Hard drive crashed-have questions about syncing


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2011
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Ok so my laptop had a catastrophic failure of the hard drive so I can't retrieve anything off of it. I do have a back up of all my ripped music though. When I load Itunes on my laptop again I am worried I will lose my pictures that I had synced with a particular folder. It includes all my wedding photos and some other important pics that weren't taken with the phone. Since that folder no longer exists, what happens when I sync my phone for the first time? I just hope that since it won't find the folder that it won't just wipe them off my phone. I do have them all on an old computer but I was hoping to not have to transfer all that over again.

Also with my music-will it move all my music from my phone to the laptop or do I need to just pull it all off of the old computer too? I didn't have an iphone when I swapped to my current lap top so I haven't dealt with what to do when starting with a blank drive.

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