I can no longer connect to other Mac using Apple ID (only tried with Macs on same LAN)


Feb 13, 2017
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As you all probably know it's possible to associate a macOS user with an Apple ID.
You can open "User and groups" settings pane, select a user and ctrl-click to get an "advanced" menu that opens up a sub-pane where there is a field for specifying one (or more) Apple IDs.
Under this field there is also a box where you can add "aliases".

Using this setting has made it possible to connect to the user account on another Mac simply by clicking on the computer in the Finder sidebar (at least if file sharing is enabled). It takes a short while and then it connects displaying "Connected as <the apple id>".

With Sierra this no longer works for me (from 10.12.0 up to the current release 10.12.4).

What happens depends on the "age" of the user account.

If the user account was created using El Capitan (or earlier), the "alias" box mentioned above contains an alias that points to a keychain key, com.apple.idms.appleid.prd.<lots of stuff>. If I'm logged in as such a user (and the corresponding user on the other machine has the same alias) and try to connect, it takes quite a while, then connects, but displays "connected as com.apple.idms....." instead of the Apple ID.

If the user account is created using Sierra, or if I remove the associated Apple ID and add it again (to an old user), this alias is not present and the connection attempt simply times out after quite a long time...
If I click "connect as..." and select "Apple ID" the dialog box just "shakes its head" and refuses to connect.

It does not help to re-add the alias manually.

I know there are other ways to connect but this "connect by Apple ID" was a quite efficient way of doing occasional connects so I hope they will fix this...


iOS & macOS Champion, Trusted Member
Jan 10, 2011
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I'm a little confused on what you are experiencing.

I, too, have noticed that since macOS 10.12, connecting to another Mac is that long string. I never noticed any loss of functionality, just a bit slower. However, to combat this long string, when I first connect, before Finder auto connects, I click the Connect As and use a registered user.

Try that and see if it helps.


New member
May 6, 2018
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As you all probably know it's possible to associate a macOS user with an Apple ID.
You can open "User and groups" settings pane, select a user and ctrl-click to get an "advanced" menu that opens up a sub-pane where there is a field for specifying one (or more) Apple IDs.
Under this field there is also a box where you can add "aliases".

Using this setting has made it possible to connect to the user account on another Mac simply by clicking on the computer in the Finder sidebar (at least if file sharing is enabled). It takes a short while and then it connects displaying "Connected as <the apple id>".

With Sierra this no longer works for me (from 10.12.0 up to the current release 10.12.4).

What happens depends on the "age" of the user account.

If the user account was created using El Capitan (or earlier), the "alias" box mentioned above contains an alias that points to a keychain key, com.apple.idms.appleid.prd.<lots of stuff>. If I'm logged in as such a user (and the corresponding user on the other machine has the same alias) and try to connect, it takes quite a while, then connects, but displays "connected as com.apple.idms....." instead of the Apple ID.

If the user account is created using Sierra, or if I remove the associated Apple ID and add it again (to an old user), this alias is not present and the connection attempt simply times out after quite a long time...
If I click "connect as..." and select "Apple ID" the dialog box just "shakes its head" and refuses to connect.

It does not help to re-add the alias manually.

I know there are other ways to connect but this "connect by Apple ID" was a quite efficient way of doing occasional connects so I hope they will fix this...

This is exactly my problem the "Connect As: Using an Apple ID" dialog shakes when I try to connect to my desktop from my laptop through Sharing in Finder. It used to work perfectly.

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