


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2012
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Both things Apple told you are absolutely wrong. Your music doesn't count in your iCloud storage and you absolutely can upload your ripped music. Hopefully Tartarus's suggestions will help because I haven't dealt with this and have no idea.


New member
Sep 20, 2015
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I didn't have any luck with that but tried copying the songs I need to upload onto my MacBook Air, took it into work and switched in iCloud music library on it using the super fast connection we have there. That got them going and my iMac at home seems to recognise them as being in the cloud.

I'm now having a few issues with live albums where the cloud version I see on my iPhone seems to be replacing some (but not all) of the live tracks with the studio versions. Any thoughts on that?


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