Go with Iphone or Blackberry?? HELP FAST


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Nov 23, 2008
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My husband has an Iphone and I currently have the brand new HTC Fuze from At&T. I am returning the Fuze because I am just not a huge fan of the phone. I like the Iphone but was curious if anyone actually uses the phone for business purposes??

I would be using the phone for email pretty often and AT&T is trying to talk me into the blackberry bold. I have used blackberrys before but I like the versatility of the Iphone.

Opinions are appreciated!


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Nov 19, 2008
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Here's a nutshell response. iPhone can do lots more, but the Blackberries are always about email. They do push email very well so if email is you're biggest need, get the Bold.

For everything else, especially in the multimedia/web browsing/maps areas, the iPhone will be the one to have.

You're asking on a iPhone site, so i'm hoping you're expecting iPhone biased responses.


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Nov 23, 2008
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Thanks for the response. Honestly, yes I figured I would get more Iphone push responses, which is okay with me. Your point is pretty much the same point I keep making in my mind. If I wanted a phone that did strictly email I would go with the Blackberry BUT I don't want to base my $300 phone purchase strictly on work email, they aren't paying this bill I AM!

Thank you again for your response, I am about 99% sure I'm going the Iphone route today.


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Jul 7, 2008
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Basically what Reyza said.

-The Bold is a "business device" that has multimedia capability, while the iPhone is a "multimedia device" that is (I'm told) slowwwwly gaining acceptance in the business world.
-If e-mail/productivity are most important to you, the Bold (the most beautiful device this side of the iPhone) is your best bet. The iPhone does e-mail too, but come on: berries are still the king. On the other hand, the iPhone is supreme as far as music (iTunes) and web browsing go (I've tried the Bold's browser; it doesn't compare to the iPhone, but who does?).
-Both 3G powerhouse phones suck a LOT of battery.
-Both are incredibly versatile. I'm guessing the Bold has superior PIM features.

It's a tough one. When I upgraded from a Treo 700p, these were the 2 phones I narrowed it down to: IMO, these 2 phones are overall, the very best that the mobile world has to offer right now. And they're both backed/supported by the 2 biggest superpowers of the smartphone world: Apple and RIMM. It was a tough decision, but I did go with the iPhone--I don't work in the corporate world and music and web browsing are important to me for everyday living reasons. Also, the iPhone gets updates faster and more efficiently than anyone else. RIMM was the king for years, but that seems to be changing with Apple's growing dominance.
-The bottom line is that you really can't go wrong either way. Both the Bold and the iPhone 3G represent the best of the best right now. Just don't buy a Treo/Centro...
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Retired Moderator
Mar 27, 2005
If it matters, I can type faster on the iPhone's keyboard than I can on any physical keyboard. And I did have a BB Bold as a second device. Solid phone but I got bored real quick.


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Nov 23, 2008
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I was trying to decide between the same two, since my contract with sprint is up. The email doesn't seem to be an issue. After having treos, I found myself using the touchscreen more anyway, especially when the keyboard messed up on one of them. There's a comparisson by boygeniusreport that gives a good review.


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Nov 19, 2008
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My friend has a Bold and i played around with it. It is definitely media capable and the screen is beautiful. The one thing that it lacks is a convenient service like the App Store. I have around 75 Apps on the iPhone, I don't know if i'd be able to reach that with the Blackberry.

You'll be happy with either one, they are both powerhouses. I would use either.


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Sep 12, 2008
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I personally love the iPhone and believe any business user could get what they need out of this device.

I am currently a student and use my phone for: texing (A LOT), web browsing, iPod (24/7), email, games, and occasional apps like Digg or Facebook. :p

Here is what I found on ArsTechnica's iPhone 3G shortly after it's release:

"If you're a business user, then we feel the answer is no, it's not worth it. The original iPhone was not made to be an enterprise device, and the new iPhone isn't either. Although some baby steps have been made, BlackBerry users will find themselves frustrated with the lack of complete Exchange support and may even end up returning their devices, or at least carrying an iPhone alongside a BlackBerry. We already know several who have done this, and it will happen to many more." --ArsTechnica


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Jun 30, 2008
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For those that say the BB is all about emails. That may be true but the iphone does have exchange which the emails are just like the BB.


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Aug 3, 2008
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My friend you have reached out and therefore I will provide you with the insight you seek-
Sister you must come to understand one thing- patience. I own both an iPhone and a bb curve(work). I used to be a huge crackberry addict but had to try out the iPhone when it came out. The first generation left much to be desired (although it was still amazing) and do to certain missing feature (3rd part apps/push email/keyboard) I had to go back to the berry. When the 3g was anounced along with MobileMe I was once again lured in. Perhapse this would be it- and so once again I journeyed to the outer limits of AT&T where I sat in a beach chair all-night so that I would be assured a new iPhone 3g. I was not dissapointed. MobileMe while a bit rough has been amazing(I have just set up all other email account to forward to MobileMe so I have push all round- pretty much) and the 3rd party apps have been priceless. Only one thing now standeth between me and phone perfection- the keyboard. Here is where you must apply the key virtue I
Mentioned earlier sister:patience! For in my struggles to accept what the iPhone has provided me I have reached the fullfilment of a trmendous human persuit- I have become one single iphonoperson.
In other words if you really work on using the iPhone keyboard and don't just surrender and go back to the others you'll find the keyboard will be even more effective.

I just turned 30- literally 13 minutes ago so I'm wise now trust Me- LOL
Go iPhone!


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Sep 12, 2008
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Haha guys guys giver her some time...she is obviously in that "I-just-got-my-iPhone-and-cannot-stop-playing-with-it-and-trying-all-its-awesome-features" mode like we were when we first got our iPhone ;)


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Sep 17, 2008
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iPhone vs BB? Observation

I was on an airplane last week, sitting between 2 Blackberry users (myself having been a BB user for 6 years). Both were hard core, confirmed BB fanboys, but both were open (curious) enough to be interested in my iPhone. I spent an hour going over some of the features and capabilities, particularly business focused (brought up my Powerpoint presentation that I had just presented, using my iPhone and an AV cable - no laptop required), showed them how to manage email in far, far fewer steps, then on to other things like productivity apps, time and task management, even music and video.

They were amazed - as well as dismayed that their beloved BB, although it could do many of the same things, was clunky and cumbersome in accomplishing similar tasks. Both wanted to know why their IT departments banned iPhones from their use, when, obviously, the device and software was far superior to what they were using. Being an IT guy myself, I know that IT decisions are often [and erroneously] made based on comfort and familiarity, and seldom on cost effective performance - don't want to change what we already know how to support, even if the alternative is an improvement; although the transition is often expensive. :-(


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Jul 4, 2008
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I think it's going to mostly depend on your IT department. I use it for business but the BB has certain security features that are much more mature than on the iPhone. That said, I am our IT director and we allow iPhone. I can't imagine using a BB. This phone works so well and until we mandate a policy that the company pays for the phone, I am sticking with iPhone.


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Nov 3, 2008
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I spent an hour going over some of the features and capabilities, particularly business focused (brought up my Powerpoint presentation that I had just presented, using my iPhone and an AV cable - no laptop required), showed them how to manage email in far, far fewer steps, then on to other things like productivity apps, time and task management, even music and video.

Don't mean to threadjack, but how did you get the PP on you iPhone... and what other business apps are you using??

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