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I was going to come back to iPhone, but after today I'm re- thinking that !!!


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May 14, 2012
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I spend my money on what I like. You spend yours on what you like. What's the point of us going back and forth about it?

I think it's absolutely ridiculous that so many people love to say "what I have is better than yours!"

I love my 5S, that I paid for, because it's what works for me! I don't care about the phone you carry in your pocket...if it fits! LOL

I agree with you for the most part. It's not that we want to bicker. It's that the fight always finds it's way to our doorstep here at iMore, and I for one believe strongly in defending my home.


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Apr 4, 2012
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I agree with you for the most part. It's not that we want to bicker. It's that the fight always finds it's way to our doorstep here at iMore, and I for one believe strongly in defending my home.

I understand that. I just refuse to argue with someone else about why I chose one thing over another. Maybe I'm the weird one.

One thing I can say: I've never seen or heard an iPhone user approach an Android user with a whose phone is better conversation! They're always coming for us! LOL


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Sep 8, 2012
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I understand that. I just refuse to argue with someone else about why I chose one thing over another. Maybe I'm the weird one.

One thing I can say: I've never seen or heard an iPhone user approach an Android user with a whose phone is better conversation! They're always coming for us! LOL

The big argument for a droid before was that you could have a pentaband phone and jump back and forth among various carriers.

But since the iPhone 5 for T-Mobile came out, iPhone owners have been able to do the same. And now the 5s and 5c have these amazing antennas with lots of LTE bands, too, along with AT&T and T-Mobile 3G/4G frequencies.

Not going back in the foreseeable future. No reason to, now.


Sep 13, 2012
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One thing I can say: I've never seen or heard an iPhone user approach an Android user with a whose phone is better conversation! They're always coming for us! LOL

While that very situation undoubtedly exists, I must agree, that I seldom ever see the case where it is the iphone owner doing the provoking. I see the opposite in forums, comments sections, blogs, facebook, etc. I am not sure why that is either. I would think if one was so confident that their device/platform obliterates the competition, that they wouldn't feel so compelled to spew hate. Insecurity? That is all I can really place it upon. But I am sure they'd argue that too lol....

Alik Malix

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Aug 6, 2013
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Isn't android that OS that formats memory cards at random? Lags from screen to screen? Has UI force closings? Even stock app force closings? 3rd party apps that users can download which may contain malicious content? Overloaded Google bloat-ware? Consistent running useless background apps?

But hey I will give android some credit. They've come a long way way since vanilla. Although I've only used an Android OS device personally for like a week, I've been in the wireless field for years. These problems listed above are just a few incidents I've had to call in a manufacturers warranty claim about.. Meaning they happened in under a year.

I mean android is definitely cool.. To the average user who sees one commercial with neat features that are used as often as Palm Trios in 2013. Or to the "techy" who sees 1.5ghz quad core on a sales floor price tag with 3 other features and assume that means it's "real real fast." But let's be honest here, the OS is a decent experiment by someone who shouldn't have been in this particular lab in the first place.

To be honest I never understood why these arguments still exist... You don't see millions lining up to get the new Galaxy S device... You know, the one made with cheaper plastic than the "5cheap" that everyone made fun of... Then it turned out to be more solid than the GS3/4/Note that's frowning at you as the 5c commercial is shown on TV.

Sorry if that was a bit harsh, maybe call it unclassy. But the opposing side's arguments are becoming more and more clich? and it's quite annoying. Especially when I come to my beloved iMore community to engage in fantastic conversation about the product I love, and then I see the negative Nancy who took a wrong turn somewhere in Mobile Nations and decided to use the restroom at iMore. We should all stick to our area. Like kindergarten. Cause that's how it is in the tech world.


I agree with all u said except for the last part - the beauty of mobile nations is the ability to peek across the "border" (get it? Mobile nations: border)... I enjoy responding to trolls as I have been shoved countless iPhone "killers" since the inception and iOS+apple hardware is a really easy tool to put these folks in their place. I found that folks at android central are pretty decent guys, and sometimes I'm "that guy" in a thread that turns on the heat. But I think I'm just passive aggressive, because before mobile nations, my itch for tech chat we're click-bait articles where u gotta bring the nasty, unfortunately there are many like me from both sides - u gotta give 'em time or give them a smart answer - your choice.

