GOOD Jailbroken Themes...


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Sep 9, 2009
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Was having problems with the previous theme I had on [dBar 9], kept making my actual phone functions not work after a certain period and respringing seemed to be the only solution. Went back to the [dBar10] and used the A8stract icon template to redo pretty much all the icons since the icon package didn't have one icon I liked. Also relocated the weather, time, and calendar SB widgets since I rather have icons than just bottom bar tabs for phone, mail, safari, ipod, and messages.

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
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Was having problems with the previous theme I had on [dBar 9], kept making my actual phone functions not work after a certain period and respringing seemed to be the only solution. Went back to the [dBar10] and used the A8stract icon template to redo pretty much all the icons since the icon package didn't have one icon I liked. Also relocated the weather, time, and calendar SB widgets since I rather have icons than just bottom bar tabs for phone, mail, safari, ipod, and messages.

when you say phone functions, what do you mean? i've bee using dbar 9 (among a lot of other dbar themes) I found out that weather icon plugin was the cause of some of my phone issues.


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Sep 9, 2009
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when you say phone functions, what do you mean? i've bee using dbar 9 (among a lot of other dbar themes) I found out that weather icon plugin was the cause of some of my phone issues.

Yea, I believe it was the weather one for me as well. Like my phone would not work when I picked up a coming call, the line would be silent. I would hang up and call back, same issue. I noticed that the weather icon would display the unknown icon which meant my phone function was having that issue again. It goes away if i respring but I got tired of having to do that every couple of hours. The weather widget in the dBar 10 doesn't give me any issues so I'm sticking to that one for now.


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Jun 27, 2009
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OKay. Here is Memnoch's "1 page theme Mod" with a couple DBar Mods thrown in. Icons are Quab. Still working on the indented wallpaper for the second page. All icon layouts using Iconoclasm.



Allyson Kazmucha

Well-known member
Apr 5, 2009
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Just an update on our theme, here's a current screenshot of the text app (which isn't done yet) and the main screen with an updated Statusbar on the top.

Still working on icons, have about 300+ right now and we're aiming for 1,500 - unless we can get an icon mask and overlay done first, which we're hoping to get done by this weekend. If that's the case, then we'll release within the next week or two. Overlays are a pain though and we're having trouble getting it to size the default icon correctly. Hopefully that all gets sorted out this weekend.