Foldable iPhone


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Dec 2, 2008
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Flip or fold it’s the same issue. Nobody wants an absurdly fat phone in 2022.
The old flip phones were much slimmer than the slabs of the time.

Yeah sure, you should pick up a fat flip to leave it in your pocket all day . Definitely can’t do that with an iPhone.

Go for it op. Don’t forget to use that tiny screen as the primary display as well.
Very true.
I don't remember the exact dimensions but I'm pretty sure the old flip phones weren't that thick. They didn't have a full screen when open but there was less chance of damaging it.
I don't know, they're all the rage right now. We'll have to see if it's just a temporary trend or if it sticks.


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Feb 5, 2014
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So it wasn’t that I said you should go ahead and get an absurdly fat phone and keep it in your pocket, as you stated earlier.

Are you now claiming that 15-16mm is not an absurdly fat phone in 2022?

Let’s try this again. My response to you was solely based on you saying that nobody wanted something as if you spoke for everyone. That’s it. Your post became meaningless to me when you made that statement. My response had nothing to do with how thick a foldable phone is. You’re a special kind of special aren’t you.


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Nov 7, 2012
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Let’s try this again. My response to you was solely based on you saying that nobody wanted something as if you spoke for everyone. That’s it. Your post became meaningless to me when you made that statement. My response had nothing to do with how thick a foldable phone is. You’re a special kind of special aren’t you.

As meaningless as someone wanting to buy an absurdly fat phone to keep in their pocket.

I see, so you expect answers but offer non in return, special indeed.

More cow bell please.


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Feb 5, 2014
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As meaningless as someone wanting to buy an absurdly fat phone to keep in their pocket.

I see, so you expect answers but offer non in return, special indeed.

More cow bell please.

You have clearly done everything that you can think of, which I’m sure is difficult for you, to dodge explaining how it is that you know what everyone wants or doesn’t want. Don’t bother replying with another diversion. The readers of this thread can easily see what you’re up to.


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Nov 7, 2012
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You have clearly done everything that you can think of, which I’m sure is difficult for you, to dodge explaining how it is that you know what everyone wants or doesn’t want. Don’t bother replying with another diversion. The readers of this thread can easily see what you’re up to.

Not really, you just refuse to answer my one question, which is a bit peculiar.

They sure can. Because everybody wants to buy an absurdly fat phone to keep in their pocket, amirite?


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Feb 5, 2014
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That’s not a foldable iPhone, now is it?

Nope, but you keep claiming that nobody wants fat “phone”. You seriously can’t even keep up with your part of a conversation much less anyone else’s. . I’ll bet you’re on ADD meds aren’t you.


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Nov 7, 2012
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Nope, but you keep claiming that nobody wants fat “phone”. You seriously can’t even keep up with your part of a conversation much less anyone else’s. . I’ll bet you’re on ADD meds aren’t you.

It was valid since that was the topic of the thread.
But posting a YouTuber who also owns a bunch of other slab phones as well doesn’t really prove the point you think you are proving.

You can’t seem to answer my question. Can you?

And a poorly based bet that would be, but hey if that’s what your on, no judgement here.


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Dec 2, 2008
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Foldable phones are selling out faster than they can make them. They are extremely popular right now. They are the foundation of Samsung's phone portfolio. They predict, very soon, they will represent more than 50% of their sales.

I'm not currently a fan but you can't ignore the obvious fact that people love them.


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Nov 7, 2012
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Foldable phones are selling out faster than they can make them. They are extremely popular right now. They are the foundation of Samsung's phone portfolio. They predict, very soon, they will represent more than 50% of their sales.

I'm not currently a fan but you can't ignore the obvious fact that people love them.

Sure if sales demonstrate that, but right now that doesn’t really look like the case. They haven’t sold out either I just checked Samsung and it’s says all of them are “in-stock” here in the uk even with the half off with a trade in promotion.

That’s actually the rub. Samsungs prediction is half of all premium smartphones, not all smartphones. And that bar is sinking fast.



And you are quite right you can’t ignore the fans that are buying it, however the fans that merely love it are quite inconsequential to these data points….until they buy a foldable.

Give it a week, YouTubers and everyone else will move on once the iPhone 14 is launched, just like last year and the year before that.

Edit: Non of the sources posted are from the Mogadishu times.


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2014
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Sure if sales demonstrate that, but right now that doesn’t really look like the case. They haven’t sold out either I just checked Samsung and it’s says all of them are “in-stock” here in the uk even with the half off with a trade in promotion.

That’s actually the rub. Samsungs prediction is half of all premium smartphones, not all smartphones. And that bar is sinking fast.



And you are quite right you can’t ignore the fans that are buying it, however the fans that merely love it are quite inconsequential to these data points….until they buy a foldable.

Give it a week, YouTubers and everyone else will move on once the iPhone 14 is launched, just like last year and the year before that.

Edit: Non of the sources posted are from the Mogadishu times.

Here we go with Samsung Hate all over again.

“Here in the UK” explains alot.


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Dec 2, 2008
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Sure if sales demonstrate that, but right now that doesn’t really look like the case. They haven’t sold out either I just checked Samsung and it’s says all of them are “in-stock” here in the uk even with the half off with a trade in promotion.

That’s actually the rub. Samsungs prediction is half of all premium smartphones, not all smartphones. And that bar is sinking fast.



And you are quite right you can’t ignore the fans that are buying it, however the fans that merely love it are quite inconsequential to these data points….until they buy a foldable.

Give it a week, YouTubers and everyone else will move on once the iPhone 14 is launched, just like last year and the year before that.