Sekelani Zwambila

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Dec 17, 2012
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I been thinking about the word innovation in relation to what people EXPECT from apple to present each year. I've noticed one of the only ways to appreciate an apple product is by changing the product. Use a different competitors products e.g a samsung galaxy note or the galaxy 4 , try adjust and see what you like and dislike about it.

I've come to a few conclusions about this word innovation.
Innovation can be defined has enhancing something by creating something new, or a breath of fresh air from the norm.
Samsung is full of this, they add heaps of stuff that is crazy. It's pretty hot the way they add these futuristic features by moving your head , which scrolls a page.
All these things are innovation. Yes.
Sometimes subtle innovation is what works best for the average consumer.
Consumers don't wanna be confused.they want quality over quantity.
They want a device that is attractive that can do its function with innovation that is user friendly and at the same time built with precision.
The iPhone 5S possess this.
Some people may disagree, but the big question is.
Why do some of them come back to the iPhone?

Yes we know why!😜

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free


Well-known member
May 6, 2013
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Isn't android that OS that formats memory cards at random? Lags from screen to screen? Has UI force closings? Even stock app force closings? 3rd party apps that users can download which may contain malicious content? Overloaded Google bloat-ware? Consistent running useless background apps?

But hey I will give android some credit. They've come a long way way since vanilla. Although I've only used an Android OS device personally for like a week, I've been in the wireless field for years. These problems listed above are just a few incidents I've had to call in a manufacturers warranty claim about.. Meaning they happened in under a year.

I mean android is definitely cool.. To the average user who sees one commercial with neat features that are used as often as Palm Trios in 2013. Or to the "techy" who sees 1.5ghz quad core on a sales floor price tag with 3 other features and assume that means it's "real real fast." But let's be honest here, the OS is a decent experiment by someone who shouldn't have been in this particular lab in the first place.

To be honest I never understood why these arguments still exist... You don't see millions lining up to get the new Galaxy S device... You know, the one made with cheaper plastic than the "5cheap" that everyone made fun of... Then it turned out to be more solid than the GS3/4/Note that's frowning at you as the 5c commercial is shown on TV.

Sorry if that was a bit harsh, maybe call it unclassy. But the opposing side's arguments are becoming more and more clich? and it's quite annoying. Especially when I come to my beloved iMore community to engage in fantastic conversation about the product I love, and then I see the negative Nancy who took a wrong turn somewhere in Mobile Nations and decided to use the restroom at iMore. We should all stick to our area. Like kindergarten. Cause that's how it is in the tech world.



Absolutely not. You haven't used Android if you say that.


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Jul 15, 2013
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I do dislike ios 7. Unfortunately I will be force to use ios 7 in my 5s. what was wrong with ios 6 that they had to go and change it into that. It's almost like they are copying Microsoft strategy of making these changes from win 7 to that crap windows 8.

I hate the animation. I really wanna disable it and make it all go back to ios 6.

Yeah there are some ppl who would pounce at us if we didn't bow to everything that apple does on this forum.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


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Jun 27, 2013
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Absolutely not. You haven't used Android if you say that.

Actually he was pretty spot on if you are quoting the first part of his reply. From my experience with the platform, all but one of what he mentioned has happened to me and others I know who use it. That is why many leave once the new iPhone is released. For stability. Granted Android is great for customization, but that's not nearly as important if you are actually buying a smartphone to work properly with little to no problems.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2012
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Having owned every model iphone ever made including the 5s and also owning the Note 1, Note 2, GS3 and GS4, I can gladly say I have never had any problems with either iOS or Android.

Since I use both OS,s I read both and post on both forums, Android and iOS and I don't see one platform having more fails or issues than another platform.

Both Android and iOS are pretty solid OS's.