Edit: Non of the sources posted are from the Mogadishu times.
The Fold 4 and Flip 4 have been out for a few days. We don't know how sales will be yet. We can see how it's been trending.

Like everything else new technology starts out slowly and then, as prices lower, becomes available to more people.

I have a feeling if Apple was releasing one you'd be wetting your pants.


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Aug 27, 2021
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I don’t think they were extremely thick either. Certainly the screen flip out was thin because It was a crappy (pardon my English) little screen that got the job done (the whole phone got it done) but it was essentially an appliance LED front panel with just above calculator level processing. It could afford to save on LxWxH.
But then again it was a loooong time ago. I may not remember it correctly.


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Aug 27, 2021
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If I make 10 of them and have 12 buyers, that doesn’t make it a smash hit, that just beat my production order. In today’s business world, holding inventory is a big no no. What isn’t a big no no is stories that claim ‘they are selling amazing!’
Apple is not the biggest smartphone seller in terms of unit sales, Samsung is. I believe Apple is third. Apple’s type sales make it #1 only when counting the “premium” market. Apple’s production order is, reportedly, 90 million for the iPhone 14. Within the next 12 months Apple will obviously sell a lot of iPhone 14s but also a lot of other/pre 14 models. I think total unit sales will be are around 160 million units (that’s a guess-timate). Samsung will top that number by not an unsubstantial number though it will be non premium sales that buoy it to the number 1 spot.
Absolutely No offense intended but the idea flips will “very soon” be 50% of Samsung is a paid for or planted media story propagated by enthusiastic fans of flips/folds. And it is a story in one form or another that played out last year too and likely will play out precisely this way again one year from now. And with all that YouTube comical fanfare and the fold fans enthusiasm, it will still represent in effect a niche market. It will be a device utterly, colossally dwarfed by the existing smartphone type (non fold) including Samsung. And that’s the way it is.


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Nov 7, 2012
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The Fold 4 and Flip 4 have been out for a few days. We don't know how sales will be yet. We can see how it's been trending.

Like everything else new technology starts out slowly and then, as prices lower, becomes available to more people.

I have a feeling if Apple was releasing one you'd be wetting your pants.

Indeed but I wasn’t the one that claimed they were “selling out” when they obviously weren’t .

It’s been about 3.5 years since the first foldable was announced. Demand is just not there.

No thank you but if apple does release one feel free to wet your own pants, then as a nurse you might want to get that checked out.
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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2012
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If I make 10 of them and have 12 buyers, that doesn’t make it a smash hit, that just beat my production order. In today’s business world, holding inventory is a big no no. What isn’t a big no no is stories that claim ‘they are selling amazing!’
Apple is not the biggest smartphone seller in terms of unit sales, Samsung is. I believe Apple is third. Apple’s type sales make it #1 only when counting the “premium” market. Apple’s production order is, reportedly, 90 million for the iPhone 14. Within the next 12 months Apple will obviously sell a lot of iPhone 14s but also a lot of other/pre 14 models. I think total unit sales will be are around 160 million units (that’s a guess-timate). Samsung will top that number by not an unsubstantial number though it will be non premium sales that buoy it to the number 1 spot.
Absolutely No offense intended but the idea flips will “very soon” be 50% of Samsung is a paid for or planted media story propagated by enthusiastic fans of flips/folds. And it is a story in one form or another that played out last year too and likely will play out precisely this way again one year from now. And with all that YouTube comical fanfare and the fold fans enthusiasm, it will still represent in effect a niche market. It will be a device utterly, colossally dwarfed by the existing smartphone type (non fold) including Samsung. And that’s the way it is.



Trusted Member
Dec 2, 2008
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If I make 10 of them and have 12 buyers, that doesn’t make it a smash hit, that just beat my production order. In today’s business world, holding inventory is a big no no. What isn’t a big no no is stories that claim ‘they are selling amazing!’
Apple is not the biggest smartphone seller in terms of unit sales, Samsung is. I believe Apple is third. Apple’s type sales make it #1 only when counting the “premium” market. Apple’s production order is, reportedly, 90 million for the iPhone 14. Within the next 12 months Apple will obviously sell a lot of iPhone 14s but also a lot of other/pre 14 models. I think total unit sales will be are around 160 million units (that’s a guess-timate). Samsung will top that number by not an unsubstantial number though it will be non premium sales that buoy it to the number 1 spot.

That is exactly why they are pushing them. I believe the Fold 4 is something like $1800. I can't believe people spend that much for a phone. They were giving crazy trade in deals though to sell them.

Samsung is a giant right now and is, I think, trying to follow Apple's model in some ways. They put out quality products. It's always good for the consumer to have competition.


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Jan 8, 2012
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Many of us here had the Motorola StarTac back in the mid-90’s and loved it. It was a smash hit for the company and in my use case, very practical. It was always with me and kept securely in its holster. With that being said, it was not a “smartphone”. I didn’t watch videos on it or make video calls. I didn’t take photos or store music on it. It was merely a mobile phone.

Fast forward to today. I’ve played around with Samsung’s foldable phone while visiting a Best Buy store and I’ve seen the ads on TV. Unless Apple can make the iPhone the thickness of a toothpick, I’m not sure I’d be interested in a foldable iPhone.

With the Motorola StarTac, you flipped it open, dialed a phone number, held the device to your ear and you talked to the person you called. Its design was arguably perfect for phone calls. Looking at the Samsung ads, I know I’m not going want to watch videos when the phone is folded and the screen is at half its size. I’m not going to want to text someone as if I’m using an old T-mobile Sidekick for those of you who remember it from the early 2000’s.

It’s easy for “me” to agree right now that a foldable phone seems more gimmicky than practical.
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