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Jul 15, 2013
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If you don't like it, then don't buy an iPhone 5S. You're not being forced to use it because no one is forcing you to buy a 5S or even keep your current iPhone assuming you have one. Don't like it, vote with your wallet.

I am using 3GS on 5.01 ios. I feel its time to upgrade. not liking a certain aspect, does not equate to outright boycotting the whole thing. There are positives and negatives. Ios 7 ain't great yet but my hope is that they modify it to be great. Asking or saying things need modification is wrong???

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Peter Cotton

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Nov 20, 2012
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Absolutely not. You haven't used Android if you say that.

I've used Android, across several devices. They are great to start of with, but because of the way the OS is designed, they become slower and more glitchy over time. The problem is that it hogs memory. Look at the specs for the iPhone 5s. They don't compare to the hardware in the Galaxy S3. Yet the iPhone 5s is quicker, smoother and much more stable. So where does the problem lie? In the OS! It's not enough to just stick a quad core processor in a phone and hope it will perform!


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May 9, 2011
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Ah yes bring out the troll comment cause I don't love everything branded Apple. How original!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

I was trying to keep it light - no offense meant - I know you are an Apple guy.

I was thinking of the Note 3, if for nothing other than the screen. But I'm not hearing glowing reviews. There is just nothing that compares to the Apple experience.


Well-known member
May 6, 2013
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Actually he was pretty spot on if you are quoting the first part of his reply. From my experience with the platform, all but one of what he mentioned has happened to me and others I know who use it. That is why many leave once the new iPhone is released. For stability. Granted Android is great for customization, but that's not nearly as important if you are actually buying a smartphone to work properly with little to no problems.

Actually he is wrong. Don't tell my experiences are bull**** OK? You don't ******* know me and all those problems you list used to happen in 2.x.x you also need to understand that Android 4.x.x is so stable. Just as stable as iOS and if you think so otherwise I don't know what to tell iSheep such as you( note I'm not calling everyone here iSheep. Only people that seem to think that Android is full of problems.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using iMore Forums mobile app


Well-known member
May 6, 2013
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I've used Android, across several devices. They are great to start of with, but because of the way the OS is designed, they become slower and more glitchy over time. The problem is that it hogs memory. Look at the specs for the iPhone 5s. They don't compare to the hardware in the Galaxy S3. Yet the iPhone 5s is quicker, smoother and much more stable. So where does the problem lie? In the OS! It's not enough to just stick a quad core processor in a phone and hope it will perform!

Seriously. Use a Nexus. It does not slow down. 4.1 massively helped and 4.3 helps even more with TRIM. Use an Android phone then come back to me(besides the Samsung phones)

Sent from my Nexus 4 using iMore Forums mobile app


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Apr 27, 2011
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Thread cleaned. Please keep this discussion friendly everyone, Thanks.

Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk Pro.

Peter Cotton

Well-known member
Nov 20, 2012
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Seriously. Use a Nexus. It does not slow down. 4.1 massively helped and 4.3 helps even more with TRIM. Use an Android phone then come back to me(besides the Samsung phones)

Sent from my Nexus 4 using iMore Forums mobile app

I used the HTC One. I agree that it was an improvement, especially over the Samsung range. I have also played around with the new Nexus device ( one of my friends is a die hard android fan!). I maintain the fact that while android is certainly getting better, it still cannot match iOS in terms of stability, security and fluidity.

Of course, that is merely my opinion, and you are entitled to yours!


Sep 13, 2012
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Actually he is wrong. Don't tell my experiences are bull**** OK? You don't ******* know me and all those problems you list used to happen in 2.x.x you also need to understand that Android 4.x.x is so stable. Just as stable as iOS and if you think so otherwise I don't know what to tell iSheep such as you( note I'm not calling everyone here iSheep. Only people that seem to think that Android is full of problems.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using iMore Forums mobile app

Slowly back away from the computer. I want you to GENTLY set the keyboard down. Now, I want you to go sit down, take a deeeeeep breath, and gather yourself. This has been a public service announcement.

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